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the national bird for England has been the African swallow since 1984.

Not true.Why would England choose a migrant bird which is not native?

Our national bird is the wren.

Surely Britain's national bird is the Robin.

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15y ago

The Tower of London, Big Ben, Tower Bridge and The Beatles are considered by many to be the best icons. The first three are London icons,the last could be described as an English icon. The 'White Horse stone' of Kent is truly an English icon as it marks the foundation of the English nation in 449AD when Hengest and Horsa began the series of battles against the Waelas which culminated in the death of Horsa at the white horse stone,and eventually the birth of Kent as a kingdom,ruled by Aesc, Hengest's son. The stone which is a glacial erratic from the ice age, marks Horsa's burial place.Very few nations can go to an icon directly relating to the birth of their country,we English can.

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13y ago

The United Kingdom hasn't got a single national emblem because it isn't very united. Each part of the UK has its own emblem. England has a rose, Scotland a thistle, Wales a leek and daffodil and Northern Ireland a shamrock.

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12y ago

England has a nuber of national symbols. The red rose, English oak tree, the wren and the 'three lions' of the coat of arms.

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10y ago

England has chose the European robin as its national bird. It ranges over most of the British Isles, except for the far north and in Western Europe.

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The Royal Family

Fly fishing

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