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The word Zen is the Japanese translation of the Chinese ch'an, a mispronunciation of the Sanskrit word, dhana.

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Q: The word zen in zen Buddhism comes from the Indian word?
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What does Zen Buddhism mean?

As an initial point - Buddhism does not have its own language. In the same way, Christians use a text that was originally written in several middle Eastern and Mediterranean languages, but does not speak in "Christian".The Japanese word Zen comes from the Chinese word Ch'an, which comes from the Sanskrit word dhyana (Pali: jhana), which means "meditation".Over thousands of years, the Zen school has diverged considerably from some of the other schools of Buddhism, and the word Zen has many nuances of meaning to the Zen school that are not contained in the Pali word jhana.

Where was zen Buddhism found?

Zen Buddhism is the Japanese word for the school of Buddhism coming from China known as Ch'an. Ch'an is the Chinese word for the school of Buddhism coming from India known as Dhyana.But generally speaking, one can say that Zen Buddhism was founded in China.

When Buddhism migrated into the far east its name became?

As Buddhism travels from country to country its practices and traditions change, but so far the name Buddhism has remained. In Japan the particular school of Buddhism that is practiced is called Zen Buddhism. (The name Zen comes from the Chinese word Chan, which is also the name for a school of Buddhism, and which in turn comes from the Pali word jhana, the equivalent of the Sanskrit word dhyana, which refers to the practice of absorptive states of concentration.)

What are the differences between Zen and Chan Buddhism?

There is no "regular" Buddhism. There are a number of schools of Buddhism. Zen is one school that originates from Japan.

What has the author Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki written?

Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki has written: 'Manual of Zen Buddhism' -- subject(s): Buddha and Buddhism, Buddhist Gods, Gods, Buddhist, Sacred books, Zen 'The Awakening of Zen' 'Zen Buddhism And Psychoanalysis' 'Zen and Japanese culture' -- subject(s): Japan, Civilization, Zen influences, Zen Buddhism 'Zen and Japanese culture' 'MANUAL OF ZEN BUDDHISM' 'Essays in Zen Buddhism, second series' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Addresses, essays, lectures 'Chan yu xin li fen xi' 'Zen and the Love of Nature' 'Genetica' 'On Indian Mahayana Buddhism' 'Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra' 'Zen Buddhism, selected writings' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Buddhism, Bouddhisme zen, Zen 'Lankavatara Sutra' 'Mysticism' -- subject(s): Relations, Shin (Sect), Mysticism, Comparative studies, Catholic Church 'An introduction to Zen Buddhism' -- subject(s): Buddhism, Buddhist Monasticism and religious orders, Monasticism and religious orders, Buddhist, Zen Buddhism 'Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism' -- subject(s): Mahayana Buddhism 'Essays in Zen Buddhism-OSI' 'Studies in Zen' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Philosophy 'The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk' 'Zen Buddhism and psychanalysis' 'Mysticism' 'Buddha of Infinite Light' 'Zen and the Art of Tea' 'Buddha of the Infinite Light the Teachin' 'Sengai, the Zen master' 'Manual of Zen Buddhism -Op/73' 'Sengai' 'Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist' -- subject(s): Mysticism 'Nihonteki reisei' -- subject(s): History, Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism 'Zen and the Samurai' 'The field of Zen' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Addresses, essays, lectures 'Sengai'

What is Japanese Zen Buddhism?

Zen Buddhism. Soto or Rinzai. Beyond that, the question is what is Zen Buddhism.

Where was Buddhism found?

Zen Buddhism is the Japanese word for the school of Buddhism coming from China known as Ch'an. Ch'an is the Chinese word for the school of Buddhism coming from India known as Dhyana.But generally speaking, one can say that Zen Buddhism was founded in China.

What is the difference between Buddhism and Zen Buddhism?

Zen is a Chinese form of Buddhism from the Mahayana sect that focuses less on theoretical knowledge and textual study and more on direct experience. It was influenced by Taoism.Zen Buddhism is just one sect of Buddhism. Buddhism has many ways of practicing the same faith. Zen Buddhism just focuses more on the medatation.When Buddhism was introduced to China, the contact with Taoists produced this synthesis.

What are the fundamentals of Zen?

The fundamentals of Zen Buddhism included seeking enlightenment. Zen Buddhism is the practice of oneness.

When was An Introduction to Zen Buddhism created?

An Introduction to Zen Buddhism was created in 1934.

What is the ISBN of An Introduction to Zen Buddhism?

The ISBN of An Introduction to Zen Buddhism is 0802130550.

What has the author Nyogen Senzaki written?

Nyogen Senzaki has written: 'Eloquent silence' -- subject(s): Koan, Rinzai (Sect), Zen Buddhism 'Buddhism and Zen' 'Buddhism and Zen' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Lending library, Zen, Zen Buddhism