The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising didn't actually occur in a camp. It occurred in the Warsaw Ghetto. For more on the Warsaw Ghetto, check out the link below. Also - please don't confuse the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April 1943 with the much bigger Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
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In the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (April-May, 1943) a small number of Jews still in the Warsaw Ghetto rose in rebellion against the Judenrat and the Nazis. Obviously, they did not stand a chance against the SS, but at least they went down fighting. The Nazis burned down every building in the ghetto.
The later Warsaw Uprising of 1944 was unrelated to the earlier ghetto uprising, though a handful of the 34 Jewish survivors of the ghetto uprising, such as Zivia Lubetkin, took part in both.
After the supression of the uprising the Warsaw Ghetto or part of it was turned into a concentration camp, but very little is known about that camp.
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The Warsaw Ghetto was established between October to November 1940. This ghetto would be the first uprising during World War Two with the 1943 Warsaw Uprising.
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The 1944 Warsaw uprising lasted from August 1 to October 2. The 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising lasted a month, April 19 - May 16.
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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising took place in May-June 1943. There had been some resistance earlier.
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Nobody. There was no rescue from the Warsaw Ghetto and it was completely destroyed by the Nazis during the uprising of April-May 1943.
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No, every building in the Warsaw was destroyed by the SS in April and May, 1943 when they put down the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising The Survivors' Stories - 2010 was released on:
USA: 25 March 2010 (Delray Beach Film Festival)
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When putting down the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April-May 1943 the SS systematically went through the ghetto setting fire to every building.
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The Warsaw Ghetto was destroyed at the end of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in April 1943. The site (or part of it) was later used as a concentration camp, but very little is known about it.
By January 1945 the Soviet Army was in Warsaw.
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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. See related question below.
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it was the Warsaw Uprising, not a battle. It was started by polish people living in Warsaw occupied by Nazis. It was preceeded by the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, started by Jews in 1943. Both of them were supressed by Nazis.
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This was the first major jewish uprising. It showed that their would be resistance in the process of the holocaust.
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It was completely destroyed when the Nazis out down the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April-May, 1943. Please see the related question for more detail.
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The term Battle of Warsaw is used by historian for a battle fought in 1920 just outside Warsaw between the Polish Army and the Red Army. It should not be confused with either the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943) or the Warsaw Uprising (1944).
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1 August - 2 October 1944 ; see related link below to further information .
Note: this uprising should not be confused with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April-May, 1943. The two were separate.
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Answer The Jews had been confined in an area of Warsaw that was referred to as the "ghetto". The Warsaw Uprising began on 1 August 1944 when the Germans began rounding up the Jews and sending them to concentration camps.
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At first, the Germans were a little surprised.
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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising took place in April of 1943. It was a riot that broke out when the Nazi's were attempting to load the last of the Jewish communities in Poland onto the train to take them to the concentrations camps. Sadly, the Jewish people lost this resistance.
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One big one, they knew that they were going to be gassed to death.
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The most dramatic incident that stands out is the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April-May 1943.
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The uprising was probably the thing that one could point out as different.
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Lots of people died
The inhabitants of the ghetto knew that they were going to be killed, whatever they did and that the ghetto was getting smaller and smaller as endless trainloads of Jews were sent to Treblinka.
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How did the resistance groups communicate?
What negotiations went on between the Polish resisiance and the Jewish resistance?
Why did they not break out?
or simply who has written about the uprising and why.
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The Warsaw uprising was one. The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto fought off the Nazis.
They ultimately were put down in a fierce fight.
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It became obvious that people were being taken away and murdered, the choice was to die quietly or to rise up.
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Of course- there were many, actually. Most fights were over life and death, food, medicine, and warmth. The most famous of the fights was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which was when many Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto gained access to the weapons armory and took aim upon the Nazis guarding the ghetto outside the camp.
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The Warsaw ghetto uprising in April 1943 is a classic example of Jewish armed resistance to Nazi oppression during the Holocaust. Uprising in larger ghettos such as Warsaw, Bialystok, Grodno, or Minsk also took place. Jews took armed uprising when they got convinced the Germans were in to extinct the Jews.
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Warsaw, it was the largest Jewish ghetto of all.
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In the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (April-May, 1943) a small number of Jews still in the Warsaw Ghetto rose in rebellion against the Judenrat and the Nazis. Obviously, they did not stand a chance against the SS, but at least they went down fighting. The Nazis burned down every building in the ghetto.
The later Warsaw Uprising of 1944 was unrelated to the earlier ghetto uprising, though a handful of the 34 Jewish survivors of the ghetto uprising, such as Zivia Lubetkin, took part in both.
After the supression of the uprising the Warsaw Ghetto or part of it was turned into a concentration camp, but very little is known about that camp.
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The Warsaw ghetto was created to make a place to concentrate the Jews of the region.
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The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto established in Poland. the total of Jews that can be crowded in is about 450,000 Jews. They were crowded into an area of 1.4 square miles that was the Warsaw ghetto.
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Bernard Goldstein - Warsaw Uprising - died in 1959.
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Bernard Goldstein - Warsaw Uprising - was born in 1889.
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i am not 100% sure but i believe it started at 1941 and ended at 1942
1 August - 2 October 1944 - the uprising lasted for 63 days.
it started 1939 finished 1945
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From Wikipedia, uncited:
"The original name of the town was Richmond Courthouse. In 1830 the town's name changed to Warsaw. A number of other small towns in the United States changed their names to Warsaw at this time (Warsaw, Kentucky for instance), all as a result of sympathy in the United States for the November Uprising in Poland. Because Richmond Courthouse was still unincorporated in 1830, it is unclear who was responsible for the change of name to Warsaw."
The really famous Warsaw Ghetto was in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.
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See the related link for a site with an interactive map of the Warsaw Ghetto.
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