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If you mean,"do we get vitamin D from the sun?" then yes, we do. If you mean,"does the sun burn up vitamin D?" or,"Did the sun come into existence as a giant ball of vitamin D?" then no.

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A toxic level of vitamin D can only be acquired through overdosing on supplements. Too much vitamin D in the body can result in excess calcium in the blood and kidney problems.

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Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin when a cholesterol precursor is modified by UV radiation from sunlight. This modification is the first step in the activation of vitamin D in the body.

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That is true you do need vitamin D in your daily intake

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Vitamin C is water soluble vitamin. It can not be stored in your body. But I have read in world famous medical text book that the elderly people should be given one or two grams of vitamin C on your monthly visit. That should do. It takes years to get the deficiency of the vitamin B 12, which is water soluble vitamin.

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Vitamin E is any of, or a mixture of, several different chemicals called tocopherols.

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it is an important vitamin india our body. Jaroori poshak tatva hai vo.

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Vitamin k is essential for blood clotting thus helping wounds to heal.

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No it does not.

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There is no doubt that getting your essential vitamins from food sources rather than from a pill is the most effective way to provide your body with nutrients. Vitamin A is no different. There are many foods that contain Vitamin A, and these are foods that are packed with other nutrients as well.

Vitamin A promotes healthy skin, bones and cells and helps fight infections by keeping your immune system healthy. The daily recommended intake for Vitamin A is 3,000 IUs for men and 2,310 IUs for women.

Foods that are packed with Vitamin A include colorful fruits and vegetables. The top 5 foods that contain Vitamin A are sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale and collard greens.

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Vitamin C supplements bring a brighter tone to the skin. Vitamin C helps fight off colds and provide many other health benefits. There are many ways to ingest the specific amount of vitamin C necessary, such as eating oranges, but it is difficult to reach the total necessary for overall health and an appealing skin tone.

Attempting to reach the minimum amount of vitamin C a body needs is difficult without vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C supplements come in chewable form and taste just like oranges for people who do not like to swallow pills. Vitamin C is the best defense against illness and aids as a beauty product for the skin as an added benefit.

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It is rare in the United States because foods are now vitamin fortified. If you consume a healthy diet, you should get enough thiamine.

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gives daily dose of this vitamin needs, which You cant have from fresh vegetables and fruits ! it cant make You stronger ;)

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Vitamin C is more usually regarded as a nutrient than as a medication, however, it can be prescribed as a medication to treat scurvy.

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Vitamin b1 is also known as Thiamine or Thiamin. It helps to convert blood sugar into useful energy for the body to use.

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Vitamin D is unique among the vitamins because it can be synthesized by the body when skin is exposed to sunlight. It plays a crucial role in calcium absorption and bone health. Deficiency in vitamin D is common and can lead to various health issues.

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The B Vitamins, especially vitamin B1, B2, Niacin, Biotin, Pantothenic acid and vitamin B6 are generally found in the same foods and work together in converting dietary protein, carbs and fat to storage or energy. In humans deficiency of one B vitamin is usually associated with poor intake of several B vitamins. If you consume 300 mg of the vitamin a day you could encounter toxic results. Although the vitamin when taken orally is not stored well in the body. If you receive B1 injections intravenously repeated times it might cause anaphalactic shock.

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The very nature of gastric bypass surgery disrupts the absorption of vitamins into the body. For one, the area of the small intestine where vitamins are absorbed is no longer used. Secondly, the smaller size of the stomach also affects vitamin digestion in the stomach. Additional vitamins for gastric bypass patients are important to avoid the complications that go along with these deficiencies. Supplemental vitamins and minerals should include Vitamin A, Calcium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Selenium, Thiamin and Iron. Multivitamins specifically geared toward the needs of bariatric patients are available.

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some fruits not all

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In the large intestine.

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Vitamin A is vital for good eyesight. Vitamin A is also commonly known for regulating genes, maintaining healthy skin, supporting the immune system and producing red blood cells.

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Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in calcium absorption and bone health, while sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone regulate sexual development and reproductive function. Both are important for overall health and well-being, with vitamin D influencing hormone production and activity in the body.

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The scientific name for Vitamin E is tocopherol. It is a group of fat-soluble compounds with antioxidant properties that are essential for human health.

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Vitamin E serves as an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also supports immune function and skin health, and may help with heart health by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

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How to Eat More Foods with Vitamin A

Vitamin A was discovered in 1913 as a cure for night blindness. However, as well as being very good for eyes and sight, it also promotes a healthy immune system, along with strong, healthy bones, teeth, hair, skin and nails. For these reasons, it's important to ensure a good intake of Vitamin A.

Eating Foods with Vitamin A Every Day

Many foods are rich in Vitamin A, specifically orange, bright yellow, and dark green foods. All main meals of the day, along with snacks, can be rich in Vitamin A.


Bright orange and yellow fruits such as apricots, mango, papaya, and cantaloupe, make a perfect, Vitamin A enriched breakfast. Alernatively, for those who prefer more carbohydrates for the first meal of the day, milk and breakfast cereals are often fortified with Vitamin A


A dark, leafy salad such as spinach or kale, will bring plenty of Vitamin A to a lunchtime meal. Some grated carrots add a splash of color and extra Vitamin A thanks to the high levels of beta-carotene. Alternatively, to introduce Vitamin A to your lunch, enjoy some sweet potatoes with your meal.


Vitamin A occurs naturally in animal products, including meat, fish and eggs, so having these for your evening meal will ensure an adequate amount of Vitamin A is in your dinner. Adding dark, leafy greens will ensure your food is Vitmain A enriched, especially if they are raw or subjected to minimal cooking, as heating removes Vitamin A from foods. In addition, enjoying any number of fruit juices made from bright orange fruits offers an alternative form of the vitamin.


Vitamin A can be taken as a supplement, but as it's fat soluble and stored in the liver, it's important to ensure any supplements containing Vitamin A are chosen wisely, and are a reputable brand. Too much Vitamin A, taken in the form of a supplement, can be toxic to the liver, and some groups of people, such as expectant women, are recommended to avoid it.

One supplement that is very high in Vitamin A is Cod Liver Oil. Once a popular supplement thanks to its ability to ward off bacteria and viruses, it is used less often today. However, it remains a very pure form of Vitamin A.

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Yes, but many people do not have enough Vitamin D. The big "D" is produced when the cholesterol in your skin is exposed to sunlight, and turns into vitamin d. NOT having enough Vitamin D can cause serious problems such as depression (making anxiety an issue), fatigue, bone softening diseases like rickets and osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and even schizophenia. 600 IUS is the recommended dosage for adults. I would also ask a doctor what they recommend, because depending on where you live the more or less IUS you will need. Also you can get Vitamin D through food intake such as cheese, butter and egg yolk.

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Taking vitamin D is usually a good idea because a lot of people are deficient in it but whether or not it is effective as a sole treatment for your Asthma is something you really need to consult your doctor about.

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Vitamin D is primarily produced in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. When ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun hit the skin, a chemical reaction converts a substance in the skin into vitamin D3. Only a small amount of vitamin D comes from dietary sources like fortified foods and supplements.

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The recommend IU (International Unit) for Vitamin D is 400 IUs daily. But, there are vitamin supplements specifically for senior adults and you may want to investigate taking one of them. Always ask your doctor if it is safe in your case.

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Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating the levels of essential minerals such as Calcium and Phosphate. In turn, these minerals are used in various parts of the body including the bones, muscles, and teeth. Therefore, a deficiency in Vitamin D will lead to weak muscles and bones as well as dental problems. It is important to understand that Vitamin D can only be absorbed by the body when there is direct sun exposure on the skin. This means that a diet rich in Vitamin D is not enough to prevent the symptoms associated with a deficiency.

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Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) helps to protect the body by strengthening the immune system, improving healing, and controlling bleeding. It is also a factor in major enzymatic reactions including collagen formation.

A severe lack of vitamin C results in a deficiency disease called scurvy, which can be fatal.

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Vitamin supplements offer a more concentrated form of nutrients found in foods. They can balance out what you aren't getting when you eat.

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The cell membrane is made up of a lipid bilayer, which means lipid-soluble molecules like vitamin D can easily pass through by simple diffusion. Water-soluble molecules like vitamin C, on the other hand, need specific transport proteins or channels to pass through the lipid layer. So, the structure of the cell membrane determines the route taken by each vitamin based on their solubility characteristics.

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Vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to a condition known as ariboflavinosis, causing symptoms like cracked lips, sore throat, and redness and swelling of the lining of the mouth and throat. Severe deficiency may result in skin rashes, anemia, and neurological symptoms. Treatment usually involves increasing intake of foods rich in vitamin B2 or taking supplements.

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Many people who are looking to lose weight quickly turn to vitamin B12 injection weight loss. These injections directly into the bloodstream promote weight loss by speeding up the metabolism and suppressing appetite. Vitamin B12 injection weight loss often occurs more quickly than with diet and exercise alone. Many people get regular injections of this powerful vitamin supplement to fuel workouts and burn more calories. In addition, vitamin B12 injections for weight loss help the body continue to burn calories long after the workouts have been completed. Vitamin B12 injections for weight loss are often available from bariatric surgeons who specialize in weight loss.

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Water-soluble vitamins

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