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this is xing yun, 幸运,good fortune, luck

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Q: What is the Chinese word for luck?
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What is bad luck in the Chinese culture?

One superstition is the number four is bad luck. The Chinese Mandarin word for four sounds similar to the Chinese Mandarin word for death. So, in some elevators in China, there is NO fourth floor.

How do you spell fu?

The word "fu" is Chinese for "luck" or a form of rhymed literature. It appears in given names and surnames, and in the names of Martial Arts.

What does a bat mean in the Chinese culture?

In Chinese culture, the bat is a symbol of good luck and happiness. The word for bat, "fu," sounds similar to the word for fortune or happiness, so bats are often seen as a positive symbol. They are believed to bring prosperity, longevity, and wealth.

Is it bad luck to go out on Chinese New Years?

yes it is bad luck to got out on Chinese new year

Is giving a calendar to a Chinese family bad luck?

No, but cleaning and breaking anything is bad luck on Chinese New Yeatr.

How do you say 'luck' in Chinese?


How do you put the word kowtow in a sentence?

well the word kowtow means when the Chinese custom bows as an act of worship. so you can decide how you want to use it in your sentence. Good luck!

What is the Chinese word for little?

The Chinese word for "little" is 小 (xiǎo).

Why do you eat yusheng in Chinese New Year?

It is a symbolism of good luck and Chinese are obsessed with anything that has to do with welcoming prosperity and luck during the new year

What do the colour's on the Chinese flag represent?

red is the traditional Chinese color for good luck!

What do the colours on the Chinese flag represent?

red is the traditional Chinese color for good luck!

What is sister in Chinese word but in English letters?

jie jie means big sister mei mei means little sister good luck!