Planet X was a hypothetical planet which was searched for after the discovery of planet Neptune. `Planet-X` does not exist.
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Planet x is the planet behind Pluto which is commonly reffered to as Selena but is not yet a planet(or clarified planet).
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Nowhere. There is currently no planet called planet X. It is a lie
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Planet X does exist but there are about 3 Dwarf planets that have simularities to Plznet X. Planet X has not yet been discovered.
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Planet X does not exist. It was only a theory.
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No, "Planet X" is not the planet featured in the Fullmetal Alchemist series. The series is set in a fictional world where alchemy is a prominent practice, but it does not specify a particular planet as the story's setting.
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The temperature of Planet X is currently unknown as it is a hypothetical planet that has not been discovered.
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The duration of The Man from Planet X is 1.17 hours.
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"Planet X" was originally a term for a hypothetical TENTH planet, BEYOND Pluto. Also, Pluto is no longer considered a planet.
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In order to calculate that figure, we need to know the mass of planet x
and the radius of its surface. These are particularly difficult to measure
in the case of planet x, primarily because it doesn't exist.
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Planet X has not been confirmed to exist, so its size is unknown. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, with a radius of about 69,911 km.
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No, Lowell did not study Planet X. The hypothetical Planet X, also known as Planet Nine, was proposed based on observations of the unusual orbits of some trans-Neptunian objects, but it has not been definitively discovered or studied.
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"Planet X" is a temporary title given to a newly discovered planet with no official designation. The title is dispensed with once a planet is given a permanent designation. There is no specific planet called "Planet X." Several planets, including Pluto, have been called this before being named.
Believers of the Nibiru Cataclysm Theory sometimes claim that "Planet X" is the name that NASA has given "Nibiru," a mythical planet-like object, as part of a cover up.
As 'Planet X' might be any planet, it might be any size.
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Niburu x has been said to have existed after planet pluto disintegrated
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The Strange World of Planet X was created in 1957.
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If you are referring to "Nibiru" then it is nowhere. No such "planet x" exists.
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Yes and no. "Planet X" is a designation given temporarily to any new planet with no name. It does not refer to a specific planet, and once a planet is given a name, 'Planet X' is discarded as a title. Several planets, including Pluto, have been referred to as "Planet X."
Supporters of the Nibiru Cataclysm Theory sometimes claim that "Planet X" is NASA's method of keeping "Nibiru," a mythical, large planet-like object, secret, as part of a cover up. There is no scientific foundation for this "theory."
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though it is not a planet anymore no planet X is.
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Planet "X" is an unknown; it is completely speculative. In your imagination, you can have Planet X be any size you want.
"Planet X" is the title that bad Science Fiction movie makers give to an imaginary place.
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I thnk planet x is a10th planet and that one that says 2012 is the end of the wold is right
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Planet X is a hypothetical planet that has yet to be confirmed. Therefore until it is discovered, it will not have any moons.
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Nothing. Nibiru or Planet X did its usual Planet X activities in 2012.
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Look on the planet x website.
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"Planet X" is the temporary name given to a planet that lacks a designation. Pluto was, at one point, known as Planet X.
Some members of the cults that have formed around the Nibiru Cataclysm Theory believe, in ignorance, that 'Planet X' is NASA's secret name for Nibiru, a mythical, large, planet-like object that is predicted (by Nancy Lieder) to collide with Earth.
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yes there is a planet beyoned Pluto it is called the planet x
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As of now, Voyager 2 has not found Planet X. The existence of Planet X, also known as Planet Nine, is still a topic of ongoing research and debate among astronomers. It has not been directly observed or confirmed by any spacecraft like Voyager 2.
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Planet X TV - 1995 X Dance was released on:
USA: 12 November 2011
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