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depend. "in" is a prefix and "ence" is a suffix.

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4mo ago

The base word for independence is "depend." Independence refers to the state of not relying or depending on others, hence derived from the concept of absence of dependency.

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Q: If the word independence means freedom what is the base word?
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If the word independence means freedom what the base word mean?

depend. "in" is a prefix and "ence" is a suffix.

What word means freedom from control of another country mean?

The word is independence. It means freedom from the control of others.

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The word is independence.

What does the base word in independence mean and why?

The base word in independence is "dependent." The prefix "in-" in "independence" means "not," so independence refers to not being dependent on others or free from the control or influence of others.

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According to one online dictionary, it is "huria," which means "freedom, liberty, independence."

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Uhuru in Swahili means "freedom" or "independence". It is often used to convey the idea of liberty and autonomy.

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The word "freedom" is missing from the Declaration of Independence.

What is the definition of the word independence?

Freedom from unfiar governance.

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Liberty, independence, enfranchisement are some synonyms for freedom.

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What is 'freedom' in Arabic and Spanish?

In Arabic, the word حرية , which is pronounced 'huriiya', means 'freedom'. In Spanish, the word for 'freedom' is 'libertad'.