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Kύκλος (kyklos) pronounced: KEY-close

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Q: What is the greek word for circle?
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What is the Greek meaning of the word kuklos?

The Greek word "kuklos" means circle or wheel.

What is the greek root of circle?

The Greek root of "circle" is "kuklos," which means a circular shape or round object.

What does circle mean in Greek language naturally old Greek?

kyklos (the ancient Greek word for circle) referred to an amphitheater.

What is the greek word for the distance around the circle?

English is 'around' and in Greek it is peri, as in the word 'perimeter'.

What does ku klux stand for?

Deciding to name their club with the Greek word 'kuklos', the root of English words 'cycle' and 'circle', and 'clan' because it alliterates, The founders of KKK were educated and knew Greek. They decided to name their society after the Greek word 'kuklos', where modern English words 'cycle', 'circle', etc. were derived from.

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What is the Greek root of the word cycle?

The Greek root of the word "cycle" is "kyklos," which means "circle" or "ring."

Where did the word circle originate from?

Circle comes from the Latin, circulus which referred to the circus circle {ring}. It is akin to the Greek, Krikos {ring}.

Greek word meaning circle?

κύκλος (kyklos) - pronounced kiklo

What was the Greek word the KKK originated from?

The group adopted the name Ku Klux Klan from the Greek word "kyklos" meaning circle, and the English word clan.

Who discovered diameter?

The ancient Greeks, the word derives from a Greek word meaning 'diagonal of a circle'

What language does the word galaxy originate from?

The Galaxy, or Milky Way, is from the the Greek word for milk. The word galaxy is Greek and means 'milky circle' aka Milky Way.