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euroope and Asia

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The Ural Mountains divide Russia and Kazakhstan.

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Russia and Finland

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Q: The Ural mountains divide what two countries?
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What mountains divide Russia into two different countries?

The Ural mountains

What do the ural mountains separate?

The Ural Mountains separate Europe and Asia, serving as a natural border between the two continents.

What is the two Mountain chains that divide Europe and Asia?

They are the Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains.

What two plains are divided by the ural mountains?

Ural Mountains divide Russia into Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains are famous for the fact that they serve as a natural divider between the two continents: Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains begin where the East European Plain ends. Immediately east of the Urals begins Siberia.

What countries border the Ural mountains?

The Ural Mountains is located in Russia. It's a natural border between the two continents, dividing Europe from Asia and the other way around. Asia occupies Siberia and the Russian Far East in North Asia (the large part of Russia east of the Ural Mountains).

What is the mountain range in Russia that divides Europe and Asia?

The Ural Mountains; in Russian: Уральские горы

Do the Ural mountains have any special features?

The Ural Mountains are the only mountains that separate two continents.

What two continents meet in Russia's Ural Mountains?

Europe and Asia meet in Russia's Ural Mountains. The boundary between these two continents is traditionally defined as the Ural River, the Ural Mountains, the Caspian Sea, and the Caucasus Mountains.

What two continents are separated by Ural mountain?

Europe and Asia are separated by the Ural Mountains. The Ural Mountains act as a natural boundary between these two continents.

Which two continents do the Ural mountains separate?

The Ural mountains separate Europe and Asia.

Many geographers consider what to be one of the boundaries that separate Europe and Asia?

There is no hard and fast answer to this and many geographers do not consider Europe and Asia to be separate continents as there is no logical physical divide between them. However, the most likely answers would be 'Ural mountains', 'Caucasus mountains' and the 'Bosphorus strait'. As the question asks for 'one of the boundaries', any of these should suffice.

What large mountain range separates asia and europe?

There are two mountain ranges dividing Europe and Asia: The Ural Mountains divided Russia and Kazakhstan, ultimately the continents of Europe and Asia. The Caucasus Mountains divide Georgia and Azerbaijan, ultimately the continents of Europe and Asia. Armenia, another Caucasus State that doesn't touch the Caucasus, is a geo-political European country. The Caucasus also run through Russia, but do not divide the country between Europe and Asia in this part.