It is the diagonal entries of the matrix raised to a power.
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The trace of a 3 by 3 matrix A is defined as the summation of n=3;i=1;aii.
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The trace of an nxn matrix is usually thought of as the sum of the diagonal entries in the matrix. However, it is also the sum of the eigenvalues. This may help to understand why the proof works. So to answer your question, let's say A and B are matrices and A is similar to B. You want to prove that Trace A=Trace B If A is similar to B, there exists an invertible matrix P such that A=(P^-1 B P) Now we use the fact that Trace (AB)= Trace(BA) for any nxn matrices A and B.This is easy to prove directly from the definition of trace. (ask me if you need to know) So using this we have the following: Trace(A)=Trace(P^-1 B P)=Trace (BPP^-1)=Trace(B) and we are done! Dr. Chuck
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In quantum mechanics, the density matrix is a mathematical representation of the state of a quantum system that is used to describe mixtures of quantum states or states that have uncertainty. It provides a way to calculate the average values of observables and predict the outcomes of measurements on the system.
2 answers
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or symbols arranged in rows and columns. The following section contains a list of C programs which perform the operations of Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication on the 2 matrices. The section also deals with evaluating the transpose of a given matrix. The transpose of a matrix is the interchange of rows and columns.The section also has programs on finding the trace of 2 matrices, calculating the sum and difference of two matrices. It also has a C program which is used to perform multiplication of a matrix using recursion.
C Program to Calculate the Addition or Subtraction & Trace of 2 MatricesC Program to Find the Transpose of a given Matrix
C Program to Compute the Product of Two Matrices
1 answer
There are three Matrix movies: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions. There are also a series of short animated films called The Animatrix.
All movies on TopRater:
3 answers
Vector matrix has both size and direction. There are different types of matrix namely the scalar matrix, the symmetric matrix, the square matrix and the column matrix.
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An idempotent matrix is a matrix which gives the same matrix if we multiply with the same.
in simple words,square of the matrix is equal to the same matrix.
if M is our matrix,then
then M is a idempotent matrix.
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The first movie was "The Matrix", the second was "Matrix Reloaded", then "Matrix Revolutions".
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A matrix polynomial is an algebraic expression in which the variable is a matrix.
A polynomial matrix is a matrix in which each element is a polynomial.
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It is the matrix 1/3
It is the matrix 1/3
It is the matrix 1/3
It is the matrix 1/3
2 answers
There were three live action films and one collection of anime shorts.
The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix: Reloaded (2003)
The Matrix: Revolutions (2003)
The Animatrix (2003)
5 answers
The second movie in the Matrix trilogy was The Matrix Reloaded.
5 answers
Reduced matrix is a matrix where the elements of the matrix is reduced by eliminating the elements in the row which its aim is to make an identity matrix.
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The two main types of substances stored in bone matrix are calcium and phosphorus. These minerals contribute to the strength and density of bones, helping to maintain the structural integrity of the skeleton.
5 answers
Well, Im not sure if this is true for all matrices of all sizes, but for a 2x2 square matrix the discriminant is...
dis(A) = tr(A)^2 - 4 det(A)
The discriminant of matrix A is equal to the square of the trace of matrix A, minus four times the determinant of matrix A.
I know this to be true for all 2x2 square matrice, but I have never seen any statement one way or the other for larger matrices.
Thus, for matrix A = [ a, b; c, d ]
tr(A) = a+d
det(A) = ad-bc
tr(A)^2 = a^2 + 2ad + d^2
4 det(A) = 4ad - 4bc
dis(A) = a^2 - 2ad + 4bc + d^2
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That is called an inverse matrix
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Involtary Matrix A square matrix A such that A2=I or (A+I)(A-I)=0, A is called involtary matrix.
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There are three Matrix movies: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions. There are also a series of short animated films called The Animatrix.
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matrix by aki
Neo is the lead character in the Matrix Trilogy, consisting of The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions.
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If an identity matrix is the answer to a problem under matrix multiplication, then each of the two matrices is an inverse matrix of the other.
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A sparse matrix is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero.
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it is true that the transpose of the transpose of a matrix is the original matrix
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The null matrix is also called the zero matrix. It is a matrix with 0 in all its entries.
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Zero Matrix When all elements of a matrix are zero than the matrix is called zero matrix. Example: A=|0 0 0|
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Identity or Unit Matrix If in the scaler matrix the value of k=1, the matrix is called the identity or unit matrix. It is denoted by I or U.
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Matrix Revolution is the third and final film of the Matrix series.
and it's called The Matrix Revolutions not revolution. just fyi.
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From Wolfram MathWorld:
The inverse of a square matrix A, sometimes called a reciprocal matrix, is a matrix A-1 such that
where I is the identity matrix.
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The first Matrix movie is called 'The Matrix' and is from 1999. The second one is called 'The Matrix Reloaded' and is from 2003. Also the third Matrix movie is from 2003: 'The Matrix Revolutions'.
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void main()
int a[10][10],sum=0,i,j,m,n,trace=0;
float norm;
printf("enter order");
scanf("%d %d",&m,&n);
printf("enter elements ");
printf("norm=%f\n trace=%d",norm,trace);
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A Hadamard Matrix is a square matrix composed of 1 or -1. Using a square matrix system the hadamard matrix could be created
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Diagonal Matrix A square matrix A which is both uper-triangular and lower triangular is called a diagonal matrix. Diagonal matrix is denoted by D.
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Restate the question: "What is the order of a matrix?"
The order of a matrix tells the number of rows and columns in the matrix. For instance, a matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns is a 3x4 matrix ("three by four").
A square matrix has the same number of rows and columns: 2x2
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3x1 matrix
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2 x 5 matrix
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A square matrix K is said to be idempotent if K2=K.
So yes K is a square matrix
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To find a unitary matrix, one must first square the matrix and then take the conjugate transpose of the result. If the conjugate transpose of the squared matrix is equal to the identity matrix, then the original matrix is unitary.
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No. A scalar matrix is a diagonal matrix whose main diagonal elements are the same. Only if the diagonal elements are all 1 is it an identity matrix.
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Each number in the matrix is called an element of the matrix
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