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Q: What is a word for never staying in one place?
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What is one word that starts with s and has 9 letters in it and means staying in one place?


What word means staying in one place and electrical interference?

The word you are looking for is "electromagnetic interference." This refers to the disturbance caused by electromagnetic emissions disrupting the performance of electronic devices or systems when they are stationary in one place.

Foreign words for staying in one place?

in situ

What means remaining in one place?

"Remaining in one place" refers to staying in a fixed location without moving or traveling elsewhere. It implies staying stationary and not changing position or location.

What is the opposite of staying in one place?

Moving, advancing, walking, running

What is the act of staying in one place for a long time?

Sedentary :p

What is staying in one place and not moving called?

Being stationary or immobile.

What is a sentence using nomad reflecting its meaning?

The nomad traveled across the desert with all of his belongings strapped to his camel's back, never staying in one place for more than a few days.

Why did the Aryans abandon there nomadic lifestyle?

They felt staying in one place would be safer

Would celebrities have to travel?

very few people have become famous for staying in one place

What does a baillwick do?

A place where one is staying/living at the moment. A bailiwick doesn't 'do' anything it is a place, an area or location. Usually the jurisdiction of a bailiff.

What is the same meaning as Migrate?

The word "migrate" means to move from one place or region to another, typically with the intention of staying there permanently or for a certain period of time. Some synonyms for "migrate" include "relocate," "move," or "emigrate" (if leaving one's country of origin).