The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouthof a typical vertebrate. It manipulates food for mastication and swallowing as part of the digestive process, and is the primary organ of taste. The tongue's upper surface (dorsum) is covered by taste buds housed in numerous lingual papillae. It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva and is richly supplied with nervesand blood vessels. The tongue also serves as a natural means of cleaning the teeth.[2] A major function of the tongue is the enabling of speech in humans and vocalization in other animals.The human tongue is divided into three parts, an oral part at the front and a pharyngeal part at the back. The left and right sides are also separated along most of its length by a vertical section of fibrous tissue (the lingual septum) that results in a groove, the median sulcus, on the tongue's surface.There are two groups of muscles of the tongue. The four intrinsic muscles alter the shape of the tongue and are not attached to bone. The four paired extrinsic muscles change the position of the tongue and are anchored to bone.
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A tongue crib is a metal device on the roof of your mouth that trains your tongue to not touch your teeth if your a "tongue thruster". When you tongue thrust your tongue pushes on your teeth, pushing them forward therefore making your top jaw push out and create an overbite. Sources:I am a tongue thruster and I have a tongue crib.
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Tongue + Barbell = Tongue Piercing Tongue piercing: a piercing in the center of the tongue located approximately 3/4" from the tip of the tongue through the connective tissue joining the two muscle groups that form the tongue. Used as a means of self expression or a personal statement, some times used to enhance sexual pleasure for either gender.
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Tongue has taste buds to detect and distinguish different flavors such as sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami. These taste buds contain sensory cells that send signals to the brain to interpret the taste of the food being consumed.
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i really need help in this please guys a tongue twister for the word "rhaspberry"
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Some common tongue problems include canker sores, oral thrush, and geographic tongue. Canker sores are small ulcers that can be painful and heal on their own. Oral thrush is a fungal infection that can cause white patches on the tongue. Geographic tongue is a condition where the tongue has irregular patches that change in location over time. If you are experiencing persistent or severe tongue problems, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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Studying and practicing tongue twisters can help improve speech clarity, pronunciation, and fluency. They also work on coordination between the brain and tongue, improving overall oral communication skills. Plus, they can be a fun and challenging exercise for both children and adults.
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Psalm 45:1 (ESV) To the choirmaster: according to Lilies. A Maskil of the Sons of Korah; a love song. My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.
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A tongue biopsy is a medical procedure where a small sample of tissue from the tongue is removed for examination under a microscope. It is often done to diagnose suspicious growths, ulcers, or other abnormalities on the tongue. The biopsy results can help determine the cause of the issue and guide appropriate treatment.
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Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition in which the thin strip of tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth is shorter than usual, restricting the tongue's range of motion. This can affect feeding, speech, and oral hygiene. Treatment may involve a simple procedure to release the tissue.
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Yes it's normal, you need to be sure you down size the barbell after two weeks then the piercing should sit well in the tongue without excessive barbell material in the way of your teeth when eating.
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Try this in a tribe of tribulated tryers: don't try to destroy their trials, nor their errors or betrayals.
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Bold boys buy big blue boats before buying big blue bicycles.
1 answer
rest for the best cos the past ain't last tis the past you rast-afariennnnnnnnnnnnn.
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Big, bearded, bold, bears begin bouncing blue balls.
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Funny feeble Fifi feared freaky freaks feeling flowers.
Fairies in Falalaland felt funky fresh and felt a fetus in the photo of fear.
Fearing Felicia fingered felt and Faith freed Fanny.
2 answers
Most places won't do it & even ask if you're pregnant on the form you have to fill out. You'll have a tough time finding a piercer to do it.
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someone said its part of the Respitory System . im trying to ofind out now for a science project though
It is shared by the speech part of the respiratory system, where it shape modulates sounds, and the digestive system where is i need to move the foor around and taste it as well as to push it down the throat.
8 answers
i dont know why but mine will start tingling and then turn solid white all the blood leaves it..... its very scary
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Six slithering snakes caused six sufficiently sly sheiks to shriek, "Eek!", Monique.
See the related link(s) below:
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The quick quirky queen quietly quizzing, quickly quivered
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National sheepshire sheep Association
Nick knits Nixon's nickers
Nice nimble nobleman nibbled nuts
Norse myths
2 answers
Ann Anteater ate Andy Alligator's apples, so angry Andy Alligator ate Ann Anteater's ants
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Get a biopsy and get checked fore HPV
I have been mis-diagnosed for many years due to a white tongue. The white patches come and go and only occasionally cause any discomfort. I recently had sinus surgery and requested that they do a biopsy during surgery. The results - HPV. All of that Diflucan, Nystatin, etc. for HPV. (Human papilloma Virus) I wonder what harm has been done by years of taking drugs for the wrong thing.
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Initially, you may have some difficulty speaking normally after getting a tongue piercing due to swelling and discomfort. However, as the piercing heals and the swelling subsides, most people are able to speak normally. It's important to follow aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.
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Bradly barfed billions of beens. Bob has been building a big brick barn Bob has been building a big brick barn
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Well unless you did the piercing yourself, the chances your tongue is getting infected from it being done by a professional body piercer working in a licensed and inspected shop is slim to nil. The only way a professionally done piercing will get infected is through client abuse or neglect, failure to maintain correct aftercare and personal hygiene is the only means that will cause an infection. So if you ignore your piercing, fail to keep it clean and fail to follow your written aftercare instructions, yes you will wind up with and infection. But you will never wind up with an infection from a professionally performed body piercing.
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The list of problems with tongue piercings can be quite long by condensed to a few simple things.
The above are the big three, which I will explain in a bit of detail.
Galvanic corrosion occurs when unlike metals are submerged in and electrolyte. This would be stainless steel thread on balls on a titanium barbell shaft. (unlike metals) The electrolyte is the saliva in the mouth which is acidic, just like a car battery with lead and zinc plate in acid an electrical field is formed which can over time destroy the metal of the barbell (either the steel or the titanium) this can also lead to sore throats and oral irritation.
Dental damage to the teeth is generally due to clients not getting a shorter barbell in the tongue piercing once the swelling goes down, this in concert with playing with the barbell against the teeth can cause chipping and wear on the tooth enamel.
Gum erosion again is due to the failure to get the shorter barbell in the piercing once the initial swelling has eased, the balls rubbing inside the mouth can wear out the inner lining of the mouth and guns causing root exposure and tooth sensitivity.
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whoa... i suppose it affects your grammar as well. BAZIIIING Once the swelling goes down ( about two weeks ) you should be able to talk fairly well. I would recommend getting the step down barbell once the swelling has eased, this will prevent you from biting down on the barbell and doing any dental damage.
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The world is a big place and that in mind not every place will charge the same price for piercings, nor will the regulations about age limits and parental consent be the same. Your best bet is to call your local body piercing studios and ask the questions you need answers to, they can advise about costs and age limits that apply to your area.
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Krispy Kreme serves classic Krispy Kreme crullers.
4 answers
what do you if you get a puss pocket in your tongue after a tongue a piercing"
1 answer
Tongue can be a noun, as in the tongue in your mouth. It becomes a verb if you lick your lips with your tongue.
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The term for the upper surface of the tongue is the "dorsum of the tongue."
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No, there is no bone in your tongue. The tongue is a muscle, and only a muscle.
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A tongue piercing is a piercing through the tongue or any part of the tongue, including the web underneath.
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Hot peppers made my tongue burn.
I bit my tongue!
He couldn't feel his tongue when the dentist numbed the boy's tooth.
3 answers
Tongue fasciculation's are twitches that happen in the tongue muscle. These involuntary movements can happen when the tongue is relaxed or when it contracts.
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