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According to my GRCC quiz it means to "Pilot a Ship"

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Q: Greek word for government
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Greek word for US Government?

Democracy (Demokratia)

Greek root word that means science of managing government?


Where did the word government come from?

Government comes from the Greek word for contol (govern) and the latin word for mind (ment) put the two together and you have exactly what the government implements on 85% of the population (MINDCONTROL).

The Greek word for a government where all citizens help make decisions?


What is a greek word for government where all citizens help make decisions?

d _ _ _ c r _ _ _

What is Greek word for government where all citizens help make decisions?

d _ _ _ c r _ _ _

What is the origin of the word despotism?

The word comes from the Greek word "despotes" which means master or a person of absolute power. It is now generally used to describe a form of government.

Does democracy come from a greek word?

Lincoln got it right. Demos is Greek for The Common people. Kratos is Greek for Rule or Strength. Demokratia is government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Where did the word oligarchy originate from?

Oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) means government/governed by a few.[Greek: Oli few, garkhia government] The term is used to describe a form of government in which the supreme power is placed in the hands of a few. See Related Link below ads

What is the greek word for egg?

the greek word for egg is: avgo

What is the Greek word for experience?

The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).

What culture contributed to the US system of government Greek or Hebrew?

Greek. Many buildings in the US government are of the ancient Greek style.