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It depends on what "more" is modifying

If it's an adjective or adverb, then the idea of "more" is not usually expressed in Latin by a separate word, but rather by the use of a comparative form:

  • pulchra est - she is beautiful; pulchrior est - she is more beautiful
  • fortiter pugnant - they fight bravely; fortius pugnant - they fight more bravely

However, the adverbs magis or plus can also be used to modify adjectives or adverbs:

  • magis fortiter pugnant - they fight more bravely

If it's a noun, then the adjective plus (genitive pluris) is used:

  • mihi sunt libri - I have books; mihi sunt plures libri - I have more books

If it's a verb, then the adverbs plus or magis (to a higher degree) or amplius (longer, further) is used.

  • te amo - I love you; te magis amo - I love you more
  • plus plusque te amo - I love you more and more (-que is "and")
  • non amplius mille passuum abest - He is no more than a mile away
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