Well, hello there, friend! Dengue fever is spread through the bite of infected mosquitoes, particularly the Aedes aegypti mosquito. These mosquitoes usually bite during the day, so it's important to protect yourself by using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and keeping your surroundings free of standing water where mosquitoes breed. Remember, we don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents - stay safe and take care of yourself!
What was one of the effects of finding a cure for yellow fever?
Finding a cure for yellow fever led to a significant decrease in mortality rates associated with the disease. It also helped reduce the spread of the virus in regions where it was prevalent, improving public health outcomes.
Will a heating pad affect a fever?
A heating pad may provide temporary relief from symptoms like muscle aches and chills, but it won't treat the underlying cause of the fever. It's important to address the root cause of the fever by getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, and taking fever-reducing medications if necessary.
How did the finding yellow fever in Cuba affect the building of the Panamal Canal?
The discovery of yellow fever in Cuba led to the understanding that the disease was transmitted by mosquitoes, prompting the implementation of mosquito control measures in Panama during the construction of the Panama Canal. This ultimately helped to reduce the spread of yellow fever and allowed for the successful completion of the canal.
Where to get the yellow fever vaccine in chennai?
Port Trust Hospital / Institute college
Paris, Opposite to Customs office,next to sedhu samuthram project house or MMD building.
CTC: 044-25260038
Days: Mon / Wed / before 10:30 should be there.Vacination fees 300/-as on march 2012.appoinments commencing at 9:30.completion 10:30.afterwards starts vacination. Must hold valid passport document.
Kings Institute
Guindy, Behind SPIC, Chennai
CTC: 044-22341026
Days: Fri / before 12:00 Hrs as per appointment given
What cells does yellow fever affect?
Yellow fever primarily affects cells of the liver. The virus specifically targets hepatocytes, leading to liver damage and dysfunction. In severe cases, yellow fever can also affect cells of the immune system, causing a systemic inflammatory response.
Yellow fever is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and South America. The number of cases varies year by year, with outbreaks occurring periodically. In areas where the disease is endemic, vaccination campaigns and mosquito control efforts are crucial to reducing its spread.
What is scientific name of yellow fever?
Coquillettidia fuscopennata
Why do people answer questions they clearly know nothing about? This is the name of a mosquito, and not even the right one.
According to "The Dictionary of Virology" by Brian Mahy, the scientific name for yellow fever is "Flavivirus febricis". its the Flaviviridae family (includes flavivirus, hepacivirus, and pestivirus. -Kiera
What documents are required for yellow fever injection?
Well, this injection is not much fun, so you definitely want to get it notated correctly on your shot record.
Is it compulsory to take yellow fever vaccine before going to Kenya?
Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa where yellow fever is present require the vaccine. I don't think Kenya requires it, but you should check with the Kenyan embassy. However, even if it isn't required for entry to the country, it is possible that it is highly recommended, so you should also check with the CDC or WHO about which vaccines you should get before traveling to Kenya.
What historical time period did the yellow fever occur?
Yellow Fever has been seen as a dangerous disease from as far back as the 17th century. It was probably at its most prevalent in the 19th century with a major epidemic. It is still reckoned to effect up to 200,000 people a year today even with vaccinations.
Who was the first person to get yellow fever?
anyone who isn't immune to yellow fever or hasn't received a vaccination is susceptible to yellow fever if bitten by a mosquito that has bitten a monkey or person carrying the virus. there was a massive yellow fever epidemic in 1793 in Philadelphia where over 5,000 people died and were thrown into ditches so that it wouldn't be spread around. Then another one in Memphis in 1878 though not limited to those two cities. it is found all over the world and is responsible for 30,000 deaths annually in unvaccinated regions.
How many countries require yellow fever shots?
The number of countries in which a person (and some other animals) can get Yellow Fever is increasing. To find out if there is an exposure risk in a country or region of a country, check the CIA Report for the country in question
When is yellow fever vaccination available at port health organisation at Kochi at Kochi?
Wednesday & friday of every week days. The phone number is 0484 2666060.
Why doesn't the world have yellow fever today?
Due to the fact that it does not transmit directly from person to person. It transmits via vectors such as the mosquito. These mosquitoes live near the equator where there are tropical weather conditions. Therefore, this disease is unable to spread throughout the world at dangerous and fatal rates.
What type of germ is yellow fever?
Yellow fever is a disease spread by the bite of a female mosquito. The virus that causes Yellow Fever is an RNA virus of the genus Flavivirus.
When was yellow fever discovered?
humans didnt have writen records when yellow fever was first dicovered
What age groups are most likely affected by yellow fever?
There are a few different age groups that Yellow Fever affected the most. Yellow Fever tended to affect young children, elderly, and those with a compromised immune system the most.
What family does yellow fever belong to?
Yellow fever, also known as the American Plague or Black Vomit, belongs to a family called "Flaviviridae" as a single stranded RNA virus.