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· bad

· bashful

· belligerent

· bold

· boring

· bossy

· boisterous

· braggart

· brainy

· brash

· bright

· brave

· bratty

· brilliant

· bubbly

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12y ago
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10y ago

There are many ways that you can describe a person in one word. Some words that can be used are, nice, kind, loving, loyal, adorable, sweet, evil, mean, and scary.

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Q: How can you describe someones personality in one word?
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The possessive form someone's is one word. The plural would rarely be used (e.g. the someones in the various crimes proved to be a single individual).

How can you describe a person in one word who is confident mentally strong and has charming personality that starts with the letter K?

Such a person is kindhearted. Such a person is kind. They also are rare.

Why does one word have more than one meaning?

so you express your self in different ways and use the same word to different levels with out hurting someones meaning or getting someones hopes high

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Heart breaking is one of the depressing feelings. It feels that the whole world has shattered in front of them.

One word to describe your feelings for person?

One word to describe your feelings for a person could be loving.

What is the word for reading someones mind?

no no one can read bany ones mind.

How do you describe your work ethic in a resume?

Work ethic in a resume can be described as experiences that one has encountered. Conflict resolution is a plus on resumes. One can also use references and letters of recommendation to describe someones work ethic.