

Best Answer
  • heartache
  • heartbeat
  • heartbreak
  • heartbroken
  • heartburn
  • heartfelt
  • heartsick
  • heartstrings
  • heartrending
  • heartthrob
  • heartwarming
  • sweetheart
  • lionhearted
  • brokenhearted
  • hardhearted
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Q: What are some compound words with heart?
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Five compound words thet have heart in it?


Is heartache a compound word?

Yes the word heartache is a compound word. The words are heart and ache.

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Compound words beginning with SOME:SomebodySomedaySomehowSomeoneSomeplaceSomethingSometimeSomewaySomewhatSomewhere

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Some compound words that have "oil" in them are: oilcloth, oilrig, oilcan, oilskin.

What are some compound words that have the word some in them?

Words that have 'some' in them:AwesomeBothersomeBurdensomeChromosomeCumbersomeGladsomeGruesomeHandsomeIrksomeLonesomeNoisomeQuarrelsomeSomebodySomedaySomehowSomeoneSomeplaceSomethingSometimeSomewaySomewhatSomewhereThreesomeTiresomeTroublesomeTwosomeWholesomeWinsomeWorrisome

What are some compound words using the word news?

Here are some compound words using the word news:NewspaperNewsboyNewsprint

What are some compound words for fire?

Some compound words for fire include wildfire, firepower, fireball, and fireproof.