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yes there are. either in 2013 or 2015. but u can leave and go to collge at 16

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Q: Are they really going to up school leaving age from sixteen to eighteen in the UK?
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What was the school leaving age in New Zealand in 1916?

You can leave school in New Zealand in 1916 at the age of sixteen

Should child support continue for a child who has reached eighteen that has not been in school since he was sixteen and has a son of his own and has a full time job of his own?

No. But it's my opinion and not factual.

What age do you end school?

In the United States of American, the end of compulsory education vary by a state to state basis. Kids start school from ages five to eight and finish compulsory education from ages sixteen to eighteen.

Is it normal for a sixteen year old to date a fourteen year old and why?

It is not really normal. Sixteen is driving and in high school. Fourteen may still be in middle school. And any sexual contact could be illegal.

Why does the school system say eighteen?

It would depend on what the school system is talking about when it says eighteen. There could be eighteen school buildings in there district. They could be discussing the earliest age at which one is allowed to vote. They may have had an average of eighteen absences per day, per school, so far this year...

What kind of education of united kingdom have?

We have a multi-tier education system. It starts with nursery school - this is for children up to the age of five. From age five upto eleven, children attend primary school. From Eleven to sixteen - they attend secondary school. From sixteen to eighteen - the only choices open to school-leavers is either a job, college or a government-funded training course. From 18 and over, there is the option to attend University - provided they meet the entry requirements.

In a school there are 15 boys at age 12 sixteen boys at age of 15 and eighteen boys at age of 14. what is the average age of boys.?

(15*12+16*15+18*14)/4913.7142857 is the true average age

What is the school leaving age in Germany?

In Germany, the school leaving age is typically 16. However, students are required to continue their education or training in some form until they reach the age of 18. This could be in the form of vocational training, apprenticeships, or attending a full-time school.

Do you still have to go to school when your sixteen?


Emancipating your 18 year old still in high school?

An eighteen year old that is still in high school does not have to be emancipated. According to the law, a person that is the age of eighteen is a legal adult.

Do you start college when you are eighteen?

Many people start college straight out of high school. For the majority of students, that is eighteen years of age.

Does a sixteen year old have to go to school if not living with his parents?

Not really, as long as you drop out it wont be required by law. So no, just drop out.(: I don't recommend dropping out.