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In terms of diet, unsaturated fatty acids are considered 'better' because they have a bend in their chains that makes them difficult to stack in the cell membranes. To correct this, the cells put a molecule of cholesterol in the cell membrane as a "shim" to make the lipid bilayer more stable. Because unsaturated fatty acids cause the cells to consume and utilize more cholesterol, they help to reduce the amount of circulating cholesterol which then reduces the risks for Heart disease.

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12y ago

If im not mistaken, you question is wrong.

In fact, saturated fats gives you more energy than unsaturated fat.

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Q: Why is it easier for your body to break down unsaturated fats than saturated fats?
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What is the difference in the way saturated and unsaturated fats act in the body?

The difference between saturated and unsaturated fats lies in the bond, because the shapes determine how the various fats act in the body.

When is fat unsaturated?

Fat is unsaturated when their molecules are able to bond to other biomolecules in the body. These biomolecules can break apart the fat for digestion. In saturated fats, the biomolecules cannot bond to the fat, so it does not break up, and it simply takes up space or passes through the body without doing anything.

Are saturated fatty acid good for the body?

No, unsaturated fatty acids are good for body. (PUFA is every better, poly unsaturated fatty acids)

Is saturated fat or unsaturated fat beneficial for a humans health?

yes, but what the body needs only (not too much) because increasing saturated fats in the body causes precipitation in the arteries which leads to a heart attack if it's not healed.

Excess fat whether saturated or unsaturated is stored as in the body.?

It is stored as fat.

Why are mono-unsaturated fats the preferred fats?

Because they are a bit healthier for your body. If the fat is saturated then it is not good for you but since this is unsaturated it uis good.

Should Americans avoid fat?

No. Fats (or lipids) are used to store energy. Saturated fats are (as the name suggests) saturated with other substances, which makes it harder for the body to break down for use. Therefore humans must have fat, but the healthiest kind would be the unsaturated fats.

What is the significance of double bonds in the fatty acids?

Double bonds in fatty acids create kinks in the carbon chain, which affects the physical properties of the lipid. Unsaturated fatty acids with double bonds are typically liquid at room temperature, while saturated fatty acids without double bonds are solid. Double bonds also influence the reactivity of the fatty acid in various biological processes.

Why we need saturated and unsaturated fats?

You do NOT need saturated fats. Your body will construct all that you need from food. You do need a small amount of unsaturated fats because you're incapable of making them from raw materials ... and they're needed for things like nerve insulation.

Why is saturated fat worse than unsaturated fat?

They harden/clog the arteries and contribute to heart disease.

What are the uses of unsaturated fat?

Unsaturated fats are not needed in the body. They are found in meat and processed foods; our bodies cannot break them down.

What is the biological function of saturated and unsaturated fats?

The regulate the body functions. Fat also helps provide energy for the body. All cells require fat to process. Unsaturated fat is generally better for you because saturated fat can stick to your arteries, which builds up and eventually can cause heart disease/attack.