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"te amo"

Literally means "You, I love", more natural English: "I love you".

Italian uses the exact same words. "Te amo."


te : accusative of tu (you)

amo : I love

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13y ago
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13y ago

Te amo. (singular address)

Vos amo. (plural address)

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15y ago

love is amo ego amo te! is, i love you! ego amo te, fatus is i love you stupid. respect is * veneratio * vereor i take latin it is my second year.

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15y ago

These are all synonyms for 'respect' in Latin: veneratio, respicio, erubesco

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13y ago

amo: I love

amare: to love

amavi (pronounced a-MA-wi): I loved, I had loved

amans: lover

amanter: (adj) lovingly

amor: (noun) love, the beloved

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The Latin word for eternal love is aeternus. It is easy to find simple translations online at places like Free Translation.

What is the English translation of the Latin word 'Amos'?

"Love" is the English equivalent of the Latin word amos.Specifically, the Latin word is a variant of the Latin noun amor. It represents an acceptable, alternate way of spelling the better known, more common form amor. But either way, the two words share the same meaning and therefore the same translation into English as "love."

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The Latin phrase for "I love you" is "te amo."

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The Prioress.