Due South - 1994 Burning Down the House 3-1 is rated/received certificates of:
UK:PG (video rating) (1997) (2006)
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Due South - 1994 Burning Down the House 3-1 was released on:
Canada: 14 September 1997
USA: 14 September 1997
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United Airlines Flight 175 hit the south tower at 9:03 am.
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The British focused attacking the Capitol by burning it and ransacking it.
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The Burning Season - 1994 TV is rated/received certificates of:
Canada:14+ (Ontario)
South Korea:15
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There is two exits, one south, one north, the north leads to the Searing Gorge, the south one leads to Burning Steppes. There pretty simple to find.
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eastern kingdoms, in the blasted lands, south of nerthergarde keep.
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Sherman - in the course of his punitive raids across Georgia and South Carolina.
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general sherman
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It is impossible to determine the length of time that some fires have been burning. Coal fires, for example, can burn for decades, and even longer.
One of the world's longest burning coal fires can be found at the Burning Mountain Reserve at Wingen, in northern New South Wales, Australia. This coal fire is estimated to have been burning for 6000 years.
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It is impossible to determine the length of time that some fires have been burning. Coal fires, for example, can burn for decades, and even longer.
One of the world's longest burning coal fires can be found at the Burning Mountain Reserve at Wingen, in northern New South Wales, Australia. This coal fire is estimated to have been burning for 6000 years.
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The expression "went south" is used to define failure, loss or a bad experience and started after the Civil War. "Went South" was used in a derogatory manner to infer that anything from the South was bad, a failure. The term is attributed to General William Sherman during the burning of Atlanta.
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serving as spies and scouts
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Starting with the burning of Atlanta, and heading South-East to Savannah in a swathe fifty miles wide.
Then crossing the river into South Carolina, to continue the punitive mission.
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Burning synagogues (Jewish places of worship) was one way of expressing hatred and intimidating Jews. (Compare with the burning of Black churches in the Deep South). It also made it very clear to the Jews that they were unwanted in Germany.
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General William Tecumseh Sherman is often credited with the destruction of much of the South during the Civil War. His "March to the Sea" in 1864 resulted in the burning of Atlanta and the devastation of many towns and plantations in his path.
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Home in the valley
Home in the city
Home isn't pretty
Ain't no home for me
Home in the darkness
Home on the highway
Home isn't my way
Home will never be
Burn out the day
C: Burn out the day
Burn out the night
C: Burn out tonight
4x([And] I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
C:I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you)
I'm burning for youuuuu
Time is the essence
Time is the season
Time ain't no reason
Got no time to slow
Time everlasting
Time to play besides
Time ain't on my side
Time I'll never know
Burn out the day
C:Burn out the day
Burn out the night
C:Burn out tonight
4x([And] I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
C:I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you)
Burn out the day
Burn out the day
Burn out the night
And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you [repeat]
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Burning cotton will smell like burning paper because both cotton and paper come from plants and burning wool smells like burning hair because both wool and hair comes from animals.
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Otelo Burning - 2011 was released on:
South Africa: 21 July 2011 (Durban International Film Festival)
South Korea: 8 October 2011 (Pusan International Film Festival)
South Africa: 30 December 2011
Germany: 17 October 2012 (Schlingel Film Festival)
USA: 9 November 2012 (New York City, New York)
Poland: 12 April 2013 (Warsaw Afrykamera)
Taiwan: 26 May 2013 (Funafrica)
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Burning Mountain is the common name for Mount Wingen, New South Wales, Australia. It gets its name from a smouldering coal seam running through sandstone. Apparently, it has burned for approximately 6,000 years. Which makes it the oldest known coal fire.
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Because burning is a a reaction with oxygen, an oxydation.
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He advocated burning the constitution because it allowed slavery. He wanted to free all slaves with no compensation to their owners which called for a war on the South.
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the products of a burning candle are water vapor and carbon dioxide
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Burning sulfur, or burning anything, is a chemical change.
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If you have rosacea, the burning is from the rash. You can put an ice pack on it to help with the burning.
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Sherman and his idea of Total War was, him and his troops of 60,000 sweeping the South, and killing everyone, and burning everything in front of and behind him. He started on the border of the Mississippi River, and swept completely across the South all the way to the sea.
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The burning of Persepolis was intended as revenge for Xerxes' invasion and burning of Athens during the Greco-Persian Wars.
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Burning sulfur, or burning anything, is a chemical change.
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Burning sulfur, or burning anything, is a chemical change.
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for basic burning, ex. data burning, pictures and files, all you need is a simple DVD burning software.
however, for advanced burning, ex. copying protected dvds, burning split discs, burning episodic movies and etc., you need a DVD burning/authoring software.
it really depends on your DVD burning needs.
best that you choose an all-in-one DVD burning/authoring software that lets you burn from simple to more advanced burning functions.
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Pine burns easily, but quickly. It can be good to get a fire started. It generates a lot of creosote, and the chimney will need cleaning more often.
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Sherman practiced total war. He burned crops and cities and turned railroad ties into scrap. He is known for burning Atlanta one of the largest cities of the south.
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There are a few buildings that have survived the Burning of Chambersburg in July 30 , 1864 ; they are : the old Chambersburg Jail ( later known as the Kitteninny Historical Society ), the Freemason Church ( located on South Second Street ) , and the John Brown House ( where the Abolitionist stayed before leaving for Harper Ferry ).
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Complete burning of gas results in the production of carbon dioxide and water, whereas incomplete burning results in the production of carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Complete burning is more efficient and produces fewer harmful emissions compared to incomplete burning.
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The burning of carbon - be it food in plants and animals or from burning fuel or from burning forests.
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Burning wood is a chemical reaction because combustion (burning) is an oxidation reaction.
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Burning Daylight The Adventures of 'Burning Daylight' in Civilization - 1914 was released on:
USA: October 1914
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