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sunglasses, suntan, sunbathe, sunbeam, sunbed, sunburn, sunstruck, sunshine, sunset, sunlight, ...

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Some compound words that include the word "sun" are sunglasses, sunlight, sunflower, and sunburn.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Sunset, sunflowers, sunburn, sunbathers, sunglasses

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Q: What are some compound words that have the word sun?
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Is Sunday a compound word?

Yes!!! Because the word Sunday can be split into two meaningful words. viz. 'sun' and 'day'.

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Sunshine is a compound word for the sun.

Is sunglasses is a compound word?

Yes, "sunglasses" is a compound word as it is made up of two separate words "sun" and "glasses" that have been combined to form a new word with a specific meaning.

Is sunglass a compound word?

Yes. because Sun is a word and so is glasses.

Is the word respectfully a compound word?

Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning. ... For example, β€œsun” and β€œflower” are two different words, but when fused together, they form another word, Sunflower.

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Yes, "sundae" is a compound word. It is made up of the words "sun" and "dae" (originally spelled "Sunday"), referring to the day of the week when such treats were traditionally served.

Is sunbathers a compound word?

Yes, as it consists of "sun" and "bathers", it is a compound word.

Is sunburn compound word?

sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Is sunburn a compound word?

Sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

What are some compound words starting with sun?

Sunbath, sunscreen, sunburn and sundown are compound words. Additional words include sunlamp, sundial, sunset, sunshine, sunstroke and suntan.