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How long does it takes for food deteriorate?

Decomposition or rotting, very similar to human decomposition. There are 4 phases:





Fresh occurs the first few days following death.

Bloat or putrefraction causes odours and colour changes.

Decay or Butyric Fermentation is mummification.

Dry Decay the last of the soft tissue has eroded skeletonization occurs.

How many people lived in hiroshima before the bombings?

90,000-166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000-80,000 in Nagasaki.
140,000 people died in Hiroshima & 80,000 in Nagasaki. The radiation later caused the deaths of thousands more. It's estimated that over 300,000 Japanese died from the bombings until today.
250,000+ in the initial blasts and an unknown number died of after effects like radiation positioning and cancers.
200,000 instantly
Approximately 140,000 people died at Hiroshima. 70,000 died at Nagasaki. So in total 210,000 people died in both cites.

90,000-166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000-80,000 in Nagasaki
In Hiroshima 140,000 were killed and Nagasaki 80,000. Many later died due to radiation poisoning and injuries sustained from the actual bombing.
At the end of World War II, few questioned Truman's decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Most Americans accepted the obvious reasoning: the atomic bombings brought the war to a more timely end. They did not have a problem with over one hundred thousand of the enemy being killed. After all, the Japanese attacked America, and not the other way around. In later years, however, many have begun to question the conventional wisdom of "Truman was saving lives," putting forth theories of their own. However, when one examines the issue with great attention to the results of the atomic bombings and compares these results with possible alternatives to using said bombs, the line between truth and fiction begins to clear. Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb on Japan was for the purpose of saving lives and ending the war quickly in order to prevent a disastrous land invasion.
Hiroshima 80,000

Nagasaki 40,000
Approximately 90,000-106,000 people died in Hiroshima, 60,000-80,000 died in Nagasaki.

*The prompt fatalities in Hiroshima are estimated at 70,000 and up to 96,000 or more within the year. The prompt fatalities in Nagasaki were lower but inexact (40,000 to 75,000) with a total death count of about 80,000. The total for both cities would be between 150,000 and 250,000 from all causes.
According to the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the population in Japan in October 1940 was estimated to be 73,114,308; in November 1945 the population was estimated at 71,998,104. Japan was visibly a thriving country that was hit very hard by the bombing.
Those nuclear bombs killed 90,000-166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000-80,000 in Nagasaki.
According to the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the population in Japan in October 1940 was estimated to be 73,114,308; in November 1945 the population was estimated at 71,998,104. Japan was visibly a thriving country that was hit very hard by the bombing.
90,000-166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000-80,000 in Nagasaki .
90,000-166,000 killed in Hiroshima

60,000-80,000 killed in Nagasaki
14,371,894,023 people died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the US dropped the atom bomb.
Those bombs killed 90,000-166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000-80,000 in Nagasaki.

Mass of an object is 5kg its mass on the moon will be?

The mass of an object remains the same regardless of its location, so the mass of the object on the moon will still be 5kg. However, the weight of the object will be different on the moon due to the moon's lower gravitational pull compared to Earth.

What is the measure of an angle if its measure is 20 degrees less than its supplements?

When we see the word supplement, this means that there are two angles that add up to 180 degrees. So now we just need to think of the two angles that add up to 180, but are 20 degrees different from dach other. In this case, we have one angle that is 100 degrees, and one 80 degrees. These add up to 180, and 80 is 20 degrees less than its supplement, which is 100.

What is the role and position a species has in its environment includes all biotic and abiotic interactions as an animal meets its need for survival and production?

The role and position a species has in its environment is referred to as its ecological niche. This includes all the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) interactions necessary for the species to survive and reproduce within its habitat. The niche specifies the species' resource requirements, interactions with other species, and its function within the ecosystem.

Where is the International Harp Museum Inc in Orlando Florida located?

The address of the International Harp Museum Inc is: Po Box 690171, Orlando, FL 32869

What is the longest word starting with the letter Y?

Youthfulness is the longest word starting with the letter Y. It contains twelve letters.

Do dogs have feet?

Yes, dogs have feet. They typically have four paws, each with five toes. The pads on a dog's feet help provide traction and cushioning while walking.

What is A large estate for providing food?

Haciendas are the large estates for providing food! Glad I could help.

Where is the low pressure AC port on 1999 Plymouth Voyager?

you might think and be tempted to try and use an adaptor on the evaporation port (green Cap and plastic inlet) but that is not correct. Find the correct low pressure port.

On the passenger side you will see a large AC hose that runs between the engine and the radiator. As the rubber hose goes towards the front of the van and onto a metal tube the port is located on that tube. The port is about 18" over from the passenger fender and 10" down. You may need a flashlight of some sort to see it.

hope that helps

Failure to do something that a reasonable person would do under ordinary circumstances that ends up causing harm to another person?

Negligence is when someone fails to take reasonable care or precautions that a prudent person would under similar circumstances, resulting in harm or injury to another individual. It involves a breach of a duty of care owed to the other person.

What is the range of the vernier callipers used in your physics laboratory?


It is the range of verniercalliper. As it has least count 0.1mm that's why its range is 0.1 mm in physics laboratory

What is the secret of the altering cave?


legendary Pokemon that rules over Dialga and palkia.

You also find the portal to the alternate dimension place in Platinum.

What were john f kennedys terms and how many did he have?

He did not finish a single term. He was inaugurated into the Presidency on January 20, 1961 and was assassinated November 22, 1963.

Only serving 1036 days.
He only served ONE term! 1961-1963
Kennedy was assisinated during his first term in office

What does no se aflija acabo de bromear mean in spanish?

"No se aflija, acabo de bromear" translates to "Don't worry, I was just joking" in English. It is a reassurance to someone that the previous statement was made in jest and not to be taken seriously.

DO federal agents carry weapons overseas?

I'm writing a novel and need some general information on FBI procedures especially if they can csarry their weapons on domesrtic and international flights FBI agents are allowed to carry their weapons anywhere in the United States including aircraft. To carry the weapon on an airplane, they must file the proper paperwork and will typically introduce themself to the capt. Agents are usually not allowed to carry their weapons overseas.

What did the Apollo 11 crew do up on the moon?

The Apollo 11 crew conducted experiments, collected rock and soil samples, set up scientific equipment, took photographs, and communicated with mission control on Earth. They also planted the American flag and left behind a plaque to commemorate their historic visit.

Who visited crooks candy and Lennie?

Curley's wife visited Crooks, Candy, and Lennie in the book "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. She went into Crooks' room looking for Curley and ended up talking to the men there, revealing her loneliness and desires.

Is Golgi Body Found In RBC?

No, Golgi body is not found in red blood cells (RBCs). RBCs lack many organelles, including the Golgi body, in order to maximize their capacity for carrying oxygen.

What is animalcules?

An animalcule is a minute or microscopic animal or protozoan, or a tiny animal, such as an insect or mouse.