"Vin de pays" is a French term that translates to "country wine." It is a category of French wine that falls between table wine and higher-quality AOC-designated wines, typically produced from specific regions and grape varieties. These wines are often characterized by being more affordable and less regulated than AOC wines.
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Le Pays de Galles is the French name for Wales. Au Pays de Galles means 'in Wales'
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De quel pays es-tu ? Tu es de quel pays ? De quel pays est-ce que tu viens ? de quel pays viens tu ? are the common ways we translate 'What country are you from?' in French.
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The area of Pays de la Loire is 32,082 square kilometers.
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Pays de Galles
to say i live in wales..
J'habite aux Pays de Galles
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Literally fine wine is vin fin A really good ( and really expensive ) wine may be referred to as a millesime.
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wine woman: femme de vin
She is the wine woman: Elle est la femme de vin
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VDP d'Oc stands for Vin de Pays d'Oc, which is a quality wine designation from the Languedoc-Roussillon region in France. It indicates that the wine is produced in a specific geographical area (Pays d'Oc) and must meet certain quality standards set by the governing body.
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The tenant of Stade du Pays de Charleroi is R. Charleroi S.C. in Belgium.
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I live in Wales = "J'habite au Pays de Galles / je vis au Pays de Galles"
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The vin the goutte is a wine made with the draining grape-juice, without squeezing the grapes.
Also called vin d'égouttage.
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Dans combien de pays parle-t-on le français? Combien de pays ont le français comme langue officielle?
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There are 331 AOC (Appellation d'Origine Controlee), 17 VDQS (Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure), and 6 regional Vin de pays.
That adds up to 354 separate French wine regions. Since they define their wine types by regions, that's the number of different types of French wines as well.
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Au pays de la Lys et de l'Escaut - 1952 is rated/received certificates of:
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Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire was created in 1971.
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The pays de la Loire is a region in France, and the majority of people in France do believe in God.
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Nantes, Le Mans, Angers are the most important cities in the Pays de la Loire region.
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Country of dreams is an English equivalent of 'pays de rêves'. The masculine noun 'pays' means 'country'. The preposition 'de' means 'of'. The masculine noun 'rêves' means 'dreams'. All together, they're pronounced 'peh-ee duh rehv'.
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La Pays de Galles is the French term for Wales, which is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It is located on the western side of the island of Great Britain. The capital of Wales is Cardiff.
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wine barrel = 'tonneau (à vin)' or 'barrique (de vin)' or 'fût'
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Peter habite au pays de Galles > Peter lives in Wales
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Wine est le moyen moderne d'apprendre et d'acheter du vin! Wine combine un magasin de vins d'un million de bouteilles avec les informations, les outils et les conseils d'experts dont vous avez besoin pour en profiter. Ajoutez à cela le meilleur service de livraison de l'industrie, satisfaction garantie!
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The cast of Ideile bune vin de sus - 2003 includes: Sandu Mihai Gruia Andi Vasluianu as Picatura
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L'effet pays d'origine a une influence sur la formation des croyances, mais pas directement sur les attitudes vis-à-vis du produit.
Chao (1993) a décomposé le concept de pays d'origine en pays d'assemblage et pays de conception (« country of design »).
le pays de fabrication a un effet plus important que le pays de conception sur la qualité perçue du produit
Dans le cas de marque générique très connues (Sony), l'effet marque semble dépasser l'effet pays d'origine (Johansson, 1992).
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