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Water will start to dissolve the apple, but it will in no way rot it. Rotting is caused by decomposers, mainly bacteria. These decomposers can not live under water, so the apple would not rot at all.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Yes salt can keep an apple from rotting but not for long, i did an experiment for the science fair and salt kept the apple from rotting the longest

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10y ago

Salt stops an apple from rotting due to its antibacterial properties.

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12y ago

apples not so good, but apple sauce is good. Salt can make many things, apple can make few

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12y ago

yes because it breaks down

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Q: How long can salt keep an apple from rotting?
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Salt keeps an apple from rotting but acually from my point of view i did this for my science project and it turned outa lemon juice turned out to work better than salt so try it and see what happens :P

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It is not a method for an apple.

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i dont know why. answer it yourself

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No, it's actually used to preserve things.

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Both table salt and sea salt will keep indefinitely as long as it's kept free of moisture and dirt. Salt is used as a preservative, so it has a very long shelf life too.

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To stop something from rotting we preserve it. Preservation means to stop from rotting.

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it will not keep going because you have to keep adding salt instead of sugar it will go on fovever if you keep adding salt.

How does salt water affect the rate of hydration in apples?

I put salt on a cut-from-the-top apple for a week non-refrigerated, and if you press down on the top after a week, it feels like the skin of a drum. The salt takes away the moisture in the fruit, leaving it, well, moisture-less.