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A type of epithetic compound invented by Lewis Carroll in which parts of two descriptive words are combined into a single word. One famous example is slithy, which is lithe and slimy.

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Q: What is a portmanteau word?
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What type of category does portmanteau word belong in?

A portmanteau word belongs to the category of word formation, specifically blending, where two words are combined to create a new word with a combined meaning.

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What is the definition of Malamanteau?

A neologism for a portmanteau created by incorrectly combining a malapropism with a neologism. It is itself a portmanteau of 'malapropism' and 'portmanteau'.A malamanteau is a neologism for a portmanteau created by incorrectly combining a malapropism with a neologism. It is itself a portmanteau.A word defined to infuriate Wikipedia editors

What category does the word portmanteau belong in?

The word "portmanteau" belongs in the category of linguistics or vocabulary, as it refers to a word that combines two words or their meanings into one. It is also commonly used in discussions about language and word formation.

What is the meaning of 'portmanteau'?

A portmanteau is a linguistic blend of two words where parts of both words are combined to create a new word. It is commonly used in English to describe a word that merges the sounds and meanings of two existing words.

What two portmanteau word make up the word squinched?

Squeeze and Pinch

Is putritude a word?

No but i would believe it is a portmanteau of Putrid and Attitude

How do you make a portmanteau word out of flame and glare?


What two portmanteau word make up the word peon?
