Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
Galba was the emperor who immediately followed Nero. Remember that after Nero there were four emperors and the time is referred to as "the year of the four emperors" by historians. Galba didn't last long and Otho followed him, Vitallius followed Otho and Vespasian followed him--all in a single year.
3 answers
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
The four emperors who scrambled for power after Nero's death were: Galba, Otho, Vitallius and Vespasian.
2 answers
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
Yes. Augustus was the first of the Julio-Claudian emperors. There were four more after him.
2 answers
The existence of the 'Yonkou', the Four Emperors, is mentioned in episode 314.
1 answer
There were 177 emperors after Augustus. There were four more in his direct line, the Julio-Claudians, 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
1 answer
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
The four emperors that followed Augustus were known as members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
2 answers
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
There were actually two emperors in the year 284. One was Carinus, and the other was Diocletian who overthrew him.
3 answers
In the Year of the Four Emperors (93) four men fought for the imperial title. Three of them, Galba, Otho and Vitellius, ruled very briefly. Vespasian was the final victor.
1 answer
It represents the Tetrarchs. This is a term which has been coined to indicate the emperors of the system of government created by the emperor Diocletian. In 285 he designated his fellow general Maximian as co-emperor. in 293 the designated two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinated to Diocletian and Maximian who became senior emperors (Augusti). This system had been termed the tetrarchy (rule by four in Greek). Hence the term tetrarchs for the four emperors.
1 answer
Nero committed suicide when the army rebelled against him and he had no support. His death was followed by the Year of the Four Emperors in which four men fought for the imperial title. Three of them were emperors very briefly: Galba (6 months) Otho (3 months) Vitellius (8 months). The fourth was the final winner: Vespasian.
2 answers
It represents the Tetrarchs. This is a term which has been coined to indicate the emperors of the system of government created by the emperor Diocletian. In 285 he designated his fellow general Maximian as co-emperor. in 293 the designated two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinated to Diocletian and Maximian who became senior emperors (Augusti). This system had been termed the tetrarchy (rule by four in Greek). Hence the term tetrarchs for the four emperors.
1 answer
The emperors from Augustus to the five good emperors were the emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty -Tiberius (reigned 14-37 AD) Caligula (37-41 AD) Claudius (41-54 AD) and Nero (54-68 AD)- and the emperors of the Flavian dynasty - Vespasian (69-79 AD) Titus (79-81 AD) and Domitian (81-96 AD). The five good emperors belonged to the Nerva-Antonine dynasty.
This period also saw the Year of the Four Emperors (69 AD) which followed the suicide of Nero. It was a brief period of civil war in which four men fought for the title of emperor. There of them were deposed quickly and the fourth one, Vespasian, held on to power and established the Flavian dynasty. The three other emperors were Galba, Otho, and Vitellius.
1 answer
Hadrian was one of the four emperors who designated their heirs by adopting them. The others were Nerva, Trajan and Antoninus Pius.
1 answer
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.
4 answers
In 69 A.D, it was the year of the four emperors, if you type this URL address into the thingy at the top of your page
and just keep scrolling till you find it!!
This is what it says:
Year of the four Emperors: after the assassination of Galba, Otho and Vitellius briefly become emperors before Vespasian's accession to power in the end of the year; Flavian dynasty begins
4 answers
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total, Rome had 178 emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
1 answer
There was not a region of the five emperors. There was what historians have called the Year of the Five Emperors. After the emperor Commodus was assassinated, five men fought for the title on emperor and four of them were deposed. The five men were Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus and Septimius Severus. Septimius Severus was the man who managed to hold on to power and founded the Severan dynasty which lasted from 193 to 235 and had five emperors. Since all this happened within a year, it did not affect the prosperity of the empire.
1 answer
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
In total there were 178 Roman emperors. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east.
2 answers
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
You could say that Rome had two emperors in the year 180. At first it was Marcus Aurelius, but he died in 180 and his son Commodus became emperor in the same year.
2 answers
1974 was when they found the Emperors Silent Army.
1 answer
It is Plutarch's The Lives of the Roman Emperors. However, it was more comprehensive than that. It did not cover the lives of four emperors (from Tiberius to Nero). It covered the lives of eight emperors, from Augustus to Vitellius. Only the Life of Galba and the Life Otho are extant .The Life of Tiberius and the Life of Nero survive only in fragments
1 answer
All Roman Emperors were famous in their own way.
There were 192 people who claimed the title Emperor of Rome from 27 BC when the Emperor Augustus took control of the Senate until 1185 AD. Some of the later such would now be called Byzantine Emperors, but a the time they called themselves Roman Emperors.
Second answer.
Generally speaking most historians separate the ancient Roman empire and the Byzantine empire.
The Byzantine empire lasted until 1453 AD when the Ottoman Turks took over Constantinople.
6 answers
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
The emperors had little to do with the republican government. By the time of the emperors, the republic was over and was ruled by the emperors.
2 answers
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
If you consider the first hundred years the early Roman empire, there were four emperors during that time span who were unpopular and murdered. They were Caligula, Galba, Vitallius and Domitian. Other emperors were murdered, such as Claudius and possibly Tiberius, but not because they were unpopular, but because someone else wanted their job.
2 answers
There were about 20 emperors during the Pax Romana. The time period covered the Julio/Claudian dynasty, the year of the four emperors, the Flavian dynasty, the Five Good Emperors and about half way through the Severan dynasty. Among them were Augustus, Vespasian, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius.
3 answers
It represents the Tetrarchs. This is a term which has been coined to indicate the emperors of the system of government created by the emperor Diocletian. In 285 he designated his fellow general Maximian as co-emperor. in 293 the designated two junior emperors (Caesars) who were subordinated to Diocletian and Maximian who became senior emperors (Augusti). This system had been termed the tetrarchy (rule by four in Greek). Hence the term tetrarchs for the four emperors.
3 answers
Four year program.
Four year program.
Four year program.
Four year program.
Four year program.
Four year program.
3 answers
The strongest Yonkou was assumedly Whitebeard, since the title the World Government gave him was "The Strongest Man in the World."
1 answer
During the 244-year period of the monarchy the kings were chosen by the senate and elected by the people. During the 482-year period of the republic the consuls, the two heads of the republic, were elected annually by the Assembly of the Soldiers. During the 506-year period of rule by emperors the emperors chose their heir.
1 answer
in like emperors and rulers in like emperors and rulers in like emperors and rulers in like emperors and rulers
1 answer
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.
3 answers
During the 244-year period of the monarchy the candidate for the kingship was chosen by the senate and he was elected by the people. During the 482-year period of the republic the heads of the republic were two consuls who were elected annually by the Assembly of the Soldiers. During the 506-year period of rule by emperors the emperors where absolute rulers and they chose their heir.
1 answer
If you mean the Julio/Claudians, it was the Flavians. After Nero offed himself, there was turmoil and the time was known as the "year of the four emperors". Nero was followed by Galba who was followed by Otho who was followed by Viitelius who in turn was followed by Vespasian -- all within about a year of each other. Vespasian founded the Flavian dynasty.
1 answer
A four year old is four years old or 1460 days old or 48 months or you get the idea a four year old is four
2 answers
During the 244-year period of the monarchy the king run the government. During the 482-year period of the Roman Republic two annually elected consuls were in charge and they were either patricians (aristocrats) or rich plebeians (commoners). During the 503-year period of rule by emperors, the emperors were absolute rulers.
1 answer
By splitting the Empire into four parts, under two emperors and two caesars, to make such a large area in a pre-electronic and pre-mechanical transport era, manageable.
3 answers
There were 178 Roman emperors in total. There were 81 emperors of the west and 97 emperors of the east. This does not count the wannabes who ruled while another emperor legitimately ruled and were soon overthrown.
3 answers
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.
2 answers
During the 482-year period of the Roman Republic, all Roman citizens (all freeborn Roman males) had the right to vote. They elected the officers of state and voted on bills. During the 506-year period of rule by emperors the emperors were absolute rulers and there was no voting.
1 answer
There were four British Kings who were also Emperors of India
Edward VII (1901-1910)
George V (1910-1936)
Edward VIII (January 1936-December 1936)
George VI (1936-1948)
1 answer
The title of the Roman emperors was Augustus (the venerable one). At the beginning of rule by emperors they were also called Caesars. Later Caesar became the title of the junior emperors. The Romans knew that the emperors were absolute ruler and that is what they thought of them. Many emperors liked to assocate themselves with a divinity
1 answer