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Word against word, or testimonial evidence, can be considered in court but is generally weaker than other types of evidence such as physical evidence or documents. It can be challenging to determine credibility and reliability in a situation where it is one person's word against another. Additional evidence or corroboration may be necessary to support a case based solely on testimonial evidence.

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Q: Is word against word a strong evidence in court?
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What is a sentence using the word acquit?

The jury reached a verdict to acquit the defendant of all charges due to lack of evidence.

What is Another word for courtroom officer?

<P> <P>There is no general term for courtroom officer, only specific titles for officials with specific responsiblities. <P>In the British and US court systems, the <STRONG>judge</STRONG> is the chief courtroom officer. There are several other specific courtroom officers: the <STRONG>court recorder or reporter</STRONG>, the <STRONG>court registrar</STRONG>, and the <STRONG>clerk of the court (bench clerk)</STRONG>. In some jurisdictions, the <STRONG>sheriff or marshal</STRONG> is a court officer. Police officers assigned to maintain order and security in a courtroom are usually called <STRONG>bailiffs</STRONG>. <P>Technically, anyone providing a service to a court session is a designated court officer with legal responsibility to uphold the law to the best of their ability. This includes prosecutors, attorneys, witnesses, bail bondspersons, translators and jury members. <P>The only persons in a courtroom who are not technically courtroom officers are defendants, plaintiffs, and the audience.</P>

A sentence with the word exonerate?

The new evidence presented in court helped to exonerate the wrongly accused suspect.

What is the Tagalog word for court?

The tagalog word for the English word court is "hukuman"...

What is a sentences of pleaded?

The defendant pleaded guilty to the charges against him in court.

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The controversial evidence against the defendant was not admissible in court due to it's lack of significance in trying the case.

How do you use the word countervail in a sentence?

"The evidence for evolution countervails over the arguments against it." THis means that evidence for evolution counteracts the arguments against it.

Do you need evidence to be charged with simple battery. If someone said you touched them and it is your word against theirs can these charges stick?

i was attacked the other day and i went hospital but there are no witneses can i still tke them to court

What word means giving evidence against yourself?

That could be 'self- incriminating'.

If your and your boyfriend's names are on the title of land that you own and you split up and he won't take his name off the deed but you can prove you paid all the money will it hold up in court?

Depending on what type of proof it is that you have, yes it will hold up in court. Evidence is the first thing they look for without evidence there is nothing. His word doesnt matter neither does how high paid his lawyer is, if you have evidence strong enough to prove what you are saying, then your fine.

What is the word for a person who testifies against you in court?

opposing party witness

Can you give me a sentence for the word admissible?

The evidence was not admissible in court due to it having no relevance to the proceedings.

A Sentence with the word indict?

The court has enough evidence to indict you for robbery. Pronounced in-dEYEt. Means to charge or accuse.

What is a sentence using the word acquit?

The jury reached a verdict to acquit the defendant of all charges due to lack of evidence.

How Can you Use the Word Injunction in a Sentence?

Court has issued Injunction . This Injunction forbids you to enter.

What is Another word for courtroom officer?

<P> <P>There is no general term for courtroom officer, only specific titles for officials with specific responsiblities. <P>In the British and US court systems, the <STRONG>judge</STRONG> is the chief courtroom officer. There are several other specific courtroom officers: the <STRONG>court recorder or reporter</STRONG>, the <STRONG>court registrar</STRONG>, and the <STRONG>clerk of the court (bench clerk)</STRONG>. In some jurisdictions, the <STRONG>sheriff or marshal</STRONG> is a court officer. Police officers assigned to maintain order and security in a courtroom are usually called <STRONG>bailiffs</STRONG>. <P>Technically, anyone providing a service to a court session is a designated court officer with legal responsibility to uphold the law to the best of their ability. This includes prosecutors, attorneys, witnesses, bail bondspersons, translators and jury members. <P>The only persons in a courtroom who are not technically courtroom officers are defendants, plaintiffs, and the audience.</P>