

Is draw back one or two words?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is draw back one or two words?
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It's one word.One word as an adjective; two words as a noun

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"Buyback" is typically written as one word.

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If you have two points, a and b, you can draw only one line that will go through both points. Or in other words, two points define a line.

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Payback is when you want revenge - this is one word Pay back is when you want to return a favour - this is two words

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Well, for one, reading can help you find out somethings you want to draw. For two, reading IS drawing, with words. from the soon to be famous arthor, M. Kelly. Creator of the soon to be out book, THE ORPHAN WARS.

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It is not possible to include illustrations on

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it depends on the total number of marbles you have!

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It is two words. Writing it as one is acceptable in the UK and is referred to as a "Britishism." But in American grammar, it is always two separate words.

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Draw a line. Draw a perpendicular to that line then a perpendicular from that one.