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I can't remember how to spell it but it was in a book I read....

Terminialogicalinexectitudinal ..... Really wrong spelling

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Q: When someone lies to you what is a big word for that?
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White lies are minor lies told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to avoid conflict. They are considered harmless and are often told with good intentions.

What is the word for someone who lies and forces themselves to believe it?

You can call them George Costanza.

What is a sentence for the word parable?

He told a parable to show how lies can hurt someone.

What is the meaning of the word 'lier'?

"Lier" is not a standard English word. It could be a misspelling of "liar," which means someone who tells lies or falsehoods.

What does the English word 'liar' mean?

The word 'liar' is a noun, a word for someone who does not tell the truth; a teller of embellishments, fabrications, and lies; a word for a person.

Are little lies ethical?

Lies are lies. Nomatter how big or how small.

What if a girl lies about little things?

Lies are Lies. Big Or Small.

What is the luhya word for lies?

The Luhya word for the English word 'lies' is "Obubeyii".

The responsibility for impeaching someone lies with?

The responsibility for impeaching someone lies with the Hourse of Representatives. The responsibility for trying the offense lies with the Senate.

What does cojole mean?

"Cojole" is not a commonly used English word. It is possible that you are referring to the word "cajole," which means to persuade someone through flattery or coaxing.

Can you make a sentence using the word whenever?

Yes. You can make sentences such as: "Whenever you wish." "Whenever someone lies to me I get angry."

What do you do when someone lies to you?

confront them about it