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Q: What is the welsh word for England?
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What does welsh lloegr mean?

"Welsh lloegr" means "Welsh England." In Welsh, "Cymru" is the name for Wales, so "lloegr" is used for England.

Was Welsh ever spoken in England?

Yes, Welsh was spoken in England. Welsh is a very old language, and at the time the earliest examples we have were written, parts of what is now England were entirely Welsh. In fact there are Welsh communities, in which people speak Welsh, today.

What does it mean to be Welsh?

Welsh means someone, or something that has originated from Wales.Either a person, object or the Welsh language.The Germanic Angles and Saxons were invited to England to help fight the Jutes (Danish) who were at that time invading England. When they arrived to help and consequently invade England, their word for the locals (Celtic-speakers) was "Waelisc" meaning "foreigner" and their word for the land was "Wēalas",meaning "foreign".The verb 'to welsh' means to swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager; to fail to fulfill an obligation.

Where to buy welsh rabbit in England?

Do you mean Welsh Rarebit

What is the Welsh word for toxic?

The Welsh word for Toxic is: Gwenwynig

What does Fern mean in Welsh?

The word 'fern' is not a Welsh word and has no meaning. The Welsh word for 'a fern' is 'rhedynen'.

What is the Welsh for 'decibel'?

The Welsh word for 'decibel' is desibel.

What is the Welsh word for excellent?

The Welsh word for Excellent is ardderchog, it is also the welsh for fantastic.

What is mum in welsh?

The Welsh word for mum is mam.The Welsh word for dad is dad.

What is the Welsh word for 'planet'?

The Welsh word for planet is 'planed' (plural - planedau)

What is the Welsh word for 'trust'?

the welsh word for trust is 'ymddiried'

What is the Welsh word for landowner?

The Welsh word for 'landowner' is 'tirfeddiannwr'.