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It refers to not knowing enough about what you know can lead you into dangerous situations. For example Madam Curie knew she was looking for radium she knew how to isolate it. however she did not know that what she was dealing with a deadly poison that would lead to her suffering from radiation poisoning.

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little knowledge is dangerous because u can do nothing without good knowledge

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Q: Essay on a little knowledge is a dangerous thing?
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How do you expand the proverb A little knowledge is a dangerous thing?

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing essay?

This phrase suggests that having only a small amount of knowledge can lead one to make uninformed decisions or come to incorrect conclusions. It highlights the importance of seeking out comprehensive information before forming opinions or taking action. Emphasizing the need for continuous learning and staying open-minded to new perspectives.

Who said A little learning is dangerous thing?

The phrase "A little learning is a dangerous thing" is from the poem "An Essay on Criticism" by Alexander Pope. It suggests that having a small amount of knowledge can be more harmful than not having any knowledge at all because it can lead to overconfidence and errors in judgment.

Why is it said that little knowledge is a dangerous thing?

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" was first used by Alexander Pope in An Essay on Criticism (1709). It means that a small amount of knowledge can lead people to believe they know more about something than they really do.

Is less knowledge dangerous?

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing - this can cause people to think that they are more expert than they really are

Who said A little learning is a dangerous thing drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring?

The quote "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring" is from Alexander Pope's poem "An Essay on Criticism." It warns against the dangers of superficial knowledge and encourages seeking deep understanding instead. The Pierian spring refers to a source of knowledge in ancient Greek mythology.

What does the quote Little knowledge is a dangerous thing mean?

The quote "Little knowledge is a dangerous thing" means that having only a small amount of knowledge on a subject can lead to overconfidence and potentially risky decisions. It suggests that it is better to either be fully informed or cautious when sharing information or making decisions.

What are some points for 'A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing' debate for the affirmative side?

yes its a dangerous thing as people used to show off more knowledgw than they really have

What is the theme of the movie the gods must be crazy?

patience and virtue will win in the end. never challenge a man in his speciality. a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

What are the ratings and certificates for A Little Widow Is a Dangerous Thing - 1913?

A Little Widow Is a Dangerous Thing - 1913 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

What is an example when a little learning is a dangerous thing?

An example of "a little learning is a dangerous thing" could be when someone with limited understanding of a complex topic tries to make important decisions based on that partial knowledge. This can lead to mistakes, misinformation, or misinterpretation of facts, potentially resulting in negative consequences. In situations where expertise or full understanding is necessary, relying on superficial knowledge can be risky.

Is a little learning a dangerous thing and why?

because it can cause you to think that you know more than you actually do...simply cuz u dont know it completely and therefore you mostly assume the rest of it which may or may not be correct but it is not for sure, accurate or confirmed in any little knowledge is truly a very dangerous thing. hope that's satisfying...