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Compound, amalgam, mixture, alloy

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Q: What is another word for combination of different elements?
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Another word for ingredients?

components, elements

What is the alchemist's word for changing one substance into another?

Transmutation is the alchemist's term for changing one substance into another, typically by using a combination of elements, chemicals, or processes to achieve this transformation.

What word describes 'combination of components to form a whole'?

The word you are looking for is likely "integration." It refers to the process of combining different components or elements to create a unified whole or system.

What hybrid is a word composed of?

A hybrid word is a word that is formed by combining elements from different languages. For example, "brunch" is a hybrid word that combines elements from "breakfast" and "lunch."

What word means different elements is to bring them together into a whole?

The word you are looking for is "synthesize." It means to combine different elements or ideas to create a unified whole.

What is another word for altenative?

Another word for alternative is different.

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What means the same word as the word compound?

Another word that means the same thing as compound is "mixture." Both words refer to a substance made by combining two or more different elements or compounds.

What another word for contrary?

Another word for contrary is different, or opposite.

What is another word for heterzygous?

hybrid combination

Difference between a homograph a homonym and a homophone?

A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning and may have different pronunciation. A homonym is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning. A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but is spelled differently and has a different meaning.

Another word for range?

spread , area and different is another word for range !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!