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The term you're looking for is "cloning." It is the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an organism using its DNA.

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Q: What word do is used to describe the asexual reproduction of a genetic carbon copy of an animal or a plant?
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Is a animalia sexual or asexual reproduction?

Animals reproduce sexually, where two individuals contribute genetic material to produce offspring with genetic variation. This involves the fusion of gametes from two distinct individuals.

When an exact copy of an animal receives DNA from just one parent is what?

That would be an example of asexual reproduction.

How are asexual and asexual reproduction different?

Hi! Im a 7th grader. I love Science, my teacher does also. She was teaching us about reproduction. They are 2 reproductions ASEXUAL AND SEXUAL reproduction. Asexual is reproduced by 1 parent, Mean while Sexual is reproduced by 2 parents.

What is it called when offspring are produced from two parents?

I believe you are thinking of sexual reproduction. The opposite of sexual reproduction is asexual reproduction which occurs when offspring are produced without a male. Asexual reproduction is common among certain plants and single-celled organisms like bacteria and protists. Some species of animal can switch back and forth between sexual and asexual reproduction. Turkeys are a good example of this. Female turkeys can produce fertilized eggs in the absence of a male. Aphids are also capable of producing young in the absence of a male.

How do both animal-like amoebas and plantlike euglena reproduce?

Animal-like amoebas reproduce asexually by binary fission, where the cell divides into two daughter cells. Plant-like euglena can reproduce both sexually and asexually. During asexual reproduction, they undergo binary fission, while in sexual reproduction, two euglena cells fuse to exchange genetic material.

Related questions

State the differences between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of specialized sex cells from two individuals to produce offspring with genetic variation. Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of sex cells and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. Sexual reproduction promotes genetic diversity, while asexual reproduction allows for rapid reproduction in stable environments.

Does asexual reproduction involve one parent?

Asexual reproduction is when one animal can create offspring by itself. This is common with bacteria.

Is a animalia sexual or asexual reproduction?

Animals reproduce sexually, where two individuals contribute genetic material to produce offspring with genetic variation. This involves the fusion of gametes from two distinct individuals.

What is the definition for asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is a form of reproduction where an animal can make its own offspring with no mate. Asexual reproduction is the primary form of reproduction for Single-celled organism such as bacteria. Many plant and fungus reproduce asexually as well. The offspring often form attached to the parent and later break off.

What is made during asexual reproduction?

An exact copy of the animal that is producing asexually.

Reproduction where there is only one parent?

It is called asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is common with certain plants, like strawberries. Cloning also involves one parent. What happens is they find a female animal that is the same breed as the animal. Then they remove the egg, take out its nucleus replcing it with th nuclus of the cell of the animal they are cloning, and replant the egg back into its animal the egg came from. Then when the animal is born, it has no resemblance to its mother, but looks similar to the animal cloned. I hoped i helped.

Reproduction by mitosis duplicates?

a cell's genetic material to produce two identical daughter cells. It is a form of asexual reproduction that is essential for growth, repair, and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes from the parent cell.

What is sexual and asexual?

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two different parents to create offspring with genetic variation. Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent.

What is associated with growth and asexual reproduction?

Mitosis is associated with growth and asexual reproduction. During mitosis, a cell duplicates its DNA and divides into two genetically identical daughter cells, enabling both growth and reproduction without the need for sexual reproduction.

What are the biological disadvantages of an animal monoecious?

basically it has both the male and female sexual reproduction parts, so asexual reproduction can occur. This allows for easy reproduction, but if it occurs too much the plant can be at a disadvantage due to little genetic variation.

If hydra is an animal that reproduces by budding a form of asexual reproduction A daphnia is an animal that reproduces through external fertilization a form of sexual reproduction Which of these?

the daphnia species FOOL

What type of asexual reproduction that commonly occurs in many species of unicellular protists?

Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction commonly seen in unicellular protists. In this process, the cell duplicates its genetic material and divides into two daughter cells, each with identical genetic material to the parent cell.