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According to most sources, King Arthur was born of King Uther Pendragon and Igraine, who was wife of the Duke of Cornwall before she married Pendragon. Uther, consumed with obsession/love/lust (whatever you believe), rallied his army and attacked Cornwall. In the course of the battle, Cornwall was killed, and Igraine and Pendragon married, bearing Arthur. However, threat of Saxon attack moved Pendragon to foster out his child. Arthur grew up never knowing of his royal birth. Until, of course, he first laid eyes on glimmering Excalibur.

Another legend has it that Uther (who was indeed Igraine's lover) asked Merlin (a wizard) to cast a spell and make him look like Cornwall so he could consummate his relationship with Igraine. She had been banished to Tintagel (a 5th C Harbour/Castle) by Cornwall, who was jealous of Igraine's possible infidelity. The deal between Merlin and Uther was that any children resulting from the union were to go to Merlin. Well, the deed was done and a child was conceived. Arthur. This version goes a long way to explain the relationship between young Arthur and Merlin.

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Leanne Bogisich

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's parents were Charles Altamont Doyle and Mary Foley. Charles Doyle was a civil servant and Mary was a homemaker.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

geoffery chaucers parents were john chaucer and agnes copton two wine merchants ben palmer

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Mary Foley and Charles Altamont Doyle

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Igraine and Uther Pendragon

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