

Best Answer
  • addressed
  • announced
  • appealed
  • articulated
  • attacked


  • baaed
  • babbled
  • barked
  • bawled
  • bayed
  • began to say
  • bellowed
  • blabbed
  • blazed
  • bleated
  • blewup
  • blubbered
  • blundered
  • blurted
  • booed
  • boomed
  • brayed
  • bumbled


  • cackled
  • called
  • carried on
  • catcalled
  • chanted
  • chatted up
  • chattered
  • cheeked
  • cheered
  • chirped
  • chittered
  • chortled
  • chuckled
  • clacked
  • clamored
  • clarified
  • communicated
  • complained
  • continued
  • conversed
  • conveyed
  • cooed
  • coquetted
  • corrected
  • cracked
  • crowed
  • cried
  • cried out
  • cursed


  • delivered
  • denoted
  • discoursed
  • dissertated
  • dogmatized
  • droned


  • emitted
  • enthused
  • exclaimed
  • expressed


  • faltered
  • flirted


  • gabbled
  • gagged
  • geed
  • gibbered
  • giggled
  • gobbled
  • go on
  • gossiped
  • grizzled
  • growled
  • grunted
  • guffawed
  • gulped
  • gushed


  • hallooed
  • harangued
  • hissed
  • hollered
  • hooted
  • honked
  • howled
  • hurrahed


  • inflected
  • insulted
  • intoned


  • jabbered
  • japed
  • jawed
  • jested
  • joked


  • keynoted
  • kvetched


  • lashed out
  • laughed
  • lectured
  • let loose
  • let out
  • leveled
  • lipped


  • mashed
  • maundered
  • mewed
  • memorialized
  • modulated
  • monologued
  • monologuised
  • mooed
  • mouthed
  • mumbled
  • murmured
  • mussitated
  • muttered


  • neighed
  • nickered
  • noised


  • objected
  • opened up
  • orated
  • outcry


  • palavered
  • peeped
  • philandered
  • piffled
  • piped up
  • pointed out
  • pontificated
  • prated
  • prattled
  • presented
  • proceeded
  • puled


  • ranted
  • rapped
  • rasped
  • raspberried
  • rattled
  • raved
  • razzed
  • read
  • rejected
  • remonstrated
  • renounced
  • resounded
  • reviled
  • roared
  • romanced
  • ran on
  • rustled


  • said
  • scorned
  • screaked
  • screamed
  • screeched
  • shouted
  • shrieked
  • shrilled
  • sibilated
  • sissed
  • sizzed
  • skreighed
  • skreaked
  • slung
  • slurred
  • smattered
  • snapped
  • snarled
  • snickered
  • sniggered
  • sniped
  • sniveled
  • snorted
  • sobbed
  • soliloquized
  • sounded off
  • speech
  • spieled
  • spoke
  • spouted
  • squalled
  • squawked
  • stammered
  • stated
  • statement
  • stuttered
  • swallowed


  • talked
  • talked down
  • tattled
  • tittered
  • thundered
  • toned
  • tongued
  • trolled
  • twaddled
  • twirped


  • ululated
  • uttered


  • verbalized
  • vocalized
  • vroomed


  • wailed
  • went on
  • wept
  • whickered
  • whiffed
  • whined
  • whinnied
  • whispered
  • whooped
  • withdrew


  • yacked
  • yammered
  • yapped
  • yelled
  • yelped
  • yodeled
  • yowled

    Words to use instead of "said":

  • addressed
  • announced
  • appealed
  • articulated
  • attacked
  • babbled
  • barked
  • bawled
  • boomed
  • blurted
  • bellowed
  • blubbered
  • blabbed
  • blundered
  • cackled
  • called
  • carried on
  • chanted
  • chattered
  • cheered
  • chirped
  • chittered
  • chortled
  • clamored
  • clarified
  • communicated
  • complained
  • crowed
  • cooed
  • cried
  • corrected
  • cursed
  • conveyed
  • continued
  • droned
  • discoursed
  • exclaimed
  • expressed
  • flirted
  • faltered
  • gabbed
  • giggled
  • gushed
  • mumbled
  • hooted
  • howled
  • hollered
  • hissed
  • insulted
  • joked
  • laughed
  • lashed out
  • leveled
  • muttered
  • objected
  • orated
  • pointed out
  • peeped
  • pontificated
  • ranted
  • raved
  • razzed
  • screamed
  • screeched
  • scorned
  • shouted
  • snapped
  • snarled
  • sobbed
  • sounded off
  • slurred
  • sniveled
  • spoke
  • stammered
  • stuttered
  • stated
  • talked
  • uttered
  • verbalized
  • vocalized
  • wailed
  • wept
  • went on
  • whined
  • whispered
  • whooped
  • withdrew
  • yammered
  • yelped
  • yakked
  • yapped
  • yelled
  • yodeled
  • yowled
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Q: Better words than said
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What are some better words than 'said'?

There are many words you can use rather than said such asstatedproclaimedprotested =) thanks

What are other words to use than said?

said is a better word. ))

Who said to action little less to words inclined?

Benjamin Franklin said, "Well done is better than well said", suggesting that focusing on taking action rather than voicing intentions is more important.

Who said well done is better than well said?

Benjamin Franklin is often credited with the quote "Well done is better than well said". This quote emphasizes the importance of taking actions rather than just speaking about them. It highlights the value of accomplishments over mere words.

What a better word than sad?

there are no better words than sad

When was Music Is Better Than Words created?

Music Is Better Than Words was created on 2011-09-27.

Well done is better than well said is one of Benjamin Franklin's famous aphorisms What do you suppose he meant by this particular aphorism?

Actions speak louder than words.

What is the meaning of Well done is better than well said in Tamil?

"நற்குணமாக செய்வது சொல்லுபடியாக செய்ததுக்கு சிறந்தது" is the Tamil equivalent proverb for "Well done is better than well said." It emphasizes the value of actions over words, highlighting that it is more important to follow through with actions rather than just making promises or talk.

Who way are tacos better than burritos?

Tacos are much better than burritos because i said so

What does Benjamin mean when he says well done is better than well said?

it means that if you do something it better than saying it. for example if nobody cleans and you start to clean its better than complaining to nobody is cleaning

Are numbers better than words?

yes words are better because you use them more often

Is Blockland better than roblox?

This is a matter of opinion. Roblox is currently more popular than Blockland, but it can not be said which is better.