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Q: What is raised number in a word document?
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In Microsoft Word 2007 what is the Word for a raised number?


What is a raised number in word?

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What is summing the number of words in a document?

Word Count

When viewing a word document the active page number and the number of pages in the document are displayed on the?

Menu bar: View: Page View option.

Is it true that word records details such as time spent editing a document the number of times a document has been revised and the fonts and themes used in a document?


How do determine total number of particular word in the whole word document?

Do "CTL/F" to bring up the find navigation bar on the left side of your screen. Put in the word that needs the total count. Hit enter to search. The number of times the word appears in the document will be shown right under where you entered the word to search, along with highlighting all the incidences in the document.

What does the word count button on the review tab displays?

The number of words in a document

Which element of the Word program window displays the number of pages in the document?


What is the meaning of the word exponential form?

a quantity expressed asa number raised to a power

Is word document the same as Microsoft Word?

No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.

How do you save something as a text in a word processing document?

Use the Save As option. Within it you will find a lot of options to save document in. Amongst them will be a number of options to save your document as text.

What is a PDF to word conversion system?

A PDF to word conversion system is used to help you convert a PDF document into a word document. The word document can then be edited and saved as a new word document or PDF.