You can do it in whichever is the most convenient for you. Online course might be the most convenient but some countries or states don't acknowledge online trainings for driver safety. The best bet you have is go to your local government and request for a driver safety course. You might even get it for free.
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(in the US) It is usually conducted under the authority of the Consumer Product Safety Commission at the intiation of whichever Agency that requested the recall notice.
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It's not the car you need to worry about, it's the driver. Driver safety diminishes after about 8 hours or 500 miles, whichever comes first.
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Since I do not know what safety inspection this person is referring to, one would have to first determine the parameters of said safety inspection. If the safety inspection involved the DMV, I would look up information on that website regarding vehicle safety for autos in my state. After I know what the parameters are, I would carefully read the information on whichever DIY windshield kit I before I purchase it.
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The common phrase, "whichever is earlier" can be used rather easily. "I will take the next dental appointment, whichever is earlier.
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As a safety professional you should take whichever OSHA 30 hour course is focused on the kind of safety support you will be providing. If you will be supporting General Industry, take the General Industry course, if you will be supporting construction, take the Construction course.
Actually, as a true Safety Professional, you should already have obtained the information available in those courses as part of the process of becoming a professional.
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Whichever Way the Ball Bounces was created in 1974.
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to install flooring you will need a putty knife, glue, tiles or carpet(whichever you want to use) and a utility knife.Make sure you take safety precautions so you do not cut yourself.
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The duration of Whichever Way the Ball Bounces is 1.48 hours.
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"Whichever" is an indefinite pronoun. It is typically used to refer to any from a limited set of things or options.
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It depends on where you are. In the U.S. each state sets its own requirements for carrying a firearm, so you apply to whichever local agency handles it. In some states, it's the department of safety, and in some, it's your local sheriff.
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You could take the A Train or the D Train, whichever comes first, since they both go to your destination.
Abuse of drugs can lead to legal troubles or can kill you, whichever happens first.
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First, look at the small hand and whichever number is is at is the hour. Then look at the big hand and whichever number it is at is the minute
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the strong safety lines up on the strong side - whichever side the tight end lines up on
The strong safety will usually defend the tight end in man-to-man defenses while the free safety will read the offense and determine where the ball is going to be thrown and try to be there to help in defending. Also, generally speaking, the strong safety will help towards the line of scrimmage on running plays.
Typically the strong safety is used more in run support and a free safety is used more to defend the pass. Strong safeties are usually slightly bigger, better tacklers, and play closer to the line of scrimmage. Some strong safeties are former linebackers like Michael Boulware of the Seattle Seahawks.
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If you are looking at purchasing a construction worker hat, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind. For starters, whichever industry you work in should have safety procedures and regulations that specify exactly what sort of hat is needed in that job.
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Whichever winding is connected to the supply is the primary winding; whichever winding is connected to the load is the secondary winding.
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People go to whichever college accepts them and whichever one they want to - it makes no difference at all which kindergarten you go to.
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The county school, whichever county in whichever state you may be thinking of, does not get a W-2. Only employees do. It I suspect, is an employer.
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No, an "fumf" is not a recognized subatomic particle in physics. The known subatomic particles are classified into categories such as quarks, leptons, and bosons based on their properties and interactions.
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operating cycle or one year, whichever's longer
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No, the word "whichever" is actually composed of two words: "which" and "ever". It is used to refer to any of a range of options or possibilities.
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