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Treaty of Kangawa opened ports to foreign trade.

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The Treaty of Kanagawa opened Japanese ports to foreign trade.

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Fransisco de Coubertin and the Treaty Of Kanagawa was what opened Japanese ports to foreign trrade.

1 answer

Fransisco de Coubertin and the Treaty Of Kanagawa was what opened Japanese ports to foreign trrade.

1 answer

Japan opened its ports after signing the Treaty of Kanagawa with the US in

1854 and began to intensively modernize and industrialize.

3 answers

The terms of the Treaty of Nanjing were that the Chinese had to leave five trade ports open for Britain and they had to give Britain Hong Kong while they got nothing.

1 answer

The terms of the Treaty of Nanjing were that the Chinese had to leave five trade ports open for Britain and they had to give Britain Hong Kong while they got nothing.

1 answer

Herbert R. Oldfield has written:

'The stamps of the treaty ports of China and of Formosa'

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This was the treaty of Kanagawa except it didn't open Japan to trade. It was only to have a place to rest and get supplies while crossing the ocean.

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British citizens were granted immunity from Chinese laws.

The Chinese had to open five ports to foreign trade.

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The conditions of the Treaty of Nanjing was that China was forced to give up the island of Hong Kong to Great Britain.

3 answers

It provided for the return of ship wrecked American sailors, the opening of two ports to western traders, and the establishment of a US consultant in Japan.

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The Treaty of Nanjing ended the First Opim War in 1842, Britain made china pay a huge indemnity (payment for losses in the war). Britain also gained Hong Kong.

It gave the British rights to ports and low tariffs.

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The Treaty of Tordesillas established which parts of the New World would fall under the influence of each country, leaving most of the New World in Spanish hands and a vast number of Old World ports in Portuguese hands.

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The ANZUS teaty is still in force, though NZ refusal to let US nuclear-armed ships visit its ports, caused a dust-up. Apparently the treaty is still continuing. Note the East Timor conflict which was helped by all three nations.

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ports kaiser

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Short answer. NO

Long answer. Britain had colonies and treaty ports in Chinese cities as well as much influence and control over the Qing Empire (1644-1912), but never 'conquered' China.

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Asked china to keep its ports open to western trade in return for guarantees made by the European powers

2 answers

The nation was unified by anger at the French.

George Washington signed the Jay Treaty to prevent a war with Great Britain, but the Treaty limited France's ability to trade in US ports. The French were angry, so they began stopping US ships on water so they couldn't get to port.

1 answer

Ports on the mother board.

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The nation was unified by anger at the French.

George Washington signed the Jay Treaty to prevent a war with Great Britain, but the Treaty limited France's ability to trade in US ports. The French were angry, so they began stopping US ships on water so they couldn't get to port.

1 answer

The nation was unified by anger at the French.

George Washington signed the Jay Treaty to prevent a war with Great Britain, but the Treaty limited France's ability to trade in US ports. The French were angry, so they began stopping US ships on water so they couldn't get to port.

1 answer

The nation was unified by anger at the French.

George Washington signed the Jay Treaty to prevent a war with Great Britain, but the Treaty limited France's ability to trade in US ports. The French were angry, so they began stopping US ships on water so they couldn't get to port.

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All national ports have been closed.

I need more USB ports on my laptop.

1 answer

ports of a computer and its functions

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There are 3 ports in Balochisthan.

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A router will typically support between 4 and 8 ports. For additional ports, a standard Ethernet switch can be connected to one of the ports.

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root bridge, root ports, designated ports, nondesignated ports

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There is only two types of I O ports. The two ports is a USB and serial.

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A VPN port can successfully unblock up to 50 ports. This is not recommended for users who are not familiar with VPN ports, or programming/networking expierence.

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Generally, no; modern computers have several USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports rather than the RS-232 serial ports, Centronics parallel (printer) ports, joystick/game ports or PS2 ports of older machines.

In addition, newer machines may have FireWire ports or eSATA ports. The newest computers will usually have USB3 ports rather than the older USB2; USB3 is several times faster than USB2.

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* Ports 12000-17000 - UDP

* Port 80 and 443 - TCP

* Ports 5060 and 5062 - UDP

* Ports 3478 and 3479 - UDP

* Ports UDP 27901:27999

* Ports TCP 10001

* Ports TCP 47600:48000

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There are no "ports" on a Pentium processor.

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It has 2 ports at the front

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sea ports, chittagong and mongla

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PD Ports was created in 1840.

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Stockton Ports was created in 1941.

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