That is a transsexual man. The gender term after the word transsexual is always who the person really is, not what their body was at birth. Calling a man born with female parts a woman is hurtful.
But like anyone born with a uterus, pregnancy is usually possible. They would have to avoid taking male hormones when trying to get pregnant and during the course of the pregnancy. If they are on hormones, then they can only get pregnant if they can start menstruating.
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Transsexual News Telegraph was created in 1991.
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You don't "act" like a transsexual. Either you are transsexual or not. And transsexuals act in all different ways, just like "average" people.
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A transsexual girl is a girl born into a male body.
Transsexual female, transsexual girl, transsexual woman, transwoman, Male-to-Female. A woman who was born in a male body despite her female brain.
A transsexual woman is a normal, mainstream woman who was wrongly born with male parts and features and who desperately needs them gone.
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Transsexual guys are people who were assigned female at birth, but now identify as men
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Whether transsexual men (female-to-male) have periods depends on if they are taking hormones or have had surgery. If they are taking testosterone, they won't menstruate. If they have had surgery, they certainly won't menstruate.
If you are misusing the term "transsexual men" to refer to male-to-female transsexual persons, no, transsexual women won't ever menstruate, since they were born lacking ovaries and a uterus.
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No, there is a porn star with the same name. The TV personality is not transsexual, however.
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You don't. You do that to a gay man, and a transsexual woman is not a gay man. Besides, if you want to have sex with a transsexual woman, you can wait until after surgery and do it in the front just like with any other woman.
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a film about a transsexual vampire colony from another dimension.
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A transsexual person can only carry or father children before surgery. After surgery, they no longer have functional gonads.
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The cast of Transsexual Passions 2 - 1994 includes: Karen Dior
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A male transsexual is sterile. They cannot create viable testes yet.
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A transsexual is a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristics and gender role of the opposite sex or someone who has undergone hormone treatment and surgery to attain the physical characteristics of the opposite sex. As such, there are no synonyms for transsexual.
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No - every bit of information available says she a genetic/born woman.
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There is a young girl named Jaz who was on a 60 Minutes documentary with Barbara Walters. But then, since transsexual people are most likely transsexual from birth, there is no such person as the youngest transsexual.
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