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'automobile' that is what they say in america . we say car they say automobile

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Q: What is the American word for car?
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What is the word for the American obsession with cars?

He or she would be a car nut.

What is the british English for the American word trunk?

boot (as in the trunk of a car)

What is the American version of the English word car bumper?

Car bumper. It's the same here.

Is bagati veyron American?

Of course, everything in this word is American dude... ! Seriously, Bugatti (not "bagati") is a french car maker.

What is a car-?

In modern American usage, "car" or is nearly synonymous with "auto" or "automobile." The word car comes from the Latin word for a cart or wagon. Generically, a car can be any boxlike enclosure for transportation, such as a railroad car or elevator car. A car is a transport device that you use to drive around in.

What makes a car an American car?

American car is said to be American car if it is Manufactured in America whether its parts are imported from other countries, Another thing which makes a car an American Car is the Engine, The American car engine are more powerful than the other industry cars and have more brutal throttle than the others.

Is the car brand Mitsubishi American?

Mitsubishi is a German car not American

Is the word car a indefinite pronoun?

No, the word 'car' is a noun, not a pronoun. The word car is a word for a thing.

What makes an American a American?

American car is said to be American car if it is Manufactured in America whether its parts are imported from other countries, Another thing which makes a car an American Car is the Engine, The American car engine are more powerful than the other industry cars and have more brutal throttle than the others.

What makes an American an American?

American car is said to be American car if it is Manufactured in America whether its parts are imported from other countries, Another thing which makes a car an American Car is the Engine, The American car engine are more powerful than the other industry cars and have more brutal throttle than the others.

When was American Muscle Car created?

American Muscle Car was created in 2003.

Is the Ford car company American?

Ford is definitely an American car company.