many times throughout the year but the thurible is definitely used during benediction ceremonies.
1 answer
It is a thurible. A thurible is a metal censer suspended from chains, in which incense is burned during worship services.
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1 answer
It is called a thurible. A thurible is a metal censer suspended from chains, in which incense is burned during worship services.
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The metal container which contains blessed incense in the Catholic Church is called a thurible. Generally, it hangs from a chain, and is swung back and forth to release the smoke from the incense It is used at the beginning of the Mass for the procession, or during Eucharistic Adoration, among other things
The metal container which contains blessed incense in the Catholic Church is called a thurible. Generally, it hangs from a chain, and is swung back and forth to release the smoke from the incense It is used at the beginning of the Mass for the procession, or during Eucharistic Adoration, among other things
9 answers
It is a thurible and used to burn incense.
1 answer
The thurible(lid,holes,certain design,nice color) was introduced in the early years of Catholicism. But the censer(any brass,stone,or solid vessel used to burn incense) has existed since ancient times whether it be carried by a handle or suspended from a chain.
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A typical censer is a small metal or stone dish used for burning incense, often on small legs. In many cultures, burning incense has spiritual and religious connotations, and this influences the design and decoration of the censer. Designs vary from simple, earthenware bowls to intricately carved silver or gold vessels.
In the Roman Catholic, Anglo-Catholic, Old Catholic, and some other Churches, a censer is often called a thurible, and used during important offices (benedictions, processions, important masses). A common design for a thurible is a metal container, about the size and shape of a coffee-pot, suspended on chains. The bowl contains hot coals, and the incense is placed on top of these. The thurible is then swung back and forth on its chains, spreading the fragrant smoke. thurible It is a thurible. The person carrying it is the thurifer.
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Well the one who swings or carries it is called a thurifer, but the act of swinging it would be called incensing or just censing.
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In a censer (thurible) is placed sand, or sometimes a removable pan. Then the thurifer lights charcoal either bricks or disks and places them in the base of the vessel. When the coal is hot and ready the thurifer raises the lid of the censer, and the priest scoops resin or powder incense onto the coals the lid is lowered and the smoke will rise out of the holes. The priest carries or swings the censer do spread the fragrant smoke.
1 answer
A Censer is a vessel suspended by chains, and used for burning incense. It is now commonly called a thurible.
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That incense is called granular or resin incense. The difference is that granular is more like sand or powder as were resin is like small pebbles or seeds.
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The censer. In Greek, the device suspended on chains with attached bells is the "thimiato' " [thi-mee-ah-TOE]. During Lent, a hand-held censer called the "katzion" (KAHT-see-ohn) is also used.
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Our Physics class calculated that the height of the dome inside the cathedral is approximately 16m. We used the relationship between the period of a pendulum (incense thurible) and the length of the pendulum.
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The smoking is referred to the incense. It always used during the high mass.
Catholic Answer: When incense is burned at Mass, it is burned in a thurible. This is usually a bell shaped cup with a lid, the whole thing on a chain (or chains) so that it can be swung back and forth. It is used to "cense" the altar, the gifts, the crucifix, the priest, and the congregation, and the book. Low Mass is when a Mass is entirely spoken, High Mass is if certain parts are sung. Solemn High Mass is when incense is used.
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The chain, or chains should end in a loop or some sort of end. You hold the end or loop in your left hand, and the chain or chains (about half way down) in your right hand as you swing it. To just hold it, just hold the end. If you are walking in a procession, you would hold the end in your left hand while swinging it gently back and forth and hold your right hand open against your chest.
If you are hanging the thurible up, you should probably pull the top up so that it doesn't just sit on the top and get too hot to do anything with.
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A medieval priest would use tools such as a thurible (incense burner), holy water sprinkler, chalice and paten for the Eucharist, a processional cross for religious processions, and a crosier (bishop's staff) as symbols of authority.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern -H--I--E. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter H and 5th letter I and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -H--IB-E. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter H and 5th letter I and 6th letter B and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern ---RIB--. That is, eight letter words with 4th letter R and 5th letter I and 6th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -H-RI--E. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter H and 4th letter R and 5th letter I and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
The 12th century writer and observer Alexander Neckham gives us a list of the contents of a typical English church during the late 1180s:
". . . a baptismal font, a crucifix, a Little Mary and other images, a lectern, a ewer, a small ewer, basins, a chair, the chancel, an elevated seat, a stool, candlesticks, the piscina, the altar stone, a case for images, cruets and pyxides. Let there be a bier for the dead, a hand towel, a face towel and a fine altar cloth. There should be gilded vessels, a thurible, . . . books: missals, breviary, antiphonal, gradual, processional, manual, hymnal, psalter, troper and ordinal."
He goes on to list the vestments of the priest, the church bells, door fittings and other items. He does not mention the most striking aspect of medieval churches - colourful and vast wall paintings, including brightly-painted columns and arches.
The Little Mary and other images refers to icons, which also figured in all churches; the bier was a set of trestles upon which a coffin was laid during the burial service; a thurible is a censer for burning incense; the books refer to the content of various types of service. Note that there is only one chair - the congregation always stood or kneeled on the floor.
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A Thurible or (censer) is an incense burner suspended from a chain(s) used for the spreading of incense. Inside the golden vessel in burning charcoal bricks/disks and granular incense is scooper onto them and the smoke starts to rise. The lid is lowered and the sweet fragrance comes out of the holes on the lid. The censer is carried or swung in the church and/or around objects to bless them. In the Bible both in Old and New Testament, incense was used to symbolize the prayers of saints rising to God. (Revelation Ch. 8) Incense is used in many but not all sects of Christianity such as Catholic, Old Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican (Episcopal in the USA) and Lutheran churches.
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Both incense and holy water are inherited from our Jewish forebears in the Old Covenant. Holy water is mentioned in Numbers 5:17; incense in many places, such as Exodus 30:1. And the Psalmist says, "May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice."
It is also in the New Testament is Revelation 5:8 and 8:3. Some people say that the scene in heaven in the Book of Revelation appears to be the very picture of a Christian Church Service, whether the Divine Liturgy in the East, or a Mass in the West.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 27 words with the pattern T----BLE. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter T and 6th letter B and 7th letter L and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
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In most English churches there was a lockable cupboard (an aumbry) built into a wall near the altar where items could be securely stored for use by the priest.
These included a thurible (a censer for burning frankincense), a container for Holy Water and an aspergillum for sprinkling it, a pyx, paten and chalice for the Sacraments, candle sticks and various manuscript books: Missal, Breviary, Antiphonal, Gradual, Processional, Manual, Hymnal, Psalter and Ordinal. These books would have been considered just as valuable as silver pyx, chalice and candlesticks.
There might also be a ewer (jug) for the priest to wash his hands into a stone basin set into another wall near the altar.
See links below for images:
1 answer
In order to use a Thurible/Censer you must first make sure you have all materials. NOTE: Have a good solid flame retardant work surface. 1.Thurible(chains or handle) 2.Vessel with water for the latter extinguishing of the charcoal. 3.metal tongs as a holding devise for the charcoal. 4.charcoal disks or bricks best from 3 kings company. 5. 1 lit tapper candle for the lighting. 6. A good quality and quantity of resin or granular incense, I recommend sweet fragrance such as Frankincense, Sandalwood, Clove, Vanilla, Spiritual etc....Or "Cathedral" brand incense made especially for churches(A M Religious Gifts). 7. A vessel for holding incense.
First remove the lid from the censer. Make sure there is an insert able pan or a bed of sand in the base of the vessel. Hold the charcoal with the tongs and hold it to the candle flame so that it lights the edge of the coal. The charcoal will start to spark hold it their until you see the very edge of it glowing red and a little bit of smoke will be in the air but not much at all. For larger censers for cathedrals and big churches,you may need to add three to five disks as their will be more incense burning.
Insert the coal into the censer, and let it set for a moment till you see the edge were you lit turning white. Next lower the lid and grasp the second ring at the top of the the plate were the chains are attached. Carry the censer along with a bowl or vessel containing your granular incense, to were you want to burn the incense. Raise the lid, and using your small spoon put three scopes of incense onto the charcoal. Sweet smelling smoke will rise and fragrance will fill the air. Lower the lid and the smoke will billow from the holes in the lid of your censer. Hang the censer from somwhere or set it on a table or flameproof surface and drape the chains behinde it. Of course if you want to spread the fragrance evenly or very rich in a sertain area you can carry it around with you, or grasp it and gently sway or swing it. Afterwords take each coal even if it is almoast out and put it in the vessel of water and make sure it is fully extenguished. That is how to use a censer.
While used as aromatheropy and just a nice decor or novelty item, remember the smoke of the incense is a symbol of peace, harmony, joy and prayers rising to God(Exodus Ch. 30 and Revelation Ch. 8 of the King James Version Bible). May we all always be in prayer and thankfullness to God. Amen!
1 answer
The large cup used at Mass used to hold the wine which becomes the Blood of Christ.
A vessel used to hold the Hosts which will be used for communion. They are also used to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle.
A saucer-like disk which holds the bread which becomes the Body of Christ.
Small vessels that hold the water and wine (for the chalice) used during Mass
Aspergill / Aspergillium
A rod with small holes in the end allowing the sprinkling of Holy Water
The aspersory is the portable vessel filled with Holy Water
The shrine or receptacle either round or rectangular that serves as a place for the exclusive reservation of the Blessed Sacrament. It should be of solid material, opaque, secure and inviolable, fitting the architecture of the church in a preeminent place.
Sanctuary Lamp
An oil lamp or wax candle that burns near the tabernacle. It is always lit whenever the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in churches or chapels as a sign of honor shown to the Lord.
A sacred vessel designed to expose the consecrated Host to the congregation either for adoration in church of carrying in procession, particularly on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.
Censor and Boat ( Thurible)
The Censor, also known as the Thurible, is used at solemn occasion to incense the bread and wine after the offertory, the priest, and congregation. The Boat holds the incense until it is place in the censor by the celebrant.
Decanter or Flagon
The bottle or pitcher like vessel used to hold the wine which will be consecrated at mass for the communion of the people. It is brought forth with the gifts.
Lavabo Bowl / Ablution Cup
is a bowl over which the priest washes his hands during Mass (water drips into this bowl.)
The Processional Cross is the large cross that is carried in by a server at the beginning of Mass and is carried out at the end of Mass
The Gospel Candle is carried during the precession and reading the Holy Gospel.
Small container (Greek meaning 'box') that holds the consecrated Host taken to the sick
2 answers
The canister hanging from a chain is referred to as either a thurible or censer. Inside is a mixture of charcoal and Resins, such as Frankincense, Amber, and Myrrh. There can be elements of Patchouli, Lavender, Cassia and other items as well. Most Anglo/Catholic thurifers use a quality mix consisting of only Frankincense and Myrrh, plus small circular charcoal briquettes, which contain small amounts of gun powder, which continually sparks, thus heating the charcoal.
Incense is used as a sign of reverence, offering, and sanctification. It symbolises our respect for the deceased, who has begun their journey to The Lord, and whose body will rise again.
This follows in accordance with numerous Biblical passages, possibly the most notable one being Revelation 8:2-4: Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; And the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God.
During the funeral Mass the earthly remains of the decedent or the catafalque may be incensed as a blessing for the remission of temporal punishment and as a sign of respect. The grave site may also be incensed.
Thurfication or incensation is an expression of reverence and of prayer. It may be used in any form of Mass: During the procession, at the beginning of Mass to incense the cross and altar, at the Gospel procession and during the proclamation of the Gospel itself, and at the offertory, once the sacred vessels and gifts of bread and wine have been placed upon the altar. Of course, it may also be used for all other clergy and laypersons in attendance.
Alternatively, the celebrant may use an aspergillum to sprinkle Holy Water for the purpose of symbolic purification. This may be used in lieu of the thurible.
2 answers
The 'smoke' that comes from the priest's 'thurible' or 'censer' is a mixture of self-igniting charcoal and incense - mostly frankincense and myrrh. Incense is symbolic as a sign of reverence and sanctification, and as the smoke rises, it represents the elevation of the spirit towards God.
As with many manifest acts of the Anglo/Catholic faith, there are often many roots that lie in practicalities of life during the time of Christ. Often, bodies had been carried long distances before they were prepared for burial. The odour could at times be overwhelming. Added to this was the odour of the people who gathered for the service. The heavy oil of the incense used, easily permeated the chapels, thus hiding some of the combined odours. Many pagan rites of that period, incense was used for that very reason, thus it would be understandable that such a practicality would extend to a Christo/Judaic service.
3 answers
It means that whoever was giving the retreat was resorting to practices not specifically approved by the Church in an effort to give "more" meaning to a Catholic retreat. You would have to ask the person giving the retreat what they intended by this bizarre practice, as certainly no saints ever used it.
2 answers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 135 words with the pattern -H--I---. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter H and 5th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
The priest or altar boy swings the incense in different directions, but always in groups of three, for the purpose of distributing the smoke evenly.
AnswerWhen swinging the incense, there is a set pattern, the Blessed Sacrament gets three double swings, the celebrant of the Mass gets one double swing, and the congregation gets three single swings. The gifts on the altar have a complicated pattern of circles, so many to the right, and then to the left. And the altar itself has a series of single swings all around it. "Symbolically it represents the consuming zeal of the Christian, the good odour of virtue and the going-up of prayer and good works to God, and to offer it before a person or thing is a makr of honour thereto." fromA Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957
6 answers
The observer and writer Alexander Neckham has left a complete list of the contents of a church during his time (the late 12th century), which changed very little until the post-medieval period.
He wrote that furnishings consisted of a baptismal font (at the rear of the church), a crucifix (also call a Rood), a Little Mary and other images (painted icons), a lectern, a ewer, basins, a chair, the chancel, an elevated seat, a stool, candlesticks, the piscina or lavabo, the stone altar, a case for images, cruets, pyxides, a bier for coffins, a towel, a fine white linen cloth on the altar, gilded vessels, a thurible or censer, and service books for the use of the priest. Bells would be hung in the tower and the oak doors would have locks.
There were no seats for the congregation, who had to sit on the floor, kneel or stand. There was no organ or other music. There were no hymn books for the congregation (who could not read), no cushions or other comforts. All the seats and stool mentioned above were for the use of the priest and his assistants.
The interior walls were brightly painted with scenes from the Bible, or with scenes from the lives of Saints or other religious paintings; sometimes the columns and arches would be painted in very bright sequences of colour.
During services the church would be filled with people, who often brought their sick animals for blessing and sprinkling with Holy Water in the hope of a cure; mentally ill people were also brought to church and tied to the Rood screen with rope (again in the hope of a cure).
3 answers
These are the gifts that the Magi brought to Jesus upon His birth. Thry represent the following: Gold- Kingship Frankincense = Priesthood Myrrh = Sacrifice The gifts therefore were prophetic in nature to represent Jesus Christ as being King, Priest and Sacrifice. I'm glad you asked. I hope that would continue in your exploration and come to find Him. Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you.... for sure! God Bless.
8 answers
· Hollow metal vessel that emits a sound when rung· Large bells are in bell towers and are rung before Mass and at funerals· Bells were rung at imminent death ('passing') and for the Angelus (dawn, noon and dusk)· Small bells are rung in Mass at the consecration of the bread and wine (1 time each)· Tridentine Rite: at the Sanctus (3X), the elevation (3X) and before the communion (3X)Burse
· The square case in which the folded corporal is placed· The term also applies to a leather packet in which a pyx is carriedCandles
· Represents Christ as the 'Light of the World' and the purity of God· Pure beeswax represents Christ's 'spotless' Body, the wick His soul and the flame His divine and human natures· Candles are blessed on Candlemas Day (the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple)· The burning up ('consuming itself') of a votive candle at shrines, images and the Blessed Sacrament, symoblizes sacrificeChalice
· Holds the consecrated wine which is the Blood of Christ· Must be gold or silver, or at least gilt inside· Represents the 'cup' used at the Last Supper (Luke 22:17) and the 'cup' of the Passion (Luke 22:42)· Stands for the Sacred Heart of Jesus (John 19:34) from which our redemption flows· At the start of Mass, it is covered with the folded purificator and pallCiborium
· The vessel, with a lid, which is used to hold the consecrated Hosts· It must be gold, silver or gilt and the name is derived from 'cibus' (food)· It is used to distribute the Hosts to communicants and to store the Hosts in the Tabernacle· It is covered with a veilCorporal
· The cloth ('corpus' meaning 'body') on which the chalice and and Host are placed after consecration· Represents the sheet in which the body of Christ was wrapped for burial· It is folded in three from all sides and stored in a burse· It is also placed underneath a MonstranceCruet
· Small vessels that hold the water and wine (for the chalice) used during MassIncense
· A mixture of various spices and aromatic resin burned in a censer (also called a thurible)· The censer is filled with hot coals; incense itself is stored in a small vessel call a boat· Incense was burned in the Jewish Temple with a precise mixture of spices, including frankincense· Burning represents zeal of the faith, aroma the odor of Christian virtue, and smoke the rising of prayers to God· The swinging of the censor is a mark of honor toward the person or object being incensed· The Paschal Candles' five grains of incense represent the spices in the sheet on Christ's dead bodyLuna
· Round (from the Latin 'moon') hinged case with glass from and back, in the center of the Monstrance· The lunette is a circular case which fits in the Luna and holds the HostMissal
· The 'mass book' containing the prayers, Scriptures and ceremonies of the ChurchMonstrance
· Large metal object (also called ostensorium) used to display the Blessed Sacrament· It is usually made of gold and often decorated with jewels· Used in processions as well as exposition and benediction of the Blessed SacramentPall
· Small square piece of starched linen (sometimes with cardboard inside) that covers the chalice· Represents the stone rolled against Christ's sepulchre (tomb)· A larger cloth, also called a pall, covers coffins at funeralsPaten
· The plate/dish (Latin patena) on which the Host is laid· Must be gold, silver or gilt inside· Communion patens may be attached to sticks and held beneath the chin of communicants· Like the chalice, it must be consecrated by a bishopPurificator
· Oblong piece of linen folded three times and placed over the chalice· Used by the priest to wipe the inside of the chalice, his fingers and his mouth (when needed)Pyx
· Small container (Greek meaning 'box') that holds the consecrated Host taken to the sickVeil
· A small cloth which covers the chalice, paten and pall· The veil is the same liturgical color, material and design as the vestments of the priest· Ancient method of covering/concealing, particular holy things (i.e. the Holy of Holies)5 answers
The -ible suffix is mostly used for adjectives with Latin origin. The base word is usually altered in spelling to add the suffix.
Here are some words ending in -ible
(common in boldface)(preferred spellings also listed):
correctible (correctable)
dirigible (usually a noun)
enforcible (enforceable)
expandible (expandable)
ignitible (also ignitable)
impassible (impassable)
includible (also includable)
indispensible (indispensable)
mandible (usually a noun)
nondivisible (indivisible)
nonreversible (irreversible)
preventible (preventable)
referrible (referable)
retractible (retractable)
solvible (solvable)
submersible (usually a noun)
transferrible (transferable)
transfusible (also transfusable)
unaccessible (inaccessible)
unconvertible (incontrovertible)
uncredible (incredible)
undefensible (indefensible)
undivisible (indivisible)
unedible (inedible)
uneligible (ineligible)
unexhaustible (inexhaustible)
unfallible (infallible)
unfeasible (infeasible)
unflexible (inflexible)
unpossible (impossible)
unresistible (irresistible)
unresponsible (irresponsible)
unsensible (insensible)
untangible (intangible)
unvisible (invisible)
6 answers
able, disable, stable, unstable, marble, table, fable, gable, sable, warble, bubble, trouble, hobble, tremble, amble, stumble, bible, squabble, crumble, tumble, fumble, bumble, humble, jumble, mumble, rumble, dribble, bobble, dabble.......
able, cable, table, marble, cobble
4-letter words
5-letter words
amble, bible, cable, coble, fable, gable, noble, roble, ruble, sable, table
6-letter words
alible, arable, babble, bauble, bobble, bubble, bumble, burble, cobble, dabble, dibble, doable, double, dyable, edible, enable, feeble, fimble, foible, fumble, gabble, gamble, garble, gobble, hobble, humble, jumble, kibble, liable, marble, mumble, nibble, nimble, nobble, nubble, pebble, rabble, ramble, rouble, rubble, rumble, stable, suable, treble, tumble, unable, usable, viable, wabble, wamble, warble, wimble, wobble
7-letter words
abubble, actable, addable, addible, affable, amiable, audible, bitable, brabble, bramble, buyable, capable, citable, codable, crumble, curable, datable, disable, dowable, drabble, dribble, drumble, dryable, dupable, durable, dyeable, eatable, effable, ennoble, equable, eyeable, fadable, finable, fixable, flyable, friable, fribble, fusible, gelable, getable, grabble, gribble, grumble, hatable, hewable, hidable, hirable, ignoble, legible, likable, linable, livable, losable, lovable, makable, minable, mixable, mixible, movable, mutable, namable, notable, ownable, parable, payable, pliable, potable, quibble, ratable, retable, ridable, risible, ropable, rowable, rulable, salable, savable, sayable, scabble, scumble, seeable, sewable, shamble, sizable, skiable, soluble, sowable, stubble, stumble, takable, tamable, taxable, tenable, thimble, totable, tremble, triable, trouble, tunable, typable, useable, visible, vocable, voluble, votable, wadable, wirable
8-letter words
abatable, abusable, adorable, agitable, alliable, amenable, amicable, amusable, arguable, assemble, atonable, atremble, avowable, bailable, bankable, barrable, bearable, beatable, bedabble, beddable, bejumble, bendable, biddable, billable, bindable, biteable, blamable, boatable, boilable, bondable, bribable, buffable, burnable, callable, cartable, cascable, cashable, causable, chasuble, chewable, citeable, closable, clubable, coinable, cookable, credible, crucible, culpable, curbable, cuttable, damnable, dateable, deniable, dimmable, dippable, drapable, drawable, drivable, dutiable, editable, educable, educible, elidible, eligible, enfeeble, ensemble, enviable, erasable, erodible, erosible, evadable, evadible, evitable, evocable, exigible, exorable, expiable, faceable, fallible, farmable, feasible, feedable, fellable, fencible, fileable, findable, fineable, fishable, fittable, flexible, foamable, foilable, foldable, forcible, fordable, formable, framable, fungible, furlable, gainable, gettable, giveable, gnawable, gradable, grazable, growable, guidable, gullable, gullible, gustable, hangable, hateable, healable, hearable, heatable, helpable, hireable, holdable, horrible, huggable, hummable, huntable, imitable, inarable, inedible, instable, inviable, isolable, issuable, joinable, keepable, kickable, kissable, knowable, lapsable, lapsible, laudable, leasable, lendable, leviable, lienable, liftable, likeable, lineable, linkable, listable, liveable, loanable, lockable, loveable, mailable, makeable, mandible, mappable, maskable, meltable, mendable, millable, mineable, miscible, mockable, moldable, moveable, nameable, nestable, nettable, obeyable, obviable, openable, operable, outfable, overable, oxidable, packable, palpable, parsable, partible, passable, passible, pawnable, peccable, peelable, pitiable, placable, playable, plowable, portable, possible, pourable, preamble, probable, provable, prunable, quotable, radiable, raisable, rateable, readable, reapable, redouble, reelable, reliable, rendible, rentable, resemble, reusable, rideable, rinsable, rinsible, rippable, ruinable, rustable, sailable, saleable, salvable, satiable, saveable, scalable, scrabble, scramble, scribble, sealable, seisable, seizable, sellable, sendable, sensible, servable, shakable, shamable, shapable, sharable, shavable, shedable, singable, sinkable, sizeable, slakable, slidable, smokable, sociable, solvable, sorbable, sortable, sparable, squabble, statable, stonable, storable, stowable, suitable, summable, surfable, swayable, syllable, takeable, talkable, tameable, tangible, tannable, tastable, tearable, tellable, tensible, terrible, testable, thurible, tillable, tiltable, tippable, tithable, titrable, tradable, tubbable, tuneable, turnable, typeable, undoable, undouble, unedible, unstable, unusable, unviable, valuable, variable, vendable, vendible, viewable, vincible, violable, vitiable, voidable, voteable, wadeable, walkable, washable, wastable, wearable, weldable, wettable, willable, windable, winnable, workable, writable
9-letter words
abdicable, abradable, accruable, adaptable, admirable, adoptable, advisable, affixable, agreeable, alienable, allocable, allowable, alterable, amendable, assumable, auditable, available, avoidable, awardable, breakable, buildable, canoeable, catchable, checkable, claimable, cleanable, clearable, cleavable, climbable, closeable, clubbable, coachable, coercible, cogitable, colorable, constable, countable, coverable, covetable, crossable, crushable, danceable, debatable, decidable, deducible, definable, delegable, derivable, desirable, detonable, devisable, dilatable, dirigible, dissemble, dividable, divisible, doubtable, draftable, drapeable, drillable, drinkable, driveable, droppable, dubitable, ejectable, electable, emendable, endurable, enjoyable, enterable, equitable, erectable, eruptible, estimable, eversible, evincible, evolvable, exactable, excisable, excitable, excusable, execrable, fatigable, favorable, filtrable, flammable, flappable, flushable, focusable, forgeable, frameable, frangible, frankable, generable, getatable, gleanable, grantable, graspable, grazeable, groupable, guessable, habitable, hatchable, heritable, honorable, ignitable, ignitible, ignorable, illegible, immovable, immutable, imputable, inaudible, incapable, incunable, incurable, indelible, inducible, ineffable, inferable, infusible, insoluble, insurable, invisible, ionizable, irascible, irritable, kneadable, labelable, laughable, leachable, learnable, limitable, litigable, locatable, malleable, matchable, medicable, memorable, miserable, mountable, navigable, nonarable, nonedible, nonviable, numerable, omissible, opposable, orderable, outfumble, palatable, peaceable, permeable, pivotable, placeable, plantable, plausible, pleadable, pregnable, previable, printable, reachable, reducible, referable, refutable, relatable, removable, renewable, reparable, repayable, reputable, resalable, rescuable, resoluble, revisable, revivable, revocable, revokable, rotatable, saturable, scannable, scrutable, semblable, separable, severable, shakeable, shapeable, shareable, shiftable, shippable, shockable, skippable, sliceable, smokeable, soundable, spallable, spareable, speakable, spendable, spillable, spoilable, spottable, stackable, stageable, stainable, stateable, stealable, steerable, stoppable, superable, swimmable, teachable, temptable, tenurable, thinkable, timetable, tolerable, touchable, traceable, tractable, tradeable, trainable, treatable, trustable, turntable, unactable, unamiable, uneatable, unflyable, unifiable, unlikable, unlivable, unlovable, unmixable, unmovable, unridable, unsalable, unsayable, untamable, untenable, utterable, vegetable, venerable, veritable, visitable, watchable, weighable, worktable
10-letter words
abominable, absorbable, acceptable, accessible, achievable, acquirable, actionable, adjustable, admissible, adsorbable, affectable, affirmable, affordable, amerciable, analyzable, answerable, appealable, appeasable, applicable, approvable, arbitrable, ascendable, ascendible, ascribable, assailable, assessable, assignable, attachable, attainable, believable, breathable, bridgeable, calculable, cancelable, censurable, changeable, chargeable, charitable, chelatable, coagulable, cognizable, combinable, comestible, commutable, comparable, compatible, computable, condonable, consumable, corrigible, corrodible, creditable, crunchable, cultivable, deceivable, declarable, declinable, deductible, defeasible, defendable, defensible, deferrable, deformable, defrayable, degradable, delectable, demandable, dependable, depletable, deplorable, deployable, deportable, despicable, detachable, detectable, deterrable, detestable, dialyzable, diffusible, digestible, dislikable, disposable, disputable, dissoluble, disyllable, effaceable, embossable, employable, encashable, endorsable, enumerable, enunciable, eradicable, examinable, excludable, excludible, executable, expandable, expansible, expectable, expellable, expendable, explicable, exportable, extendable, extendible, extensible, extricable, extrudable, factorable, fathomable, filterable, forgivable, formidable, governable, handleable, honourable, hospitable, illaudable, imaginable, immersible, immiscible, impalpable, impartible, impassable, impassible, impeccable, implacable, importable, impossible, improbable, improvable, impugnable, inarguable, inclinable, includable, includible, incredible, inculpable, indictable, ineducable, ineligible, ineludible, inevitable, inexorable, inexpiable, infallible, infeasible, inferrible, inflatable, inflexible, ingestible, inimitable, injectable, inoperable, insatiable, insensible, insociable, insolvable, intangible, integrable, intuitable, invaluable, invariable, invertible, investable, invincible, inviolable, irremeable, isolatable, lamentable, licensable, listenable, machinable, manageable, marketable, measurable, mensurable, metastable, mistakable, modifiable, negligible, negotiable, nondurable, nonsalable, nontaxable, noticeable, notifiable, numberable, observable, obtainable, ostensible, oxidizable, pacifiable, pardonable, patentable, penetrable, perdurable, perishable, permutable, personable, pilferable, pocketable, ponderable, predicable, preferable, presumable, procurable, producible, profitable, promotable, propagable, pulverable, punishable, quenchable, realizable, reasonable, reassemble, rebuttable, recallable, recappable, receivable, reclosable, recordable, recoupable, recyclable, redeemable, reeligible, refillable, reformable, refundable, releasable, relievable, relishable, remarkable, remediable, remissible, remittable, removeable, renderable, repairable, repealable, repeatable, replicable, reportable, resealable, resectable, reservable, resettable, resistible, resolvable, respirable, restorable, returnable, revealable, reversible, revertible, reviewable, revolvable, rewardable, roundtable, screenable, scrubbable, searchable, seasonable, selectable, settleable, shrinkable, spreadable, squeezable, statutable, strippable, subaudible, sublimable, subsumable, subvisible, sufferable, summonable, supposable, survivable, switchable, targetable, temperable, tenantable, terminable, titratable, triturable, unamenable, unarguable, unbearable, unbeatable, unbendable, unburnable, unchewable, undeniable, uneducable, unenviable, unfeasible, unfindable, unknowable, unnameable, unopenable, unpassable, unplayable, unprovable, unreadable, unreliable, unscalable, unscramble, unsellable, unshakable, unsinkable, unslakable, unsociable, unsolvable, unsuitable, untestable, untillable, unwearable, unwinnable, unworkable, upgradable, utilizable, verifiable, vindicable, vulnerable
11-letter words
abolishable, accountable, addressable, allocatable, amortizable, applaudable, appreciable, articulable, assimilable, attemptable, automatable, cancellable, certifiable, cherishable, cognoscible, collapsible, collectable, collectible, combustible, comfortable, commandable, commendable, committable, compactible, compassable, compellable, compensable, concealable, conceivable, condemnable, condensable, condensible, conductible, conferrable, confessable, confirmable, confiscable, conformable, connectable, connectible, consignable, construable, containable, contestable, conversable, convertible, correctable, corruptible, deflectable, deliverable, demountable, denumerable, depreciable, depressible, descendible, describable, detonatable, developable, diagnosable, disassemble, disavowable, discardable, discernable, discernible, discussable, discussible, dislikeable, dispensable, dispersible, displayable, disprovable, dissociable, dissolvable, dissyllable, distensible, embraceable, enforceable, enlargeable, escheatable, exercisable, exhaustible, explainable, exploitable, expressible, extractable, falsifiable, fashionable, fermentable, fissionable, foreseeable, forfeitable, forgettable, harvestable, illimitable, illuminable, immedicable, immitigable, impeachable, impermeable, implantable, implausible, impregnable, impressible, inadvisable, inalienable, inalterable, incoercible, increasable, indefinable, indivisible, indomitable, indubitable, ineluctable, inenarrable, inequitable, inescapable, inestimable, inexcusable, inflammable, inflectable, infrangible, inhabitable, inheritable, innumerable, inscrutable, inseparable, insuperable, intolerable, intractable, irradicable, irrecusable, irreducible, irrefutable, irremovable, irreparable, irresoluble, irrevocable, justiciable, justifiable, localizable, machineable, manipulable, medicinable, memorizable, mentionable, misassemble, nonburnable, noncallable, nonreusable, nonsinkable, organizable, pensionable, perceivable, perceptible, perfectible, performable, permissible, persuadable, persuasible, perturbable, pleasurable, polarizable, postponable, practicable, predictable, presentable, preservable, preventable, preventible, processable, processible, projectable, protrusible, publishable, purchasable, putrescible, pyrolyzable, qualifiable, reclaimable, recoverable, rectifiable, redoubtable, refrangible, regenerable, registrable, regrettable, relocatable, replaceable, repleviable, repressible, respectable, responsible, restartable, retractable, retrainable, retrievable, salvageable, satirizable, satisfiable, serviceable, specifiable, stretchable, submergible, submersible, suggestible, supportable, surpassable, susceptible, sustainable, swallowable, tarnishable, trafficable, trailerable, traversable, treasonable, treasurable, trisyllable, unadaptable, unadoptable, unalienable, unalterable, unavailable, unavoidable, unbreakable, unbudgeable, unbuildable, uncatchable, uncheckable, unclimbable, unclubbable, uncountable, uncrossable, uncrushable, undanceable, undauntable, undebatable, undecidable, undefinable, undesirable, undoubtable, undrinkable, unelectable, unendurable, unescapable, unexcitable, unfavorable, unflappable, ungraspable, unguessable, unignorable, uninsurable, unlearnable, unmatchable, unmemorable, unpalatable, unplausible, unprintable, unreachable, unremovable, unshockable, unspeakable, unstoppable, unteachable, unthinkable, untouchable, untraceable, unutterable, unwatchable, upgradeable, vaporizable, vitrifiable, warrantable, whistleable
12-letter words
abstractable, accreditable, agglutinable, approachable, appropriable, attributable, bioavailable, circulatable, classifiable, communicable, compoundable, compressible, conscionable, considerable, contemptible, contractible, contrastable, controllable, correlatable, criticizable, cultivatable, decasyllable, decipherable, decomposable, demonstrable, destructible, determinable, diagnoseable, diagrammable, diminishable, disagreeable, discountable, discoverable, dishonorable, displaceable, disreputable, distractable, distractible, distrainable, documentable, downloadable, dramatizable, emulsifiable, equiprobable, exchangeable, extraditable, fertilizable, forecastable, formalizable, hardscrabble, hydrolyzable, hypermutable, hypnotizable, identifiable, immeasurable, immensurable, impenetrable, imperishable, imponderable, inaccessible, inadmissible, inappeasable, inapplicable, incalculable, incommutable, incomparable, incompatible, incomputable, inconsolable, inconsumable, incorporable, incorrigible, indeclinable, indefeasible, indefectible, indefensible, indigestible, indisputable, indissoluble, ineffaceable, ineradicable, inexplicable, inexpugnable, inexpungible, inextricable, inhospitable, insufferable, intelligible, interminable, intervisible, invulnerable, irredeemable, irreformable, irrefragable, irremediable, irrepealable, irresistible, irresolvable, irreversible, jettisonable, magnetizable, maintainable, maneuverable, marriageable, mechanizable, merchantable, microwavable, monosyllable, nonbreakable, noncrushable, nonflammable, nonmalleable, nonrenewable, nonrepayable, normalizable, octosyllable, photolyzable, polysyllable, precipitable, programmable, prosecutable, psychobabble, pulverizable, quantifiable, questionable, rechargeable, recognizable, reconcilable, registerable, rehydratable, reimbursable, rememberable, renegotiable, reproachable, reproducible, researchable, restrainable, sanctionable, saponifiable, sedimentable, semiflexible, subdividable, summarizable, superposable, suppressible, surmountable, technobabble, thermostable, throttleable, transferable, transfusable, transfusible, translatable, transmutable, transposable, unacceptable, unaffordable, unanalyzable, unanswerable, unappealable, unappeasable, unassailable, unattainable, unbelievable, unbreachable, unbreathable, unbridgeable, uncapturable, unchangeable, uncharitable, uncultivable, undependable, undetectable, undigestible, undisputable, unemployable, unfathomable, unforgivable, ungovernable, unimaginable, unlistenable, unmanageable, unmarketable, unmeasurable, unmistakable, unnegotiable, unnoticeable, unobservable, unobtainable, unpardonable, unpatentable, unprofitable, unquenchable, unrealizable, unreasonable, unrecyclable, unredeemable, unremarkable, unrepeatable, unresolvable, unreturnable, unreviewable, unsearchable, unseasonable, unverifiable, vanquishable, withdrawable
13-letter words
administrable, anticipatable, apportionable, apprehensible, ascertainable, biocompatible, biodegradable, commensurable, companionable, concupiscible, conditionable, confiscatable, constructible, copyrightable, dischargeable, disciplinable, discreditable, discriminable, embarrassable, establishable, exceptionable, generalizable, graphitizable, imperceivable, imperceptible, impermissible, imperturbable, impracticable, inappreciable, incombustible, inconceivable, incontestable, inconvertible, inconvincible, incorruptible, indefatigable, indescribable, indiscernible, indispensable, indissociable, inexhaustible, inexplainable, inexpressible, influenceable, insupportable, insusceptible, interoperable, interpretable, interruptible, irreclaimable, irrecoverable, irreplaceable, irrepressible, irresponsible, irretrievable, knowledgeable, manipulatable, metabolizable, microfilmable, microwaveable, mineralizable, multivariable, nonabsorbable, noncancelable, noncomparable, noncompatible, noncorrodible, nondeductible, nondeferrable, nondegradable, nondepletable, nondetachable, nondialyzable, nondiffusible, nonexpendable, nonfilterable, nonmeasurable, nonnegotiable, nonperishable, nonrecyclable, nonrefillable, nonrefundable, nonreturnable, nonreversible, nonshrinkable, objectionable, paraphrasable, pronounceable, recommendable, reinforceable, replenishable, reprehensible, representable, semipermeable, substitutable, supersensible, transferrable, transformable, transmissible, transmittable, transportable, ultrareliable, unaccountable, unassimilable, unassuageable, uncollectible, uncomfortable, unconceivable, unconformable, unconquerable, uncontainable, uncorrectable, undeliverable, undescribable, undiagnosable, unenforceable, unexplainable, unfalsifiable, unfashionable, unforeseeable, unforgettable, unfulfillable, unimpeachable, uninhabitable, unjustifiable, unmentionable, unperformable, unpredictable, unpublishable, unreclaimable, unrecoverable, unrespectable, unsalvageable, unserviceable, unspecifiable, unsupportable, unsurpassable, unsusceptible, unsustainable, unwarrantable, volatilizable
14-letter words
accomplishable, camouflageable, commonsensible, comprehendible, comprehensible, computerizable, contradictable, controvertible, crystallizable, diagonalizable, differentiable, discomfortable, discourageable, disrespectable, disserviceable, extinguishable, hyperexcitable, hyperirritable, impressionable, inapproachable, incommunicable, incompressible, inconsiderable, incontrollable, indecipherable, indecomposable, indemonstrable, indestructible, indeterminable, indiscoverable, insuppressible, insurmountable, irreconcilable, irreproachable, irreproducible, nonaccountable, noncombustible, noncondensable, nonconvertible, nonfissionable, nonforfeitable, noninflammable, nonjusticiable, nonpolarizable, proportionable, rationalizable, rediscountable, reprogrammable, superimposable, thermoformable, transplantable, unapproachable, unattributable, unclassifiable, uncommunicable, unconscionable, uncontrollable, undecipherable, understandable, undeterminable, undiscoverable, unidentifiable, unintelligible, unprogrammable, unquantifiable, unquestionable, unrecognizable, unreconcilable, untranslatable
15-letter words
antifashionable, distinguishable, hendecasyllable, hypercoagulable, immunoassayable, incommensurable, indisciplinable, interchangeable, noncompressible, noncontrollable, nonquantifiable, nonsaponifiable, nonsedimentable, nontransferable, photodegradable, reconstructible, semisubmersible, uncategorizable, unchallengeable, uncompromisable, uncopyrightable, unexceptionable, unknowledgeable, unobjectionable, unpronounceable
16-letter words
hypersusceptible, incomprehensible, incontrovertible, inextinguishable, interconvertible, nonbiodegradable, supercomfortable, superserviceable, ultrarespectable, ununderstandable
17-letter words
indistinguishable, intertranslatable, nonsuperimposable
18-letter words
intersubstitutable, noninterchangeable
20-letter words
1782 words found.
1 answer
The Catholic Mass typically follows this sequence: Introductory Rites (Entrance, Greeting, Penitential Act), Liturgy of the Word (Readings, Homily, Creed, General Intercessions), Liturgy of the Eucharist (Preparation of the Gifts, Eucharistic Prayer, Communion), and Concluding Rite (Final Blessing and Dismissal). Each part has specific prayers and rituals that guide the flow of the Mass.
2 answers
8-letter words
abacuses, abducens, abducent, abducing, abducted, abductor, abjurers, abjuring, abluents, ablution, aboideau, aboiteau, abomasum, abomasus, aboulias, abounded, abrupter, abruptly, absolute, abstruse, absurder, absurdly, abundant, abusable, abutilon, abutment, abuttals, abutters, abutting, acanthus, acarpous, acaudate, acauline, acaulose, acaulous, accounts, accouter, accoutre, accruals, accruing, accuracy, accurate, accursed, accusals, accusant, accusers, accusing, accustom, acequias, acervuli, aciculae, acicular, aciculas, aciculum, aciduria, aconitum, acoustic, acquaint, acquests, acquired, acquirer, acquires, actinium, actually, actuated, actuates, actuator, acuities, aculeate, acutance, addendum, adducent, adducers, adducing, adducted, adductor, adequacy, adequate, adjourns, adjudged, adjudges, adjuncts, adjurers, adjuring, adjurors, adjusted, adjuster, adjustor, adjutant, adjuvant, adularia, adulated, adulates, adulator, adultery, adumbral, aduncate, aduncous, aecidium, aequorin, aerobium, aeroduct, aeronaut, afflatus, affluent, affluxes, affusion, aflutter, agendums, ageratum, agouties, aguelike, agueweed, aguishly, aiguille, aimfully, airbound, airbrush, airburst, airbuses, alarumed, albumens, albumins, albumose, alburnum, alehouse, aleurone, aleurons, alfaquin, alfaquis, aliquant, aliquots, alleluia, allodium, alluding, allurers, alluring, allusion, allusive, alluvial, alluvion, alluvium, although, altitude, altruism, altruist, aluminas, alumines, aluminic, aluminum, alumroot, alunites, alveolus, alyssums, amateurs, ambulant, ambulate, ambushed, ambusher, ambushes, amiantus, ammonium, amounted, amplexus, ampoules, ampullae, ampullar, amputate, amputees, amusable, amusedly, amygdule, analogue, anchusas, anchusin, anestrus, aneurins, aneurism, aneurysm, anginous, angulate, angulose, angulous, animuses, ankushes, announce, annually, annulate, annulets, annulled, annulose, anovular, anserous, anticult, antinuke, antiqued, antiquer, antiques, antirust, antismut, anureses, anuresis, anuretic, aperture, aphthous, apiculus, apologue, apolunes, applauds, applause, applique, appulses, apterium, apterous, aptitude, aquacade, aquanaut, aquarial, aquarian, aquarist, aquarium, aquatics, aquatint, aquatone, aquavits, aqueduct, aquifers, aquiline, araceous, arborous, arboured, arbuscle, arbutean, arcanums, arcature, archduke, arcuated, arethusa, argentum, argonaut, arguable, arguably, argufied, argufier, argufies, argument, armature, armoured, armourer, arousals, arousers, arousing, arquebus, arsenous, arsonous, artfully, arugolas, arugulas, asbestus, ascidium, assaults, assuaged, assuages, assumers, assuming, assureds, assurers, assuring, assurors, astomous, astounds, astutely, atheneum, attitude, attuning, auberges, aubretia, aubrieta, auctions, audacity, audibles, audience, audients, auditing, audition, auditive, auditors, auditory, augments, augurers, auguries, auguring, auguster, augustly, aunthood, auntlier, auntlike, aureolae, aureolas, aureoled, aureoles, auricled, auricles, auricula, auriform, aurorean, ausforms, auspices, austerer, australs, autacoid, autarchy, autarkic, autecism, authored, autistic, autobahn, autocade, autocoid, autocrat, autodyne, autogamy, autogeny, autogiro, autogyro, autolyze, automata, automate, autonomy, autopsic, autosome, autotomy, autotype, autotypy, autumnal, autunite, auxetics, avicular, avifauna, avouched, avoucher, avouches, avulsing, avulsion, awfuller, ayurveda, azimuths, azoturia, azurites, babassus, babirusa, babushka, bacchius, bacillus, backhaul, backouts, backrush, baculine, baculums, badmouth, baguette, bahadurs, bailouts, balisaur, ballutes, baluster, banausic, bandeaus, bandeaux, bankrupt, banquets, barbecue, barbeque, barbules, barguest, barleduc, baroques, barouche, bascules, basidium, bathtubs, batteaux, baudekin, baudrons, bauhinia, baulkier, baulking, bauxites, bauxitic, bdellium, bearhugs, beauties, beautify, bebeerus, beclouds, becrusts, becudgel, becursed, becurses, bedaubed, bedouins, bedquilt, bedumbed, bedunced, bedunces, beechnut, befouled, befouler, befuddle, begrudge, beguiled, beguiler, beguiles, beguines, begulfed, bejumble, belabour, belauded, beliquor, bellpull, bellyful, bemuddle, bemurmur, bemusing, bemuzzle, benumbed, bequeath, bequests, berceuse, bermudas, berouged, bescours, beshouts, beshroud, besmudge, besought, bespouse, betelnut, bethumps, beuncled, beziques, biannual, bibulous, bicaudal, bicolour, bicuspid, biennium, bigamous, bigmouth, bihourly, bijugate, bijugous, billbugs, bimanous, bimanual, binaural, biovular, biparous, biramous, biscuits, bisexual, bismuths, bistoury, bitumens, biunique, bivouacs, blackgum, blackout, blameful, blastula, blauboks, blellums, blesbuck, blissful, blousier, blousily, blousing, blousons, blowguns, blowouts, blowtube, blubbers, blubbery, bluchers, bludgeon, blueball, bluebell, bluebill, bluebird, bluebook, bluecaps, bluecoat, bluefins, bluefish, bluegill, bluegums, bluehead, blueings, bluejack, bluejays, blueline, blueness, bluenose, bluesier, bluesman, bluesmen, bluestem, blueweed, bluewood, bluffers, bluffest, bluffing, blunders, blungers, blunging, bluntest, blunting, blurbing, blurrier, blurrily, blurring, blurters, blurting, blushers, blushful, blushing, blusters, blustery, boastful, bodysuit, bodysurf, bookfuls, bordeaux, bordures, boroughs, bosquets, bothrium, botulins, botulism, bouchees, boudoirs, bouffant, boughpot, boughten, bouillon, boulders, bouldery, bouncers, bouncier, bouncily, bouncing, boundary, bounders, bounding, bountied, bounties, bouquets, bourbons, bourdons, bourgeon, bourrees, bourride, bourtree, bousouki, boutique, bouviers, bouzouki, bowlfuls, boxhauls, brachium, braunite, bravuras, breadnut, breakout, breakups, brimfull, briquets, brochure, broguery, broguish, bronchus, brougham, brouhaha, brownout, brucella, brucines, bruisers, bruising, bruiters, bruiting, brulyies, brulzies, brumbies, brunched, brunches, brunette, brunizem, brushers, brushier, brushing, brushoff, brushups, bruskest, brusquer, brutally, brutisms, bruxisms, bubaline, bubblers, bubblier, bubblies, bubbling, bubingas, buccally, buckaroo, buckayro, buckbean, buckeens, buckeroo, bucketed, buckeyes, bucklers, buckling, buckrams, bucksaws, buckshee, buckshot, buckskin, bucktail, bucolics, buddings, buddleia, buddying, budgeted, budgeter, budworms, buffable, buffalos, buffered, buffeted, buffeter, buffiest, buffoons, bugaboos, bugbanes, bugbears, buggered, buggiest, bughouse, bugseeds, buhlwork, builders, building, buildups, bulblets, bulgiest, bulimiac, bulimias, bulkages, bulkhead, bulkiest, bullaces, bullbats, bulldogs, bulldoze, bulleted, bulletin, bullfrog, bullhead, bullhorn, bulliest, bullions, bullneck, bullnose, bullocks, bullocky, bullpens, bullpout, bullring, bullrush, bullshot, bullweed, bullwhip, bullyboy, bullying, bullyrag, bulwarks, bumblers, bumbling, bumboats, bumpered, bumpiest, bumpkins, bunchier, bunchily, bunching, buncoing, buncombe, bundists, bundlers, bundling, bungalow, bunghole, bunglers, bungling, bunkered, bunkmate, bunkoing, bunrakus, buntings, buntline, buoyages, buoyance, buoyancy, burblers, burblier, burbling, burdened, burdener, burdocks, burettes, burgages, burgeons, burghers, burglars, burglary, burgling, burgonet, burgouts, burgrave, burgundy, burkites, burlesks, burliest, burnable, burnings, burnoose, burnouts, burriest, burritos, burrowed, burrower, burseeds, bursitis, bursters, bursting, burstone, burthens, burweeds, bushbuck, busheled, busheler, bushfire, bushgoat, bushidos, bushiest, bushings, bushland, bushless, bushlike, bushtits, bushwahs, business, buskined, bussings, bustards, bustiers, bustiest, bustling, busulfan, busybody, busyness, busywork, butanols, butanone, butchers, butchery, buttered, buttocks, buttoned, buttoner, buttress, butylate, butylene, butyrals, butyrate, butyrins, butyrous, butyryls, buxomest, buybacks, buzzards, buzzwigs, buzzword, byssuses, cachucha, caciques, cactuses, cadmiums, caducean, caduceus, caducity, caducous, caesiums, caesurae, caesural, caesuras, caesuric, cagefuls, cajaputs, cajeputs, cajuputs, caladium, calathus, calciums, calctufa, calctuff, calculus, callused, calluses, calquing, calumets, calutron, calyculi, cambiums, campused, campuses, candours, cannulae, cannular, cannulas, canorous, canulate, capitula, capsicum, capsular, capsuled, capsules, captious, captured, capturer, captures, capuched, capuches, capuchin, caraculs, carburet, carcajou, cardamum, caribous, carnauba, carousal, caroused, carousel, carouser, carouses, carryout, cartouch, caruncle, casually, casualty, casuists, catapult, catchups, catechus, cathouse, caucused, caucuses, caudally, caudated, caudates, caudexes, caudices, caudillo, cauldron, caulicle, caulkers, caulking, causable, causally, causerie, causeway, caustics, cautions, cautious, caziques, ceinture, cellular, cellules, cementum, censured, censurer, censures, censused, censuses, centaurs, centaury, centrums, centuple, cerebrum, cereuses, cernuous, cerulean, cerumens, cerusite, cestuses, chabouks, chapeaus, chapeaux, chaqueta, charquid, charquis, chasseur, chasuble, chateaus, chateaux, chaufers, chauffer, chaunted, chaunter, chausses, checkout, checkups, cheekful, cheerful, chemurgy, chequers, cherubic, cherubim, chestful, chestnut, chetrums, chiasmus, chiauses, chibouks, chillums, chipmuck, chipmunk, chirrups, chirrupy, chlorous, chockful, choragus, choregus, chorused, choruses, chousers, choushes, chousing, chromium, chromous, chubasco, chubbier, chubbily, chuckies, chucking, chuckled, chuckler, chuckles, chuddahs, chuddars, chudders, chuffest, chuffier, chuffing, chugalug, chuggers, chugging, chukkars, chukkers, chummier, chummily, chumming, chumping, chumship, chunkier, chunkily, chunking, chunters, churched, churches, churchly, churlish, churners, churning, churring, chutists, chutnees, chutneys, chutzpah, chutzpas, ciborium, ciboules, cincture, cingulum, cinquain, circuits, circuity, circular, circuses, cislunar, cistuses, citreous, citruses, clamours, clangour, claquers, claqueur, claughts, claustra, cleanups, cliquier, cliquing, cliquish, clonuses, closeout, closured, closures, clotured, clotures, cloudier, cloudily, clouding, cloudlet, clouring, clouters, clouting, clubable, clubbers, clubbier, clubbing, clubfeet, clubfoot, clubhand, clubhaul, clubroom, clubroot, clucking, clumbers, clumpier, clumping, clumpish, clumsier, clumsily, clunkers, clunkier, clunking, clupeids, clupeoid, clusters, clustery, clutched, clutches, clutters, cluttery, coagulum, coassume, coauthor, cockshut, cockspur, cocksure, cocoanut, coconuts, coendure, coenures, coenurus, coequals, coequate, cofounds, coiffeur, coiffure, coinsure, coituses, coleuses, coliseum, collogue, colloquy, colluded, colluder, colludes, colluvia, colorful, colossus, coloured, colourer, colubrid, columbic, columels, columnal, columnar, columned, comatula, combusts, communal, communed, communes, commuted, commuter, commutes, compound, computed, computer, computes, conclude, conduced, conducer, conduces, conducts, conduits, confound, confused, confuses, confuted, confuter, confutes, conidium, conjugal, conjunct, conjured, conjurer, conjures, conjuror, conquers, conquest, conquian, construe, consular, consults, consumed, consumer, consumes, continua, continue, continuo, contours, contused, contuses, convulse, cookouts, copihues, copulate, copurify, coquetry, coquette, coquille, coquinas, coquitos, corduroy, coremium, corneous, cornhusk, cornuses, cornuted, cornutos, corrupts, corundum, costumed, costumer, costumes, costumey, cothurni, cothurns, cotquean, couchant, couchers, couching, coughers, coughing, couldest, coulisse, couloirs, coulombs, coulters, coumaric, coumarin, coumarou, councils, counsels, counters, countess, countian, counties, counting, couplers, couplets, coupling, courages, courante, couranto, courants, couriers, courlans, coursers, coursing, courters, courtesy, courtier, courting, couscous, cousinly, cousinry, couteaux, couthest, couthier, coutures, couvades, coverups, covetous, crackups, craniums, crankous, creature, cribrous, critique, critturs, crocuses, croquets, crosscut, crouched, crouches, croupier, croupily, croupous, crousely, croutons, crucians, cruciate, crucible, crucifer, crucifix, cruddier, crudding, crudites, cruelest, crueller, cruisers, cruising, crullers, crumbers, crumbier, crumbing, crumbled, crumbles, crumbums, crumhorn, crummier, crummies, crumpets, crumping, crumpled, crumples, crunched, cruncher, crunches, crunodal, crunodes, cruppers, crusaded, crusader, crusades, crusados, crushers, crushing, crustier, crustily, crusting, crustose, crutched, crutches, cruzados, cruzeiro, cubature, cubicity, cubicles, cubicula, cubiform, cubistic, cuboidal, cuckolds, cuckooed, cucumber, cucurbit, cudbears, cuddlier, cuddling, cudgeled, cudgeler, cudweeds, cuffless, cuisines, cuittled, cuittles, culicids, culicine, culinary, cullions, cullises, cullying, culottes, culpable, culpably, culprits, cultches, cultigen, cultisms, cultists, cultivar, cultrate, cultural, cultured, cultures, cultuses, culverin, culverts, cumarins, cumbered, cumberer, cumbrous, cumquats, cumshaws, cumulate, cumulous, cuneated, cuneatic, cuniform, cunnings, cupboard, cupcakes, cupelers, cupeling, cupelled, cupeller, cupidity, cupolaed, cuppiest, cuppings, cupreous, cuprites, cupulate, curacaos, curacies, curacoas, curarine, curarize, curassow, curative, curators, curbable, curbings, curbside, curculio, curcumas, curdiest, curdlers, curdling, cureless, curetted, curettes, curlicue, curliest, curlings, curlycue, currachs, curraghs, currants, currency, currents, curricle, curriers, curriery, currying, curseder, cursedly, cursives, curtails, curtains, curtalax, curtness, curtseys, curtsied, curtsies, curvedly, curveted, curviest, cuscuses, cushiest, cushions, cushiony, cuspated, cuspidal, cuspides, cuspidor, cussedly, cussword, custards, custodes, customer, custumal, cutaways, cutbacks, cutbanks, cutchery, cutdowns, cuteness, cutesier, cutgrass, cuticles, cuticula, cutinise, cutinize, cutlases, cutlines, cutovers, cutpurse, cuttable, cuttages, cuttings, cuttling, cutwater, cutworks, cutworms, cuvettes, cymatium, cynosure, cypruses, dactylus, daiquiri, dandruff, danseurs, danseuse, dasyures, daubiest, daubries, daughter, daunders, daunters, daunting, dauphine, dauphins, deathcup, deathful, debouche, debruise, debugged, debunked, debunker, debutant, debuting, deciduae, decidual, deciduas, decolour, decorous, decorums, decouple, decupled, decuples, decuries, decurion, decurved, decurves, deducing, deducted, defaults, defrauds, defusing, defuzing, degummed, degusted, dejeuner, delirium, deloused, delouser, delouses, deluders, deluding, deluging, delusion, delusive, delusory, deluster, demilune, demiurge, demounts, demurely, demurest, demurral, demurred, demurrer, denarius, denature, denounce, dentural, dentures, denudate, denuders, denuding, deplumed, deplumes, depurate, deputies, deputing, deputize, desirous, destruct, desugars, desulfur, detinues, detoured, detritus, detruded, detrudes, deucedly, deuteric, deuteron, deutzias, devalued, devalues, devoured, devourer, devouter, devoutly, dextrous, dhourras, dhurries, dialogue, dianthus, diapause, dibbukim, didymium, didymous, diecious, diestrum, diestrus, diffused, diffuser, diffuses, diffusor, digamous, diluents, diluters, diluting, dilution, dilutive, dilutors, diluvial, diluvian, diluvion, diluvium, dimerous, dinguses, dinosaur, dioicous, dirgeful, disabuse, disannul, disbound, disburse, discount, discuses, diseuses, disguise, disgusts, dishfuls, disjunct, dismount, displume, disputed, disputer, disputes, disquiet, disrupts, dissuade, distrust, disturbs, disulfid, disunion, disunite, disunity, disusing, disvalue, diureses, diuresis, diuretic, diurnals, dividual, divulged, divulger, divulges, dizygous, document, doghouse, doldrums, dolorous, dominium, dormouse, doublers, doublets, doubling, doubloon, doublure, doubters, doubtful, doubting, douceurs, douching, doughboy, doughier, doughnut, doupioni, dourines, dourness, douzeper, downhaul, downpour, downturn, draughts, draughty, drawtube, dreadful, dreamful, dropouts, droughts, droughty, drouking, drubbers, drubbing, drudgers, drudgery, drudging, druggets, druggier, druggies, drugging, druggist, druidess, druidism, drumbeat, drumbled, drumbles, drumfire, drumfish, drumhead, drumlier, drumlike, drumlins, drummers, drumming, drumroll, drunkard, drunkest, drupelet, druthers, dualisms, dualists, dualized, dualizes, dubbings, dubonnet, duckbill, duckiest, duckling, duckpins, ducktail, duckwalk, duckweed, ductings, ductless, ductules, dudgeons, dudishly, duecento, duelists, duellers, duelling, duellist, duetting, duettist, dukedoms, dulcetly, dulciana, dulcimer, dulcinea, dullards, dullness, dumbbell, dumbhead, dumbness, dumfound, dummkopf, dummying, dumpcart, dumpiest, dumpings, dumpling, duncical, duneland, dunelike, dungaree, dungeons, dunghill, dungiest, dunnages, dunnites, duodenal, duodenum, duologue, duopsony, duotones, duperies, duplexed, duplexer, duplexes, durables, duramens, durances, duration, durative, duresses, durmasts, durndest, durneder, duskiest, dustbins, dustheap, dustiest, dustless, dustlike, dustoffs, dustpans, dustrags, dutchman, dutchmen, dutiable, duumviri, duumvirs, duvetine, duvetyne, duvetyns, duxelles, dybbukim, dyestuff, dysurias, eardrums, earmuffs, earplugs, earthnut, ecaudate, eclogues, ecraseur, ecumenic, edacious, educable, educated, educates, educator, educible, eduction, eductive, eductors, eelpouts, effluent, effluvia, effluxes, effulged, effulges, effusing, effusion, effusive, electrum, elenchus, elkhound, eloquent, elusions, elutions, eluviate, eluviums, elytrous, embruing, embruted, embrutes, emeritus, emporium, empurple, emulated, emulates, emulator, emulsify, emulsion, emulsive, emulsoid, enamours, encomium, encrusts, encumber, enduring, enginous, engulfed, enormous, enounced, enounces, enquired, enquires, enshroud, ensouled, ensurers, ensuring, entellus, enthused, enthuses, entrusts, enuresis, enuretic, eohippus, epaulets, epicures, epidural, epifauna, epigeous, epigonus, epilogue, equaling, equalise, equality, equalize, equalled, equating, equation, equators, equinely, equinity, equipage, equipped, equipper, equiseta, equitant, equities, equivoke, erasures, eremurus, eructate, eructing, erumpent, erupting, eruption, eruptive, escuages, esculent, espousal, espoused, espouser, espouses, esquired, esquires, estruses, esurient, eucaines, eucalypt, eucharis, euchring, euclases, eucrites, eucritic, eudaemon, eudemons, eugenias, eugenics, eugenist, eugenols, euglenas, eulachan, eulachon, eulogiae, eulogias, eulogies, eulogise, eulogist, eulogium, eulogize, euonymus, eupatrid, eupepsia, eupeptic, euphenic, euphonic, euphoria, euphoric, euphotic, euphrasy, euphroes, euphuism, euphuist, euploids, euploidy, eupnoeas, eupnoeic, eurokies, eurokous, europium, eurybath, eurythmy, eustatic, eusteles, eutaxies, eutectic, eutrophy, euxenite, evacuant, evacuate, evacuees, evaluate, eventful, eventual, evolutes, evonymus, evulsion, excluded, excluder, excludes, excursus, excusers, excusing, executed, executer, executes, executor, exemplum, exequial, exequies, exergual, exergues, exhausts, exhumers, exhuming, exiguity, exiguous, eximious, exoduses, exonumia, exordium, exposure, expounds, expulsed, expulses, expunged, expunger, expunges, extremum, extruded, extruder, extrudes, extubate, exudates, exultant, exulting, exurbias, exuviate, fabliaux, fabulist, fabulous, factious, factotum, factures, failures, faithful, faitours, fallouts, famously, fanciful, farceurs, farouche, fashious, fastuous, fatigued, fatigues, faubourg, faultier, faultily, faulting, faunally, faunlike, fauteuil, fauvisms, fauvists, favoured, favourer, feastful, featured, features, feculent, feluccas, fenurons, fermiums, ferreous, ferruled, ferrules, feruling, fervours, feudally, feudists, feverous, fiducial, figuline, figurant, figurate, figurers, figurine, figuring, filature, finespun, finitude, firebugs, fireplug, fissured, fissures, fistfuls, fistulae, fistular, fistulas, fitfully, fixtures, flambeau, flameout, flaneurs, flashgun, flatuses, flaunted, flaunter, flautist, flavours, flavoury, flexuose, flexuous, flexural, flexures, floccule, flocculi, floruits, flounced, flounces, flounder, flouring, flourish, flouters, flouting, flubbers, flubbing, flubdubs, fluently, fluerics, fluffier, fluffily, fluffing, fluidics, fluidise, fluidity, fluidize, fluidram, flukiest, flummery, flumping, flunkers, flunkeys, flunkies, flunking, fluorene, fluoride, fluorids, fluorine, fluorins, fluorite, flurried, flurries, flushers, flushest, flushing, flusters, flutiest, flutings, flutists, flutters, fluttery, fluxions, focusers, focusing, focussed, focusses, foetuses, fogbound, fogfruit, foldouts, forceful, foreguts, foreruns, forjudge, forkfuls, forksful, formulae, formulas, fortuity, fortuned, fortunes, foughten, foulards, foulings, foulness, founders, founding, fountain, fourchee, fourfold, fourgons, fourplex, foursome, fourteen, fourthly, foxhound, frabjous, fracture, fracturs, fraenums, frakturs, francium, fraughts, fraulein, freakout, fremitus, frenulum, frequent, friseurs, frondeur, frotteur, froufrou, frounced, frounces, frouzier, fructify, fructose, frugally, frugging, fruitage, fruiters, fruitful, fruitier, fruitily, fruiting, fruition, fruitlet, frumenty, frumpier, frumpily, frumpish, frustule, frustums, fubsiest, fuchsias, fuchsine, fuchsins, fucoidal, fuddling, fuehrers, fuellers, fuelling, fuelwood, fugacity, fuggiest, fugitive, fugleman, fuglemen, fuguists, fulcrums, fulfills, fullback, fullered, fullface, fullness, fulmined, fulmines, fulminic, fumarase, fumarate, fumarole, fumatory, fumblers, fumbling, fumeless, fumelike, fumettes, fumigant, fumigate, fumingly, fumitory, function, functors, funerals, funerary, funereal, funfairs, fungible, fungoids, funguses, funicles, funiculi, funkiest, funneled, funniest, funnyman, funnymen, furanose, furbelow, furcated, furcates, furcraea, furculae, furcular, furculum, furfural, furfuran, furfures, furibund, furlable, furlongs, furlough, furmenty, furnaced, furnaces, furriers, furriery, furriest, furriner, furrings, furrowed, furrower, furthers, furthest, furuncle, furziest, fuselage, fuseless, fusiform, fusileer, fusilier, fussiest, fusspots, fustians, fustiest, futharcs, futharks, futhorcs, futhorks, futilely, futility, futtocks, futurism, futurist, futurity, fuzziest, gadabout, galbanum, galliums, gallnuts, gallused, galluses, galumphs, gambusia, garigues, gashouse, gastrula, gauchely, gauchest, gaudiest, gauffers, gauntest, gauntlet, gauziest, gazumped, gazumper, geepound, gemmules, gemsbuck, generous, geniture, geniuses, geoducks, geranium, gerenuks, gestural, gestured, gesturer, gestures, ghastful, ghoulish, glabrous, glamours, glandule, glassful, glaucoma, glaucous, globular, globules, globulin, gloomful, glorious, glouting, glucagon, glucinic, glucinum, glucoses, glucosic, gluelike, gluepots, glugging, glummest, glumness, glumpier, glumpily, glunched, glunches, glutelin, glutting, gluttons, gluttony, goitrous, goldbugs, goldurns, gonidium, gorgeous, gouaches, gouramis, gourmand, gourmets, goutiest, graceful, gracious, graduals, graduand, graduate, graduses, grandeur, granular, granules, grateful, gratuity, graupels, gravures, grayouts, greenbug, grievous, griseous, grouched, grouches, grounded, grounder, groupers, groupies, grouping, groupoid, grousers, grousing, grouters, groutier, grouting, grownups, grubbers, grubbier, grubbily, grubbing, grubworm, grudgers, grudging, gruelers, grueling, gruelled, grueller, gruesome, gruffest, gruffier, gruffily, gruffing, gruffish, gruiform, grumbled, grumbler, grumbles, grummest, grummets, grumphie, grumpier, grumpily, grumping, grumpish, grungier, grunions, grunters, grunting, gruntled, gruntles, grutched, grutches, gruyeres, guacharo, guaiacol, guaiacum, guaiocum, guanacos, guanases, guanidin, guanines, guaranis, guaranty, guardant, guarders, guardian, guarding, guayules, gudgeons, guerdons, guerilla, guernsey, guessers, guessing, guesting, guffawed, guggling, guidable, guidance, guideway, guilders, guileful, guiltier, guiltily, guipures, guisards, guitguit, gulfiest, gulflike, gulfweed, gullable, gullably, gullible, gullibly, gullying, gulosity, gulpiest, gumboils, gumboots, gumbotil, gumdrops, gummiest, gummites, gummoses, gummosis, gumption, gumshoed, gumshoes, gumtrees, gumweeds, gumwoods, gunboats, gunfight, gunfires, gunflint, gunkhole, gunlocks, gunmetal, gunnings, gunnybag, gunpaper, gunplays, gunpoint, gunrooms, gunships, gunshots, gunsmith, gunstock, gunwales, gurglets, gurgling, gurnards, guruship, gushiest, gusseted, gussying, gustable, gustiest, gustless, gutsiest, guttated, guttered, guttiest, guttlers, guttling, guttural, guzzlers, guzzling, gweducks, gynecium, gyplures, gypseous, habitual, habitude, habitues, hachured, hachures, hackbuts, hafniums, hahniums, haircuts, halibuts, halluces, halutzim, hamburgs, hamulate, hamulose, hamulous, handcuff, handfuls, handguns, handouts, handsful, hangouts, hanumans, harangue, harbours, harrumph, harumphs, haruspex, hasteful, hauberks, haulages, hauliers, haulmier, haulyard, haunched, haunches, haunters, haunting, hausfrau, hautbois, hautboys, hauteurs, haviours, hazelnut, headhunt, hebetude, hegumene, hegumens, hegumeny, henequen, henequin, henhouse, heniquen, hercules, hereunto, hereupon, hiatuses, hibiscus, hiccough, hiccuped, hideouts, highbush, hindguts, hirudins, hocusing, hocussed, hocusses, holdouts, holibuts, holmiums, homburgs, homespun, honeybun, honeyful, honoured, honourer, hoodlums, hopefuls, hornpout, hothouse, hotspurs, hounders, hounding, houseboy, housefly, houseful, houseled, houseman, housemen, housesat, housesit, housetop, housings, huarache, huaracho, hubrises, huckster, huddlers, huddling, huffiest, hugeness, huggable, huipiles, huisache, hulkiest, hulloaed, hulloing, humanely, humanest, humanise, humanism, humanist, humanity, humanize, humanoid, humblers, humblest, humbling, humdrums, humerals, humidify, humidity, humidors, humified, humility, hummable, hummocks, hummocky, hummuses, humorful, humoring, humorist, humorous, humoured, humpback, humphing, humpiest, humpless, hunching, hundreds, hungered, hungrier, hungrily, hunkered, huntable, huntedly, huntings, huntress, huntsman, huntsmen, hurdlers, hurdling, hurlings, hurrahed, hurrayed, hurriers, hurrying, hurtless, hurtling, husbands, hushedly, huskiest, huskings, husklike, hustings, hustlers, hustling, huswifes, huswives, hutching, hutments, hutzpahs, huzzahed, huzzaing, hymenium, hypogeum, iambuses, icebound, icehouse, ichorous, idoneous, iguanian, illinium, illiquid, illumine, illuming, illusion, illusive, illusory, illuvial, illuvium, imbruing, imbruted, imbrutes, immature, immunise, immunity, immunize, immuring, imperium, imporous, impounds, impudent, impugned, impugner, impulsed, impulses, impunity, impurely, impurity, imputers, imputing, inbounds, inbursts, incisure, included, includes, inconnus, incrusts, incubate, incudate, incumber, incurred, incurved, incurves, incusing, indevout, indicium, inducers, inducing, inducted, inductee, inductor, indulged, indulger, indulges, induline, indulins, indurate, indusial, indusium, industry, inequity, infamous, infaunae, infaunal, infaunas, infecund, influent, influxes, infought, infrugal, infusers, infusing, infusion, infusive, ingenues, ingroups, inguinal, ingulfed, inhauler, inhumane, inhumers, inhuming, iniquity, injurers, injuries, injuring, innuendo, inoculum, inpoured, inputted, inquests, inquiets, inquired, inquirer, inquires, inrushes, insculps, insecure, insomuch, insouled, instruct, insulant, insulars, insulate, insulins, insulted, insulter, insurant, insureds, insurers, insuring, intercut, intitule, intrigue, intruded, intruder, intrudes, intrusts, intubate, intuited, inturned, inulases, inundant, inundate, inurbane, inurning, involute, irefully, iridiums, irrupted, isologue, issuable, issuably, issuance, jacquard, jaculate, jalousie, jambeaux, jauncing, jaundice, jauntier, jauntily, jaunting, jealousy, jejunely, jejunity, jelutong, jiujitsu, jiujutsu, jocundly, jodhpurs, jointure, jongleur, jonquils, jouncier, jouncing, journals, journeys, jousters, jousting, joyfully, joyously, jubilant, jubilate, jubilees, juddered, judgment, judicial, judoists, jugglers, jugglery, juggling, jugheads, jugulars, jugulate, juiciest, jujitsus, jujuisms, jujuists, jujutsus, julienne, jumblers, jumbling, jumbucks, jumpiest, jumpoffs, jumpsuit, junction, juncture, junglier, junipers, junketed, junketer, junkiest, junkyard, juratory, juristic, jussives, justices, justling, justness, juttying, juvenals, juvenile, kabeljou, kajeputs, karakuls, kashruth, kashruts, kebbucks, keelhaul, kerplunk, ketchups, keypunch, kilobaud, kingcups, kinkajou, kistfuls, klutzier, knockout, knouting, knubbier, knuckled, knuckler, knuckles, knurlier, knurling, koumises, koumyses, kreutzer, kreuzers, krullers, krumhorn, kumisses, kumquats, kunzites, kurtosis, kuvaszok, labarums, labdanum, labellum, laboured, labourer, labrusca, laburnum, lacquers, lacqueys, lacteous, lacunars, lacunary, lacunate, lacunose, ladanums, ladleful, ladybugs, laminous, langlauf, language, languets, languish, languors, lapillus, larkspur, larruped, larruper, latitude, laudable, laudably, laudanum, laudator, laughers, laughing, laughter, launched, launcher, launches, launders, laureate, laureled, lauwines, lawfully, lawsuits, layabout, lazulite, lazurite, leaguers, leaguing, lectured, lecturer, lectures, lecythus, legumins, leisured, leisures, lekythus, lemurine, lemuroid, lettuces, leucemia, leucemic, leucines, leucites, leucitic, leucomas, leukemia, leukemic, leukomas, leukoses, leukosis, leukotic, levulins, levulose, libelous, ligature, lightful, ligneous, ligulate, liguloid, lilliput, limbuses, limuloid, linecuts, linguals, linguine, linguini, linguist, linocuts, linoleum, linurons, liquated, liquates, liqueurs, liquidly, liquored, lithiums, litmuses, liturgic, lixivium, loathful, lobulate, lobulose, locknuts, lockouts, loculate, locustae, locustal, locution, locutory, lodicule, lomentum, longspur, longueur, lookouts, loudened, loudlier, loudness, loungers, lounging, lousiest, louvered, lovebugs, lubberly, lubrical, lucarnes, lucences, lucently, lucernes, lucidity, lucifers, luckiest, luckless, luculent, luggages, lugsails, lugworms, lukewarm, lumbagos, lumbered, lumberer, luminary, luminist, luminous, lummoxes, lumpfish, lumpiest, lunacies, lunarian, lunately, lunatics, lunation, luncheon, lunchers, lunching, lunettes, lungfish, lungworm, lungwort, lunkhead, lunulate, lupanars, lupulins, lurchers, lurching, lurdanes, luscious, lushness, lustered, lustiest, lustrate, lustring, lustrous, lustrums, lutanist, lutecium, lutenist, luteolin, lutetium, lutherns, luthiers, luxating, luxation, luxuries, macaques, macrural, macruran, maculate, maculing, madhouse, mahuangs, maieutic, majaguas, malamute, malemiut, malemute, mameluke, mammatus, mandamus, maneuver, manfully, manhunts, manicure, manitous, manteaus, manteaux, manually, manubria, manumits, manurers, manurial, manuring, maquette, marabous, marabout, marasmus, marauded, marauder, marquees, marquess, marquise, marsupia, masquers, masscult, masseurs, masseuse, masurium, matchups, maturate, maturely, maturest, maturing, maturity, maumetry, maunders, maundies, mausolea, maximums, mazourka, mazurkas, mealybug, measured, measurer, measures, meatuses, meconium, medullae, medullar, medullas, medusans, medusoid, megabuck, melanous, meniscus, menseful, menstrua, mensural, merciful, mercuric, merengue, meringue, meshugah, meshugga, meshugge, mesquite, mesquits, messuage, meuniere, mezereum, mezquite, mezquits, mezuzahs, mezuzoth, miaouing, miauling, microbus, microlux, micrurgy, midcults, millilux, millruns, minimums, minuends, minutely, minutest, minutiae, minutial, minuting, miquelet, mirthful, misbegun, misbound, misbuild, misbuilt, miscount, miscuing, misdoubt, misfocus, misgauge, misguess, misguide, misjudge, misquote, misroute, misruled, misrules, missound, missouts, missuits, missuses, mistouch, mistrust, mistruth, mistuned, mistunes, mistutor, misunion, misusage, misusers, misusing, misvalue, mittimus, mixtures, modicums, modiolus, modulate, moistful, moisture, molecule, molluscs, mollusks, momentum, monaural, monofuel, monsieur, monument, monurons, moquette, morceaux, moresque, moribund, mortuary, mosasaur, mosquito, motorbus, mouching, mouchoir, moufflon, mouflons, moulages, moulders, mouldier, moulding, moulters, moulting, mounding, mountain, mounters, mounting, mourners, mournful, mourning, mousiest, mousings, moussaka, mouthers, mouthful, mouthier, mouthily, mouthing, muchacho, muchness, mucidity, mucilage, mucinoid, mucinous, muckiest, muckluck, muckrake, muckworm, mucoidal, mucosity, mucrones, muddiest, muddlers, muddling, muddying, mudflows, mudguard, mudholes, mudlarks, mudpacks, mudpuppy, mudrocks, mudrooms, mudsills, mudslide, mudstone, mueddins, muenster, muezzins, mufflers, muffling, muggiest, muggings, mugworts, mugwumps, mulattos, mulberry, mulching, mulcting, muleteer, mulishly, mulleins, mulligan, mullions, mullites, mullocks, mullocky, multiage, multicar, multifid, multijet, multiped, multiple, multiply, multiton, multiuse, multures, mumblers, mumbling, mummying, munchers, munchies, munching, munchkin, mundungo, mungoose, muniment, munition, munnions, munsters, muntings, muntjacs, muntjaks, muoniums, muraenid, muralist, murdered, murderee, murderer, muriated, muriates, muricate, murkiest, murmured, murmurer, murphies, murrains, murrelet, murrhine, murthers, muscadel, muscadet, muscatel, muscling, muscular, musettes, mushiest, mushroom, musicale, musicals, musician, musingly, musketry, muskiest, muskrats, muspikes, musquash, mussiest, mustache, mustangs, mustards, mustardy, mustered, mustiest, mutagens, mutating, mutation, mutative, mutchkin, muteness, muticous, mutilate, mutineer, mutinied, mutinies, mutining, mutinous, muttered, mutterer, mutually, muzziest, muzzlers, muzzling, mycelium, mystique, nacreous, natriums, naturals, naturism, naturist, naumachy, nauplial, nauplius, nauseant, nauseate, nauseous, nautches, nautical, nautilus, nebulise, nebulize, nebulose, nebulous, needfuls, nelumbos, nervules, nervures, netsukes, neumatic, neurally, neuraxon, neurines, neuritic, neuritis, neuromas, neuronal, neurones, neuronic, neurosal, neuroses, neurosis, neurotic, neurulae, neurulas, neustons, neutered, neutrals, neutrino, neutrons, newfound, ngultrum, nilghaus, nimbused, nimbuses, niobiums, nobelium, noctuids, noctules, noctuoid, nocturne, nocturns, nodulose, nodulous, nonadult, nonequal, nonesuch, nonfluid, nonguilt, nonhuman, nonissue, nonjuror, nonmusic, nonquota, nonrural, nonsugar, nonsuits, nontrump, nontruth, nonunion, nonuples, nonurban, nonusers, nonusing, nostrums, notturni, notturno, noumenal, noumenon, nounally, nounless, nubbiest, nubblier, nubility, nubilose, nubilous, nucellar, nucellus, nuclease, nucleate, nucleins, nucleoid, nucleole, nucleoli, nucleons, nuclides, nuclidic, nudeness, nudicaul, nudities, nudnicks, nudzhing, nugatory, nuisance, numbered, numberer, numbfish, numbness, numeracy, numerals, numerary, numerate, numerics, numerous, numinous, nummular, numskull, nunataks, nunchaku, nuptials, nursings, nursling, nurtural, nurtured, nurturer, nurtures, nutating, nutation, nutbrown, nutgalls, nutgrass, nuthatch, nuthouse, nutmeats, nutpicks, nutrient, nutsedge, nutshell, nutsiest, nuttiest, nuttings, nutwoods, nuzzlers, nuzzling, nylghaus, obduracy, obdurate, obituary, obliqued, obliques, obscured, obscurer, obscures, obstruct, obtruded, obtruder, obtrudes, obtunded, obturate, obtusely, obtusest, obtusity, obvolute, occiputs, occluded, occludes, occlusal, occulted, occulter, occultly, occupant, occupied, occupier, occupies, occurred, oceanaut, ocherous, ochreous, octupled, octuples, octuplet, octuplex, ocularly, oculists, odiously, odourful, oestrous, oestrums, oldsquaw, olibanum, oliguria, omentums, oncidium, onrushes, oogamous, oogonium, opaquely, opaquest, opaquing, opercula, opercule, opiumism, opossums, oppugned, oppugner, optimums, opulence, opulency, opuntias, opuscula, opuscule, oquassas, oracular, organums, orgulous, origanum, osculant, osculate, osmundas, osnaburg, ouabains, oughting, ouistiti, outacted, outadded, outargue, outasked, outbacks, outbaked, outbakes, outbarks, outbawls, outbeams, outbitch, outblaze, outbleat, outbless, outbloom, outbluff, outblush, outboard, outboast, outbound, outboxed, outboxes, outbrags, outbrave, outbrawl, outbreak, outbreed, outbribe, outbuild, outbuilt, outbulks, outbully, outburns, outburnt, outburst, outcaper, outcaste, outcasts, outcatch, outcavil, outcharm, outcheat, outchide, outclass, outclimb, outclomb, outcoach, outcomes, outcooks, outcount, outcrawl, outcried, outcries, outcrops, outcross, outcrows, outcurse, outcurve, outdance, outdared, outdares, outdated, outdates, outdodge, outdoers, outdoing, outdoors, outdrags, outdrank, outdrawn, outdraws, outdream, outdress, outdrink, outdrive, outdrops, outdrove, outdrunk, outduels, outearns, outeaten, outfable, outfaced, outfaces, outfalls, outfasts, outfawns, outfeast, outfeels, outfield, outfight, outfinds, outfired, outfires, outflank, outflies, outflown, outflows, outfools, outfoots, outfound, outfoxed, outfoxes, outfrown, outgains, outgiven, outgives, outglare, outglows, outgnawn, outgnaws, outgoing, outgrins, outgross, outgroup, outgrown, outgrows, outguess, outguide, outhauls, outheard, outhears, outhomer, outhouse, outhowls, outhumor, outhunts, outjumps, outkeeps, outkicks, outkills, outlands, outlasts, outlaugh, outlawed, outlawry, outleaps, outleapt, outlearn, outliers, outlined, outliner, outlines, outlived, outliver, outlives, outlooks, outloved, outloves, outlying, outmarch, outmatch, outmoded, outmodes, outmoved, outmoves, outpaced, outpaces, outpaint, outpitch, outplans, outplays, outplods, outplots, outpoint, outpolls, outports, outposts, outpours, outprays, outpreen, outpress, outprice, outpulls, outpunch, outquote, outraced, outraces, outraged, outrages, outraise, outrance, outrange, outranks, outrated, outrates, outraved, outraves, outreach, outreads, outrider, outrides, outright, outrings, outrival, outroars, outrocks, outrolls, outroots, outrowed, outsails, outsavor, outscold, outscoop, outscore, outscorn, outsells, outserts, outserve, outshame, outshine, outshone, outshoot, outshout, outsider, outsides, outsight, outsings, outsized, outsizes, outskate, outskirt, outsleep, outslept, outsmart, outsmile, outsmoke, outsnore, outsoars, outsoles, outspans, outspeak, outspeed, outspell, outspelt, outspend, outspent, outspoke, outstand, outstare, outstart, outstate, outstays, outsteer, outstood, outstrip, outstudy, outstunt, outsulks, outsware, outswear, outswims, outswore, outsworn, outtakes, outtalks, outtasks, outtells, outthank, outthink, outthrew, outthrob, outthrow, outtower, outtrade, outtrick, outtrots, outtrump, outturns, outvalue, outvaunt, outvoice, outvoted, outvotes, outvying, outwaits, outwalks, outwards, outwaste, outwatch, outwears, outweary, outweeps, outweigh, outwhirl, outwiled, outwiles, outwills, outwinds, outworks, outwrite, outwrote, outyells, outyelps, outyield, overburn, overbusy, overbuys, overcure, overdubs, overfoul, overfull, overfund, overhaul, overhung, overhunt, overjust, overloud, overlush, overmuch, overplus, overpump, overrude, overruff, overrule, overruns, oversoul, oversuds, oversups, oversure, overture, overturn, overurge, overused, overuses, oviducal, oviducts, ovulated, ovulates, oxtongue, pabulums, pachouli, pachucos, paduasoy, pagurian, pagurids, pailfuls, pailsful, palliums, paludism, pandanus, pandours, panduras, panhuman, panicums, pantoums, pantsuit, papulose, paramour, paraquat, paraquet, parlours, paroquet, parquets, parvenue, parvenus, pasquils, passuses, pasteups, pastural, pastured, pasturer, pastures, patagium, patulent, patulous, pauldron, paunched, paunches, paupered, paviours, peaceful, peculate, peculiar, peculium, pedicure, peduncle, pellucid, pendular, pendulum, penguins, penuches, penuchis, penuchle, penuckle, penumbra, penuries, peplumed, pepluses, peponium, perdured, perdures, perfumed, perfumer, perfumes, perfused, perfuses, peridium, perilous, perilune, perineum, periques, perjured, perjurer, perjures, permuted, permutes, persuade, perturbs, perusals, perusers, perusing, pervious, petalous, petulant, petunias, petuntse, petuntze, phaseout, philtrum, physique, piacular, picayune, picquets, pictured, pictures, piecrust, pinchbug, pinnulae, pinnular, pinnules, pipefuls, piquancy, piraguas, pirarucu, pirogues, piroques, pishogue, pitchout, plaguers, plaguily, plaguing, planulae, planular, plastrum, plateaus, plateaux, plateful, platinum, platypus, plaudits, plausive, playsuit, pleasure, plectrum, pleurisy, pleuston, plexuses, ploughed, plougher, pluckers, pluckier, pluckily, plucking, pluggers, plugging, plugless, plugolas, plugugly, plumaged, plumages, plumbago, plumbers, plumbery, plumbing, plumbism, plumbous, plumbums, plumelet, plumiest, plumiped, plumlike, plummets, plummier, plumpens, plumpers, plumpest, plumping, plumpish, plumular, plumules, plunders, plungers, plunging, plunkers, plunking, plurally, plushest, plushier, plushily, plussage, plutonic, pluvials, pluviose, pluvious, poaceous, polluted, polluter, pollutes, polonium, polypous, polyuria, polyuric, pomatums, populace, populate, populism, populist, populous, porously, postburn, postcoup, postdrug, postique, postlude, postural, postured, posturer, postures, pothouse, potlucks, pouchier, pouching, poularde, poulards, poulters, poultice, pouncers, pouncing, poundage, poundals, pounders, pounding, pourable, poussies, poutiest, powerful, poxvirus, pratique, preadult, preaudit, prebound, precieux, precious, preclude, precured, precures, predusks, prefocus, prehuman, prejudge, preluded, preluder, preludes, prelunch, premiums, prepuces, prepunch, prepupal, pressrun, pressure, presumed, presumer, presumes, preunion, preunite, previous, prevuing, prideful, priedieu, primulas, primuses, printout, procural, procured, procurer, procures, produced, producer, produces, products, profound, prologue, promulge, pronotum, pronouns, propound, prorogue, protiums, protrude, proudest, proudful, prounion, provirus, prudence, pruinose, prunable, prunella, prunelle, prunello, prurient, prurigos, pruritic, pruritus, psyllium, pubertal, publican, publicly, puccoons, puckered, puckerer, puddings, puddlers, puddlier, puddling, pudendal, pudendum, pudgiest, pudibund, puffball, puffiest, pugarees, puggaree, puggiest, puggrees, puggries, pugilism, pugilist, pugmarks, puissant, pulicene, pulicide, pulingly, pullback, pullmans, pullouts, pullover, pulmonic, pulmotor, pulpally, pulpiest, pulpital, pulpless, pulpwood, pulsated, pulsates, pulsator, pulsejet, pulsions, pulsojet, pulvilli, pulvinar, pulvinus, pumicers, pumicing, pumicite, pummeled, pumpkins, pumpless, pumplike, puncheon, punchers, punchier, punchily, punching, punctate, punctual, puncture, punditic, punditry, pungency, pungling, puniness, punished, punisher, punishes, punition, punitive, punitory, punkiest, punniest, punsters, puparial, puparium, pupating, pupation, pupilage, pupilary, puppetry, puppydom, puppyish, purblind, purchase, purebred, pureeing, pureness, purfling, purgings, purified, purifier, purifies, puristic, puritans, purities, purlieus, purlines, purloins, purplest, purpling, purplish, purports, purposed, purposes, purpuras, purpures, purpuric, purpurin, pursiest, purslane, pursuant, pursuers, pursuing, pursuits, purulent, purveyed, purveyor, purviews, pushball, pushcart, pushdown, pushiest, pushover, pushpins, pushrods, pussiest, pussleys, pusslies, pusslike, pussycat, pustular, pustuled, pustules, putamina, putative, putridly, putsches, puttered, putterer, puttiers, puttying, puzzlers, puzzling, pygidium, pyritous, pyruvate, pyxidium, quackery, quacking, quackish, quackism, quadding, quadplex, quadrans, quadrant, quadrate, quadrats, quadrics, quadriga, quadroon, quaestor, quaffers, quaffing, quaggier, quagmire, quagmiry, quahaugs, quaiches, quailing, quainter, quaintly, quakiest, qualmier, qualmish, quandang, quandary, quandong, quantics, quantify, quantile, quanting, quantity, quantize, quantong, quarrels, quarried, quarrier, quarries, quartans, quartern, quarters, quartets, quartics, quartile, quartzes, quashers, quashing, quassias, quassins, quatorze, quatrain, quavered, quaverer, quayages, quaylike, quayside, queasier, queasily, queazier, queendom, queening, queerest, queering, queerish, quellers, quelling, quenched, quencher, quenches, quenelle, quercine, queridas, queriers, querists, querying, questers, questing, question, questors, quetzals, queueing, quezales, quibbled, quibbler, quibbles, quickens, quickest, quickies, quickset, quiddity, quidnunc, quietens, quieters, quietest, quieting, quietism, quietist, quietude, quillaia, quillais, quillaja, quillets, quilling, quilters, quilting, quincunx, quinelas, quinella, quiniela, quininas, quinines, quinnats, quinoids, quinolin, quinones, quinsies, quintain, quintals, quintans, quintars, quintets, quintics, quintile, quintins, quipping, quippish, quipster, quirkier, quirkily, quirking, quirting, quisling, quitches, quitrent, quitters, quitting, quittors, quivered, quiverer, quixotes, quixotic, quixotry, quizzers, quizzing, quoining, quoiting, quomodos, quotable, quotably, quotient, qurushes, racemous, rackfuls, racquets, radiuses, ragouted, rainouts, rambutan, ramentum, ramequin, ramulose, ramulous, rancours, raptured, raptures, ravenous, reaccuse, readjust, readouts, reargued, reargues, rearouse, reassume, reassure, rebought, rebounds, rebuffed, rebuilds, rebukers, rebuking, reburial, reburied, reburies, rebuttal, rebutted, rebutter, rebutton, rebuying, recluses, recounts, recouped, recouple, recourse, recruits, recurred, recurved, recurves, recusant, recusing, redargue, redouble, redoubts, redounds, redubbed, reducers, reducing, reductor, reduviid, reedbuck, reequips, refigure, refluent, refluxed, refluxes, refought, refounds, refueled, refugees, refuging, refugium, refunded, refunder, refusals, refusers, refusing, refusnik, refutals, refuters, refuting, regauged, regauges, regluing, reground, regroups, regulars, regulate, reguline, rehoused, rehouses, reincurs, reinduce, reinduct, reinfuse, reinjure, reinjury, reinsure, reissued, reissuer, reissues, rejudged, rejudges, rejuggle, relaunch, reliques, relucent, relucted, relumine, reluming, remarque, remounts, renature, renounce, renumber, reoccupy, reoccurs, reoutfit, reovirus, replumbs, replunge, repoured, repousse, republic, repugned, repulsed, repulser, repulses, repumped, repurify, repursue, reputing, requests, requiems, required, requirer, requires, requital, requited, requiter, requites, rerouted, reroutes, resalute, rescuers, rescuing, resculpt, resecure, residual, residues, residuum, resinous, resolute, resought, resounds, resource, resprout, resprung, restruck, restrung, restuffs, resubmit, resulted, resumers, resuming, resummon, resupine, resupply, resurged, resurges, resurvey, retaught, reticula, reticule, retinued, retinues, retinula, retuning, returned, returnee, returner, reunions, reunited, reuniter, reunites, reusable, reutters, revalued, revalues, revenual, revenued, revenuer, revenues, revolute, revuists, revulsed, rheniums, rhesuses, rheumier, rhizopus, rhodiums, rhonchus, rhubarbs, rhumbaed, rictuses, ridicule, rigaudon, rightful, rigorous, ritually, rivulets, rivulose, robuster, robustly, roebucks, rogueing, rollouts, romaunts, rondeaux, rondures, roomfuls, roqueted, rorquals, rosarium, rosebuds, rosebush, roseslug, rosinous, rostrums, rosulate, rotundas, rotundly, roturier, roughage, roughdry, roughens, roughers, roughest, roughhew, roughing, roughish, roughleg, rouilles, roulades, rouleaus, rouleaux, roulette, roundels, rounders, roundest, rounding, roundish, roundlet, roundups, roupiest, rousseau, rousters, rousting, routeman, routemen, routeway, routines, rubaboos, rubaiyat, rubasses, rubbaboo, rubbered, rubbings, rubbishy, rubblier, rubbling, rubdowns, rubellas, rubeolar, rubeolas, rubicund, rubidium, rubrical, rubylike, ruchings, ruckling, rucksack, ruckuses, ructions, ructious, ruddiest, ruddling, ruddocks, rudeness, ruderals, rudiment, ruefully, ruffians, rufflers, rufflier, rufflike, ruffling, ruggeder, ruggedly, rugosely, rugosity, rugulose, ruinable, ruinated, ruinates, ruleless, rumbaing, rumblers, rumbling, ruminant, ruminate, rummaged, rummager, rummages, rummiest, rumoring, rumoured, rumpless, rumplier, rumpling, rumpuses, runabout, runagate, runaways, runbacks, rundlets, rundowns, runelike, rungless, runkling, runniest, runnings, runovers, runround, runtiest, ruptured, ruptures, ruralise, ruralism, ruralist, ruralite, rurality, ruralize, rushiest, rushings, rushlike, rustable, rustical, rusticly, rustiest, rustlers, rustless, rustling, rutabaga, ruthenic, ruthless, rutilant, ruttiest, saboteur, sabulose, sabulous, saccular, saccules, sacculus, sackbuts, sackfuls, sacksful, saguaros, sahuaros, saltbush, salutary, saluters, saluting, samarium, sambhurs, sambucas, sambukes, samurais, sanctums, sandburr, sandburs, sandspur, sanguine, santours, sapajous, saporous, sastruga, sastrugi, satsumas, saturant, saturate, saucebox, saucepan, sauciest, saunters, saurians, sauropod, sausages, sauteing, sauterne, sautoire, sautoirs, saviours, savorous, savoured, savourer, sawbucks, sawdusts, saxtubas, scabious, scabrous, scalenus, scaleups, scandium, scapulae, scapular, scapulas, scarious, scaupers, schedule, schlumps, schmucks, scholium, schussed, schusser, schusses, scirrhus, scissure, sciurids, sciurine, sciuroid, sclerous, scoopful, scopulae, scopulas, scornful, scourers, scourged, scourger, scourges, scouring, scouters, scouther, scouting, screwups, scrofula, scrotums, scrouged, scrouges, scrounge, scroungy, scrubbed, scrubber, scrummed, scrupled, scruples, scrutiny, scudding, scuffing, scuffled, scuffler, scuffles, sculkers, sculking, scullers, scullery, sculling, scullion, sculping, sculpins, sculpted, sculptor, scumbled, scumbles, scumlike, scummers, scummier, scumming, scunners, scuppaug, scuppers, scurfier, scurried, scurries, scurrile, scurvier, scurvies, scurvily, scutages, scutched, scutcher, scutches, scutella, scutters, scuttled, scuttles, scuzzier, seamount, seaquake, seascout, secateur, secluded, secludes, seculars, secundly, secundum, securely, securers, securest, securing, security, sederunt, sedilium, seducers, seducing, seducive, sedulity, sedulous, segueing, seigneur, seisures, seizures, selcouth, selenium, selenous, sellouts, semimute, seminude, senarius, senseful, sensuous, sepalous, seppukus, septuple, sequelae, sequence, sequency, sequents, sequined, sequitur, sequoias, setulose, setulous, sextuple, sextuply, sexually, sfumatos, shadbush, shakeout, shakeups, shameful, shamuses, shantung, shapeups, shauling, sheenful, shelduck, shelfful, shiatsus, shiatzus, shlumped, shogunal, shootout, shortcut, shotguns, shoulder, shouldst, shouters, shouting, shrouded, shrugged, shrunken, shuckers, shucking, shudders, shuddery, shuffled, shuffler, shuffles, shunners, shunning, shunpike, shunters, shunting, shushing, shutdown, shuteyes, shutoffs, shutouts, shutters, shutting, shuttled, shuttles, sickouts, siddurim, siffleur, silicium, silicula, siliquae, siliques, sillabub, sillibub, silurids, siluroid, simaruba, simulant, simulars, simulate, sinciput, sinecure, sinfully, singular, sinuated, sinuates, sinusoid, sistrums, situated, situates, skellums, skillful, skinfuls, skulkers, skulking, skullcap, skunking, sleuthed, slipouts, slothful, slouched, sloucher, slouches, sloughed, slubbers, slubbing, sludgier, sluffing, slugabed, slugfest, sluggard, sluggers, slugging, sluggish, sluicing, slumbers, slumbery, slumgums, slumisms, slumlord, slummers, slummier, slumming, slumping, slurping, slurried, slurries, slurring, slushier, slushily, slushing, sluttish, smashups, smeddums, smoulder, smudgier, smudgily, smudging, smuggest, smuggled, smuggler, smuggles, smugness, smutched, smutches, smuttier, smuttily, smutting, snafuing, sneerful, snoutier, snouting, snoutish, snowbush, snowsuit, snubbers, snubbier, snubbing, snubness, snuffbox, snuffers, snuffier, snuffily, snuffing, snuffled, snuffler, snuffles, snuggery, snuggest, snuggies, snugging, snuggled, snuggles, snugness, soapsuds, soilures, sojourns, solanums, solarium, solatium, soliquid, solitude, solubles, solution, sombrous, sonobuoy, sonorous, sorghums, soubises, souchong, souffled, souffles, soughing, soulless, soullike, soundbox, sounders, soundest, sounding, soupcons, soupiest, sourball, sourdine, sourness, sourpuss, soursops, sourwood, soutache, soutanes, southern, southers, southing, southpaw, southron, souvenir, souvlaki, spacious, spadeful, spatular, spatulas, specious, spectrum, specular, speculum, speedups, spelunks, spermous, sphagnum, spherule, sphygmus, spiculae, spicular, spicules, spiculum, spinouts, spinulae, spinules, spirulae, spirulas, spiteful, splenium, splenius, splurged, splurger, splurges, splutter, spoonful, sportful, sporular, sporules, spousals, spousing, spouters, spouting, sprouted, sprucely, sprucest, sprucier, sprucing, spudders, spudding, spumiest, spumones, spumonis, spunkier, spunkies, spunkily, spunking, spurgall, spurious, spurners, spurning, spurrers, spurreys, spurrier, spurries, spurring, spurting, spurtles, sputniks, sputters, squabble, squadded, squadron, squalene, squalled, squaller, squalors, squamate, squamose, squamous, squander, squarely, squarers, squarest, squaring, squarish, squashed, squasher, squashes, squatted, squatter, squawked, squawker, squeaked, squeaker, squealed, squealer, squeegee, squeezed, squeezer, squeezes, squegged, squelchy, squibbed, squidded, squiffed, squiggle, squiggly, squilgee, squillae, squillas, squinted, squinter, squireen, squiring, squirish, squirmed, squirmer, squirrel, squirted, squirter, squished, squishes, squooshy, squushed, squushes, stackups, stadiums, stageful, stakeout, standout, stannous, stannums, stardust, startups, statuary, statures, statuses, statutes, staumrel, sternums, stewbums, stibiums, stickful, stickout, stickums, stickups, stimulus, stinkbug, stipular, stipuled, stipules, stirrups, stounded, stoutens, stoutest, stoutish, stratous, stratums, streusel, strucken, strudels, struggle, strummed, strummer, strumose, strumous, strumpet, strunted, strutted, strutter, stubbier, stubbily, stubbing, stubbled, stubbles, stubborn, stuccoed, stuccoer, stuccoes, studbook, studdies, studding, students, studfish, studiers, studious, studwork, studying, stuffers, stuffier, stuffily, stuffing, stuivers, stultify, stumbled, stumbler, stumbles, stumming, stumpage, stumpers, stumpier, stumping, stunners, stunning, stunsail, stunting, stuntman, stuntmen, stupider, stupidly, sturdied, sturdier, sturdies, sturdily, sturgeon, stutters, styluses, suasions, subabbot, subacrid, subacute, subadars, subadult, subagent, subahdar, subareas, subatoms, subaxial, subbases, subbasin, subbings, subblock, subbreed, subcaste, subcause, subcells, subchief, subclans, subclass, subclerk, subcodes, subcools, subcutes, subcutis, subdeans, subdepot, subduals, subduced, subduces, subducts, subduers, subduing, subdural, subedits, subentry, subepoch, suberect, suberins, suberise, suberize, suberose, suberous, subfield, subfiles, subfixes, subfloor, subfluid, subframe, subgenre, subgenus, subgoals, subgrade, subgraph, subgroup, subheads, subhuman, subhumid, subideas, subindex, subitems, subjects, subjoins, sublated, sublates, sublease, sublevel, sublimed, sublimer, sublimes, sublines, sublunar, submerge, submerse, subnasal, subniche, subnodal, suboptic, suborder, suborned, suborner, subovate, suboxide, subpanel, subparts, subpenas, subphase, subphyla, subplots, subpoena, subpolar, subpubic, subraces, subrents, subrings, subrules, subsales, subscale, subsects, subsense, subseres, subserve, subshaft, subshell, subshrub, subsided, subsider, subsides, subsists, subsites, subsoils, subsolar, subsonic, subspace, substage, substate, subsumed, subsumes, subtasks, subtaxon, subteens, subtends, subtests, subtexts, subtheme, subtiler, subtilin, subtilty, subtitle, subtlest, subtlety, subtones, subtonic, subtopia, subtopic, subtotal, subtract, subtrend, subtribe, subtunic, subtypes, subulate, subunits, suburban, suburbed, suburbia, subvened, subvenes, subverts, subvicar, subviral, subvocal, subwayed, subzones, succeeds, succinct, succinic, succinyl, succored, succorer, succours, succubae, succubus, succumbs, suchlike, suchness, suckered, suckfish, sucklers, suckless, suckling, sucrases, sucroses, suctions, sudaries, sudarium, sudation, sudatory, suddenly, sudsiest, sudsless, suffaris, suffered, sufferer, sufficed, sufficer, suffices, suffixal, suffixed, suffixes, sufflate, suffrage, suffused, suffuses, sugarier, sugaring, suggests, suicidal, suicided, suicides, suitable, suitably, suitcase, suitings, suitlike, sukiyaki, sulcated, sulfated, sulfates, sulfides, sulfinyl, sulfites, sulfitic, sulfones, sulfonic, sulfonyl, sulfured, sulfuret, sulfuric, sulfuryl, sulkiest, sullages, sullener, sullenly, sullying, sulphate, sulphide, sulphids, sulphite, sulphone, sulphurs, sulphury, sultanas, sultanic, sultrier, sultrily, summable, summands, summated, summates, summered, summerly, summital, summitry, summoned, summoner, sumpters, sumpweed, sunbaked, sunbathe, sunbaths, sunbeams, sunbeamy, sunbelts, sunbirds, sunburns, sunburnt, sunburst, sundered, sunderer, sundials, sundowns, sundress, sundries, sundrops, sunglass, sunglows, sunlamps, sunlands, sunlight, sunniest, sunproof, sunrises, sunroofs, sunrooms, sunscald, sunshade, sunshine, sunshiny, sunspots, sunstone, sunsuits, sunwards, superadd, superbad, superber, superbly, supercar, supercop, superego, superfan, superfix, superhit, supering, superior, superjet, superlay, superlie, superman, supermen, supermom, supernal, superpro, supersex, superspy, supertax, supinate, supinely, supplant, supplely, supplest, supplied, supplier, supplies, suppling, supports, supposal, supposed, supposer, supposes, suppress, supremer, supremos, surbased, surbases, surcease, surcoats, surefire, sureness, sureties, surfable, surfaced, surfacer, surfaces, surfbird, surfboat, surfeits, surffish, surfiest, surfings, surflike, surgeons, surgical, suricate, surliest, surmised, surmiser, surmises, surmount, surnamed, surnamer, surnames, surplice, surprint, surprise, surprize, surround, surroyal, surtaxed, surtaxes, surtouts, surveils, surveyed, surveyor, survival, survived, surviver, survives, survivor, suspects, suspends, suspense, suspired, suspires, sustains, susurrus, suturing, suzerain, swimsuit, swounded, swouning, syconium, syllabub, syllabus, synfuels, tableaus, tableaux, tableful, taboulis, taboured, tabourer, tabouret, tabulate, taciturn, tailleur, takeouts, talmudic, tamandua, tamandus, tamaraus, tamboura, tambours, tamburas, tankfuls, tantalum, tantalus, tantrums, taphouse, tartufes, tartuffe, tasteful, tatouays, taunters, taunting, taurines, tautaugs, tautened, tautness, tautomer, tautonym, teahouse, teetotum, tegument, tegumina, telluric, tempuras, tenacula, tenesmus, tenurial, tequilas, terbiums, terminus, testudos, tetotums, textuary, textural, textured, textures, thalamus, thallium, thallous, thankful, thesauri, theurgic, thiourea, thoriums, thorough, thoughts, thousand, thrombus, thrummed, thrummer, thruputs, thrushes, thrusted, thruster, thrustor, thruways, thudding, thuggees, thuggery, thuggish, thuliums, thumbing, thumbkin, thumbnut, thumpers, thumping, thunders, thundery, thunking, thurible, thurifer, thymuses, timaraus, timeouts, timorous, timpanum, tinamous, tincture, tinnitus, tissuing, tissular, titanium, titanous, titmouse, tittuped, tittuppy, titulars, titulary, toluates, toluenes, toluides, toluidin, toluoles, tomentum, tonguing, tonneaus, tonneaux, tonsured, tonsures, toreutic, torquate, torquers, torquing, tortious, tortuous, tortured, torturer, tortures, touchers, touchier, touchily, touching, touchups, toughens, toughest, toughies, toughing, toughish, touracos, tourings, tourisms, tourists, touristy, tourneys, tousling, touzling, traduced, traducer, traduces, trainful, tranquil, transude, trappous, trapunto, trauchle, traumata, trayfuls, treasure, treasury, tressour, tressure, tribunal, tribunes, tributes, triduums, trillium, trinkums, tristful, triticum, tritiums, triumphs, triumvir, triunity, troubled, troubler, troubles, trounced, trouncer, trounces, troupers, troupial, trouping, trousers, troutier, trouvere, trouveur, truanted, truantry, truckage, truckers, trucking, truckled, truckler, truckles, truckman, truckmen, trudgens, trudgeon, trudgers, trudging, trueblue, trueborn, truebred, truelove, trueness, truffled, truffles, truistic, trumeaux, trumpery, trumpets, trumping, truncate, trundled, trundler, trundles, trunkful, trunnels, trunnion, trussers, trussing, trusteed, trustees, trusters, trustful, trustier, trusties, trustily, trusting, trustors, truthful, tsunamic, tsunamis, tuataras, tuateras, tubaists, tubbable, tubbiest, tubeless, tubelike, tubenose, tubercle, tuberoid, tuberose, tuberous, tubework, tubiform, tubulate, tubulins, tubulose, tubulous, tubulure, tuckahoe, tuckered, tuftiest, tugboats, tughriks, tuitions, tullibee, tumblers, tumbling, tumbrels, tumbrils, tumefied, tumefies, tumidity, tummlers, tumorous, tumpline, tumulose, tumulous, tuneable, tuneably, tuneless, tungsten, tungstic, tunicate, tunicles, tunnages, tunneled, tunneler, tuppence, tuppenny, turacous, turbaned, turbeths, turbidly, turbinal, turbines, turbiths, turbocar, turbofan, turbojet, turfiest, turfless, turflike, turfskis, turgency, turgidly, turgites, turistas, turmeric, turmoils, turnable, turncoat, turndown, turnhall, turnings, turnkeys, turnoffs, turnouts, turnover, turnpike, turnsole, turnspit, turpeths, turquois, turreted, turrical, turtlers, turtling, tuskless, tusklike, tussises, tussling, tussocks, tussocky, tussores, tussucks, tutelage, tutelars, tutelary, tutorage, tutoress, tutorial, tutoring, tutoyers, tuxedoed, tuxedoes, tympanum, typhuses, ubieties, ubiquity, udometer, udometry, uglified, uglifier, uglifies, ugliness, uintaite, ukeleles, ukuleles, ulcerate, ulcering, ulcerous, ulexites, ulterior, ultimacy, ultimata, ultimate, ultradry, ultrahot, ultraism, ultraist, ultralow, ultrared, ululated, ululates, umangite, umbellar, umbelled, umbellet, umbering, umbilici, umbonate, umbrages, umbrella, umbrette, umlauted, umpirage, umpiring, umteenth, unabated, unabused, unafraid, unageing, unakites, unallied, unamused, unanchor, unaneled, unargued, unarming, unartful, unatoned, unavowed, unawaked, unawares, unbacked, unbanned, unbarbed, unbarred, unbathed, unbeared, unbeaten, unbelief, unbelted, unbended, unbenign, unbiased, unbidden, unbilled, unbitted, unbitten, unbitter, unblamed, unblocks, unbloody, unbodied, unbolted, unbonnet, unbosoms, unbought, unbouncy, unboxing, unbraced, unbraces, unbraids, unbraked, unbrakes, unbreech, unbridle, unbright, unbroken, unbuckle, unbuilds, unbundle, unburden, unburied, unburned, unbusted, unbutton, uncaging, uncaking, uncalled, uncandid, uncapped, uncaring, uncashed, uncasing, uncasked, uncatchy, uncaught, uncaused, unchains, unchancy, uncharge, unchaste, unchewed, unchicly, unchoked, unchokes, unchosen, unchurch, uncially, unciform, uncinate, unclamps, unclasps, unclench, unclinch, uncloaks, unclosed, uncloses, unclothe, unclouds, uncloyed, uncoated, uncocked, uncoffin, uncoiled, uncoined, uncombed, uncomely, uncommon, uncooked, uncooled, uncorked, uncouple, uncovers, uncrated, uncrates, uncreate, uncrowns, unctions, unctuous, uncuffed, uncurbed, uncurled, uncursed, undamped, undaring, undecked, undenied, underact, underage, underarm, underate, underbid, underbud, underbuy, undercut, underdid, underdog, undereat, underfed, underfur, undergod, underjaw, underlap, underlay, underlet, underlie, underlip, underlit, underpay, underpin, underran, underrun, undersea, underset, undertax, undertow, underway, undevout, undimmed, undoable, undocile, undocked, undoings, undotted, undouble, undraped, undrapes, undreamt, undulant, undulate, undulled, unearned, unearths, uneasier, uneasily, unedible, unedited, unending, unenvied, unequals, unerased, unerotic, unerring, unevaded, unevener, unevenly, unexotic, unexpert, unfading, unfairer, unfairly, unfaiths, unfallen, unfamous, unfasten, unfeared, unfenced, unfences, unfetter, unfilial, unfilled, unfilmed, unfished, unfitted, unfixing, unflashy, unflexed, unfoiled, unfolded, unfolder, unforced, unforged, unforgot, unforked, unformed, unfought, unframed, unfreeze, unfrocks, unfrozen, unfunded, unfurled, ungainly, ungalled, ungenial, ungentle, ungently, ungifted, ungirded, unglazed, ungloved, ungloves, ungluing, ungotten, ungowned, ungraced, ungraded, ungreedy, unguards, unguenta, unguents, unguided, ungulate, unhailed, unhaired, unhallow, unhalved, unhanded, unhanged, unharmed, unhatted, unhealed, unheated, unhedged, unheeded, unhelmed, unhelped, unheroic, unhinged, unhinges, unholier, unholily, unhooded, unhooked, unhorsed, unhorses, unhoused, unhouses, unhusked, unialgal, uniaxial, unicolor, unicorns, unicycle, unideaed, unifaces, unifiers, unifilar, uniforms, unifying, unilobed, unimbued, unionise, unionism, unionist, unionize, unipolar, uniquely, uniquest, unironed, unisexes, unisonal, unissued, unitages, unitards, unitedly, unitized, unitizer, unitizes, unitrust, univalve, universe, univocal, unjoined, unjoints, unjoyful, unjudged, unjustly, unkenned, unkennel, unkinder, unkindly, unkingly, unkinked, unkissed, unknowns, unkosher, unlacing, unlading, unlashed, unlashes, unlawful, unlaying, unleaded, unlearns, unlearnt, unleased, unlethal, unletted, unlevels, unlevied, unlicked, unlikely, unlimber, unlinked, unlisted, unlively, unliving, unloaded, unloader, unlocked, unloosed, unloosen, unlooses, unlovely, unloving, unmakers, unmaking, unmanful, unmanned, unmapped, unmarked, unmarred, unmasked, unmasker, unmatted, unmeetly, unmellow, unmelted, unmended, unmeshed, unmeshes, unmewing, unmilled, unmingle, unmiters, unmitred, unmitres, unmodish, unmolded, unmolten, unmoored, unmoving, unmuffle, unmuzzle, unnailed, unneeded, unnerved, unnerves, unopened, unornate, unpacked, unpacker, unpaired, unparted, unpaying, unpegged, unpenned, unpeople, unperson, unpicked, unpiling, unpinned, unpitied, unplaced, unplaits, unplayed, unpliant, unplowed, unpoetic, unpoised, unpolite, unpolled, unposted, unpotted, unpretty, unpriced, unprimed, unprized, unprobed, unproved, unproven, unpruned, unpucker, unpurged, unpuzzle, unquiets, unquoted, unquotes, unraised, unranked, unravels, unreally, unreason, unreeled, unreeler, unreeved, unreeves, unrented, unrepaid, unrepair, unrested, unrhymed, unriddle, unrifled, unrigged, unrinsed, unripely, unripest, unripped, unrobing, unrolled, unroofed, unrooted, unrounds, unrulier, unrushed, unrusted, unsaddle, unsafely, unsafety, unsalted, unsavory, unsaying, unscaled, unscrews, unsealed, unseamed, unseared, unseated, unseeded, unseeing, unseemly, unseized, unserved, unsettle, unsewing, unsexing, unsexual, unshaded, unshaken, unshamed, unshaped, unshapen, unshared, unshaved, unshaven, unshells, unshifts, unshrunk, unsicker, unsifted, unsights, unsigned, unsilent, unsinful, unslaked, unsliced, unslings, unsmoked, unsnarls, unsoaked, unsocial, unsoiled, unsolder, unsolved, unsonsie, unsorted, unsought, unsoured, unspeaks, unsphere, unspoilt, unspoken, unsprung, unstable, unstably, unstacks, unstated, unstates, unsteady, unsteels, unsticks, unstitch, unstoned, unstraps, unstress, unstring, unstrung, unstuffy, unsubtle, unsubtly, unsuited, unsurely, unswathe, unswayed, unswears, untacked, untagged, untangle, untanned, untapped, untasted, untaught, untended, untented, untested, untether, unthawed, unthinks, unthread, unthrone, untidied, untidier, untidies, untidily, untilled, untilted, untimely, untinged, untipped, untiring, untitled, untoward, untraced, untreads, untrendy, untruest, untrusty, untruths, untucked, untufted, untuning, unturned, untwined, untwines, untwists, ununited, unusable, unvalued, unvaried, unveiled, unveined, unversed, unviable, unvoiced, unvoices, unwalled, unwaning, unwanted, unwarier, unwarily, unwarmed, unwarned, unwarped, unwashed, unwasted, unweaned, unweaves, unwedded, unweeded, unweight, unwelded, unwetted, unwieldy, unwifely, unwilled, unwinder, unwisdom, unwisely, unwisest, unwished, unwishes, unwitted, unwonted, unwooded, unworked, unworthy, unyeaned, unyoking, unzipped, upbearer, upboiled, upbraids, upbuilds, upchucks, upclimbs, upcoiled, upcoming, upcurled, upcurved, upcurves, updarted, updaters, updating, updiving, updrafts, updrying, upending, upflings, upflowed, upfolded, upgather, upgazing, upgirded, upgraded, upgrades, upgrowth, upheaped, upheaval, upheaved, upheaver, upheaves, uphoards, upholder, uplander, upleaped, uplifted, uplifter, uplights, upmarket, uppercut, uppiling, uppishly, upraised, upraiser, upraises, upreared, uprights, uprisers, uprising, uprivers, uprootal, uprooted, uprooter, uproused, uprouses, uprushed, uprushes, upsetter, upshifts, upshoots, upsilons, upsoared, upsprang, upspring, upsprung, upstaged, upstages, upstairs, upstands, upstared, upstares, upstarts, upstater, upstates, upstream, upstroke, upsurged, upsurges, upsweeps, upswells, upswings, upthrown, upthrows, upthrust, uptilted, uptossed, uptosses, uptowner, uptrends, upturned, upwafted, upwardly, upwelled, uraemias, uraeuses, uralites, uralitic, uranides, uranisms, uranites, uranitic, uraniums, uranylic, urbanely, urbanest, urbanise, urbanism, urbanist, urbanite, urbanity, urbanize, uredinia, ureteral, ureteric, urethane, urethans, urethrae, urethral, urethras, urgently, urgingly, uridines, urinated, urinates, urinemia, urinemic, urochord, urodeles, uroliths, urologic, uropodal, uropygia, uroscopy, urostyle, ursiform, urticant, urticate, urushiol, usaunces, usefully, ushering, usquabae, usquebae, ustulate, usufruct, usurious, usurpers, usurping, utensils, uteruses, utilidor, utilised, utiliser, utilises, utilized, utilizer, utilizes, utopians, utopisms, utopists, utricles, utriculi, utterers, uttering, uvularly, uvulitis, uxorious, vacuolar, vacuoles, vacuumed, valguses, valorous, valuable, valuably, valuated, valuates, valuator, valvulae, valvular, valvules, vanadium, vanadous, vanguard, vanquish, vaporous, vapoured, vapourer, vaqueros, variorum, vascular, vasculum, vaulters, vaultier, vaulting, vaunters, vauntful, vaunting, vavasour, veinules, veinulet, velarium, veloutes, veluring, vendeuse, vengeful, venomous, venously, ventured, venturer, ventures, venturis, venulose, venulous, veratrum, verdured, verdures, verecund, verjuice, vermoulu, vermouth, vermuths, verrucae, vesicula, vestural, vestured, vestures, vesuvian, vexillum, viaducts, viaticum, viburnum, victuals, vicugnas, vigorous, vinculum, vinously, viperous, virgules, virtuosa, virtuose, virtuosi, virtuoso, virtuous, virucide, virulent, viscount, visually, vitellus, vitreous, vituline, vivarium, voiceful, voluming, volutins, volution, volvulus, vomitous, vouchees, vouchers, vouching, voussoir, vouvrays, voyageur, vuggiest, vulcanic, vulgarer, vulgarly, vulgates, vulguses, vultures, vulvitis, waesucks, waftures, walkouts, walruses, wamefous, wamefuls, wammuses, wampuses, warmouth, washouts, washtubs, wasteful, watchful, watchout, watthour, wauchted, waughted, weariful, wellcurb, whiteout, whodunit, whumping, wickiups, wickyups, wilfully, williwau, windburn, wipeouts, withouts, woefully, wondrous, woodcuts, woodruff, workouts, worthful, wouldest, wounding, wrackful, wrathful, wreckful, wrongful, wrothful, xanthous, yamulkas, yarmulke, yoghourt, yoghurts, yokozuna, youngers, youngest, youngish, younkers, yourself, youthens, youthful, yttriums, yuckiest, yuletide, yummiest, zaibatsu, zarzuela, zastruga, zastrugi, ziggurat, zikkurat, zikurats, zucchini
1 answer