Tough is the same as rough; tuff means cool (ex:a tuff looking Mustang or a tuff record)
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tough and tuff are two different words. Tough is the same as rough; tuff means cool, sharp- like a tuff-looking Mustang or a tuff record.
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The rock tuff is classified as an igneous rock. It forms from volcanic eruptions where ash and volcanic material are ejected into the air and then settle and compact to form tuff.
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Fall-out tuff is a volcanic deposit formed from ash and lapilli that fall out of the eruption plume of a volcano. This is opposed to tuff formed by pyroclastic flows.
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It means cool and sharp. Like, "That car it tuff".
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The Lava Creek Tuff was produced by a supervolcano.
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Tuff is a type of volcanic rock that is commonly used in construction for buildings and monuments due to its durability and easy-to-carve nature. It is also used for making small decorative items such as jewelry or figurines. Additionally, tuff is sometimes used as an aggregate in concrete production.
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Words that rhyme with the slang tuff would include:
My teacher marked "tuff" wrong because the word is spelled "tough".
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No. Tuff is a type of rock formed from volcanic ash. It does not have any gemlike qualities.
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Spooky the Tuff Little Ghost was created in 1953.
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tough meas like strong and tuff means cool or slick
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"Tough" and "tuff" are both words, with "tough" being used to describe something strong or difficult, and "tuff" referring to a type of rock formed from volcanic ash.
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Tuff rings and tuff cones are small volcanoes produced by explosive magma-water interactions and have been regarded as resulting from relatively dry and wet eruptions.
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Tuff is usually found in and near areas that have experienced explosive volcanic eruptions.
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Yes, welded tuff and cemented tuff can result from the same volcano. Welded tuff forms when volcanic ash and debris are ejected at high temperatures and fuse together upon landing, forming a welded rock. Cemented tuff forms when loose volcanic ash and debris accumulate and are later compacted and cemented together. Both processes can occur in the same volcanic eruption, resulting in different types of tuff.
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Tuff Crew was created in 1983 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They were a hip-hop group known for their releases in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
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