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Q: What is the word for a different way of thinking?
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What is the word for Thinking about the way you think?

I think you are thinking of the word metacognition.

What is a word that means a way of thinking?

the word is ATTITTUDE

Is this the right way to spell this word polumptuous?

No, you are possibly thinking of the word "voluptuous".

What is word pictures?

A way to build vocabulary by thinking of a picture to go with a word

What physical science word starts with z?

zoology unless your thinking of different terms!

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What is the connotation of the word ambiguous?

Meaning several different things, or thinking different things.

What is the word for thinking your culture is the best and only way to live?

The word would be ethnocentrism

Is 'If there is a hope there is a way' the correct wording for the saying or is it different?

Are you thinking of "If there's a will theres a way?"

Thinking about a clown is a good way to remember the meaning of the word?


In a cautious or unsure way?

You might be thinking of the word tentative or tentatively.

Is antidisastablishmentarialism a word?

Antidisastblishmentarialism does exist, and it means to be against the disastablished way of thinking.