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The White House was under construction when Washington died. John Adams was able to move in to it about a year after Washington's death.

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Q: Was the White House created before George Washington died or after he died?
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When did George Washington move to the white house?

He did not. He died before the White House was finished in 1800.

Is it true that George Washington was alive before the White House was built?

Yes, he was alive before the white house was bulit

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No. But Martha Washington's home before her marriage to George was called the White House Plantation. This was likely not the namesake of the Presdiential home, as the White House was not completed until after Washington left office. The first President to live there was John Adams in 1800.

What does George Washington have to do with the White House?

Nothing. He never lived in it. He died before it was built.

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George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was president from 1789 to 1797, which was before the White House was built.

Who is a past resident of Whit House?

George Washington George Washington George Washington

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george washington study at my house