validity is not 6 months from the date of purchase as mentioned in earlier answer. There is no validity period fixed under law for using the stamp paper from the date of purchase. For claiming refund of the stamp papers there is a time limit. Therefore, the stamp paper can be used even after expiry of six months.
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Validity measures how well drawn a concept is, and how accurately it responds to the real world. Its effectiveness is measured by how close it comes to validating a measure that it claims to be able to measure. Reliability, on the other hand, posits the amount of consistency in the measurement.
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The binomial expansion is valid for n less than 1.
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Valid if current, not defaced, altered or flagged by the authorities and if you are using it then it must belong to you
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The cedula in the Philippines, also known as community tax certificate, is a valid government-issued identification document required by law for individuals aged 18 and above. It is used for various purposes such as applying for government services, employment, and other transactions that may require proof of identity. Failure to secure a cedula can result in penalties or fines.
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If you gain internal validity do you lose external validity
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for Gate exam there is a validity but i think for pgeset there is no validity.
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examples of internal and external validity
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others type of validity of a test other than content
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Validity generalization is a statistical approach used to demonstrate that test validities do not vary across situations
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Internal validity is the degree to which the results are attributable to the independent variable and not some other explanations.External validity is the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized.
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Causal validity is also referred to as internal validity. It refers to how well experiments are done and what we can infer from those results.
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others type of validity of a test other than content
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others type of validity of a test other than content
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others type of validity of a test other than content
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others type of validity of a test other than content
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What is the most important if research is validity?
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construct validity
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The prosecuting attorney questioned the validity of the defendant's story.
Administer the test according to rules in the manual or the validity of the test will be compromised.
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The abstract noun forms of the adjective valid are validness and validity.
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An employer can check validity of a driver's license by calling the DMV. They can also check its validity by looking at the expiration date.
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To ensure that a periodic test is valid you must observe and analyze the test data. This method of test validity is called content validity.
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where from i get a caste validity from Nagpur ....?
I`m a collage student in c.p and berer
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To ensure that a periodic test is valid you must observe and analyze the test data. This method of test validity is called content validity.
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There is no validity on stamp papers in Andhra Pradesh.
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My caste validity praposal no. 2465
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The difference between internal and external validity is in their nature. Internal validity indicates if a study depicts relation between two variables. External validity on the other hand generalizes the study of the variables.
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Yes. Internal validity is whether or not the experiment is studying what it intends to. External validity is whether or not the study can be generalised outside of the study. For example, if you had a perfect experiment set up, that measures something perfectly, then it will have internal validity. You haven't, however, shown that you would get the same results in different cultures, or in different time periods. Thus the experiment may not have external validity.
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To ensure that a periodic test is valid you must observe and analyze the test data. This method of test validity is called content validity.
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validity of licence can be check from irda website in surveyor list
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social validity is represents the value and use of the information obtained from the instrument.
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Validity- measures what it intends or claims to measure - i.e fit for its purpose
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The validity of Stamp Paper after Execution is forever.
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No it is not easier because of the external flow.
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Two common methods for assessing validity in psychological tests are content validity, which involves examining whether the test adequately covers the content it is supposed to measure, and criterion validity, which looks at how well a test predicts or correlates with an external criterion. Other types of validity include construct validity, which assesses whether the test measures the theoretical construct it claims to measure, and face validity, which considers if the test appears to measure what it intends to measure.
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Moral validity refers to actions that align with ethical principles or personal beliefs, whereas legal validity pertains to actions that comply with the laws and regulations of a specific jurisdiction. Moral validity is subjective and based on individual values, while legal validity is objective and established by a governing authority.
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Considering in test-scoring "reliability" refers to the consistency of the test scores, and "validity" refers to the accuracy of the interpretations made from those scores, then reliability is possible without validity, although validity is not possible without reliability.
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Recharge is for extending the validity on the card whereas Top up is when u still have validity but no currency.. top up does not increase your validity whereas recharge does..
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Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure in assessing what it intends to measure, while reliability refers to the consistency of the measure. Establishing validity involves multiple factors such as construct validity, content validity, and criterion validity, making it more complex than evaluating reliability. It requires more evidence and validation processes to ensure that the measure is actually measuring what it is supposed to.
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Defacing a will can raise concerns about tampering or alterations, potentially affecting its validity. It's best to consult with legal professionals to assess the impact of the defacement on the will's validity.
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Temporal validity refers to the idea that information or data is only valid or accurate within a certain time frame. This means that the information may become outdated or irrelevant as time passes, and it is important to consider the time context when interpreting the validity of data.
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By ruling out a series of threats to that validity. Please see the link for a list of them.
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External validity is the extent that results from a study generalize to other people, places, and situations--how well the findings stand outside the study and the extent to which they can be replicated. The internal validity is that extent to which the study's design enables it to measure and study what it intends to study.
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The validity of a test refers to the extent to which it measures what it intends to measure. It assesses if a test is actually capturing the construct or concept it is designed to measure. Validity is essential to ensure that test scores are meaningful and can be generalized to the intended population.
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In India - As of now (Jan 2012), the validity period is 6 months from the Date of Cheque Issue. However, starting 1st April 2012, the validity period will be only 3 months.
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In India - As of now (Jan 2012), the validity period is 6 months from the Date of Cheque Issue. However, starting 1st April 2012, the validity period will be only 3 months.
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others type of validity of a test other than content
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I Have lost my original cast validity certificate, how to get duplicate certificate ?
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