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Steam power was the first power source for locomotives because it was readily available, reliable, and allowed for the transportation of goods and people over long distances. Steam engines provided the necessary force to move heavy loads and travel at higher speeds than horse-drawn vehicles, making them a more efficient means of transportation during the Industrial Revolution.

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Q: Why was steam power the first power source for locomotives?
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Where and when was the first steam locomotive invented?

It was built in Britain in 1804. The first public railway for steam locomotives in 1825.

What uses coal as fossil fuel?

Power plants, steam locomotives, and some homes.

What powered the first railways in America?

They were powered by steam locomotives. The steam was produced by burning wood or coal.

When was Sibiu Steam Locomotives Museum created?

Sibiu Steam Locomotives Museum was created in 1994.

What was the Nations first railroad for steam locomotives?

the d&h in honesdale pa

What are the different kinds of train locomotives from the first steam engine to todays latest train?

Steam, diesel, and electric.

The date of Britain first rail way?

Late 1700s. NB the first railways used horse power or manpower, steam locomotives came a few years later.

When did people stop using steam trains?

Steam locomotives were first developed in Britain and dominated railway transportation until the middle of the 20th century. From the early 1900s they were gradually superseded by electric and diesel locomotives. The introduction of electric locomotives at the turn of the 20th century and later diesel-electric locomotives spelled the beginning of the end for steam locomotives, although that end was long in coming. As Diesel power, more especially with electric transmission, became more reliable in the 1930s it gained a foothold in North America. The full changeover took place there during the 1950s. In continental Europe large-scale electrification had displaced steam power by the 1970s. There is more information at the related link.

Where does a steam locomotive get its energy from?

Most steam locomotives are powered by coal, but some types burn wood or oil. The fuel is burned in a firebox to boil water. The steam is fed to pistons that power the drive wheels via large crank rods. A few experimental locomotives used the steam to run a turbine instead of pistons. Some locomotives burn peat or farm waste such as field cuttings. Switzerland even built a steam locomotive that got its power from an overhead electric line.

What was the name of the first steam-powered locomotives that was developed by George Stephenson?

The first steam-powered locomotive that was developed by George Stephenson, was known as the Rocket.

When did steam locomotives get to the US?

when they wanted to:)

Why is diesel electric used on locomotives?

Diesel electric is used on locomotives because the diesel electric system is much cleaner and quieter and more efficient than the old steam locomotives. The diesel fuel is used to run a generator which produces electric power which is used to power the electromagnetic drive motors mounted on the locomotives axles!