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July 16/17, 1918: Czar Nicholas II and family executed by Bolsheviks

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Q: What were important dates in Russian History?
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cuz he was the shizz cuz he was the shizz

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The World History of Organized Crime - 2001 The Russian Mafia 1-3 was released on: USA: 27 June 2006

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Why dates is important in history?

As history is all about knowing the past, it is important to know what has happened as well as when it has happen. It is the dates which give us the idea of time at which various events unfolded in the past. Also by knowing about the dates of important events in history of different civilizations and cultures a comparative study of important historical events can be done.

What has the author Leon Stilman written?

Leon Stilman has written: 'Readings in Russian history' -- subject(s): Readers, Russian language, History 'Graded readings in Russian history' -- subject(s): Readers, Russian language, History

Does Russia have any important history?

You must be joking. Russia has one of the most important cultures in western Europe and Asia. She has a long, important and very eventful history. Use the link below as a starting point. You could spend a lifetime specializing in Russian history.

What is the importance of dates in history?

dates are important b,coz they organize dates in a systematic or a chronological way

What is importance of dates in history?

dates are important b,coz they organize dates in a systematic or a chronological way

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One important date in Italian history is March 1861, the date on which the country was founded.

What are the release dates for Burke's Law - 1963 A Very Important Russian Is Missing 3-15?

Burke's Law - 1963 A Very Important Russian Is Missing 3-15 was released on: USA: 29 December 1965