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Two words that sound alike but have different meanings are homophones. No, I don't think that's what they meant. If you meant a word like CRASH, BANG, HISS, it's onomatopoeia.

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16y ago
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15y ago

The noun: Onomatopoeia: Generally, the formation of a word from the associated sound. This is using words that imitate the sounds they are associated with. One example is the word 'buzz.'

The adjective: onomatopoetic/onomatopoeic

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14y ago


is what i was taught in school.

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14y ago

Correct ne If I am wrong bit I believe that it is a synonym

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13y ago

If you mean a word that sounds like a sound something makes, such as hoo-hoo as a sound an owl makes or sh-h-h for shush the answer is onomatopoeia

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12y ago

there are only two words those are ok and omg

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13y ago

The term is "onomatopoeia."

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Q: What is the term for words that sound like their meaning?
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What term are words that sound like their meaning?


What is the literary term meaning a word whose sound suggests its meaning?

The literary term for a word whose sound suggests its meaning is "onomatopoeia." Onomatopoeia is when a word imitates the sound it represents, enhancing the sensory experience for the reader.

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Such words are onomatopoetic. Wicked is not one of them.

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The term for a play on words that sound similar but have different meanings is a "pun." Puns often involve wordplay to create humor or a clever twist in meaning.

What is the term used for words like Noooo in poems?

Onomatopoeia. Word that sound like the actual sound they are describing. Like tap or drip.

The use of a word whose sounds imitates or suggests its meaning?

The term for this is onomatopoeia. It refers to words that phonetically imitate or resemble the sound they describe, like "buzz" or "sizzle".

What is the term for words that have a different meaning when they are spoken?

You might mean homonyms. Homonyms are different words that sound the same but have different meaning. Examples are: two and too, bite and bight, ball and bawl.

Language arts term that starts with the letter o?

Onomatopoeia is a language arts term. It is the use of words such as meow or buzz. The sound of the word suggests its meaning.

What is the term for words that sound the same and are spelled the same but have different meaning such as bark?

* A homonym is a word that is spelt and pronounced the same way as another word, but has a different meaning. * A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word, but has a different meaning. The two words may be spelt the same way, or not. However, not all linguistic authorities agree on these definitions.For more information, see Related Links below this box.

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The term "homonym" comes from the Greek words "homos" meaning "same" and "onoma" meaning "name." It refers to words that sound alike or are spelled the same but have different meanings.

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