Trot, tilt, tent, test, tart, teat, tuft, text, toot, that, twit.
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on a cow or perhaps a goat you use that to clean of the teat before you would put the milking device on it and after you take the milking device of you clean the teat again
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Cannot recall seeing one- the teat fires I have seen were Moore & Williams. Allen DID make a lipfire revolver- like a rimfire, but had a rim only on part of the circumference on the case head. And smallest teat fire I have seen was .31 cal, not .22.
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The small foals were getting their milk from the teats of their mother.
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It could have an injury or gynecomastica
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In zoology, a "tit" refers to a small songbird of the Paridae family, such as a chickadee or a titmouse. On the other hand, a "teat" is a nipple or mammary gland on a female mammal, including humans, used for nursing offspring. The key distinction is that "tit" is a term specific to certain bird species, while "teat" is a biological feature found in female mammals for lactation.
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The spelling "tit" is a bird (titwillow), or a slang for breast (from teat).
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After reaching the mother's pouch, newborn joeys are permanently attached to the teat in the mother's pouch, so they feed on mothers' milk. The teat swells in their mouth as soon as they clamp on, so they cannot be accidentally dislodged.
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A baby bottle is a bottle equipped with a teat, allowing babies to drink from it.
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Xavier Renegade Angel - 2007 The 6th Teat of Good Intentions 1-4 was released on:
USA: 25 November 2007
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The meaning of the word teat is an protuberance from a female mammal's body used to secrete a milky fluid full of nutrients to feed their young. These usually typically come in pairs ranging from just one pair to five or over.
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There are four teats to a cow's udder. They are used for suckling a calf. In milk production, hand milking may be used, but large scale operations use milking machines (and reserve hand milking for sick cows, so that the contaminated milk does not go into the holding tank).
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they protect from threat & the young suckle from the mothers teat.
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He could have gynecomastica which is a hereditary condition in some breeds of goats
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Short sausage shaped balloons with a little teat on the end
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a fair teat is when you don't have too much of one thing but too little of the other say if you was doing a teat of how much salt was in tap water and how much salt is in rain water you will have to make sure you have the same amount of both liquids.
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Numbats are marsupials, so their young (called joeys) are born extremely undeveloped. Unlike most marsupials, numbats do not have a pouch for the young, but they cling to the mother's underbelly fur whilst attached to a teat. The teat swells in the joey's mouth, securing it in place.
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a fair teat is when you don't have too much of one thing but too little of the other say if you was doing a teat of how much salt was in tap water and how much salt is in rain water you will have to make sure you have the same amount of both liquids.
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They drink it. They use a sucking reflex on the teat to draw the milk out, then swallow it.
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No they suck on it. They form a vacuum with their mouths to get the milk out of the teat.
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a fair teat is when you don't have too much of one thing but too little of the other say if you was doing a teat of how much salt was in tap water and how much salt is in rain water you will have to make sure you have the same amount of both liquids.
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Heifers grow teats when they start producing milk, which is either right before they calve, right after, or during pregnancy. The teat canals make the teat grow bigger because of the milk filling up in the cavity, which is released when the new calf begins to suckle.
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Young marsupials develop mainly in the pouch.
There are some species, such as the numbat, which do not develop in a pouch because the female has no pouch. In the case of the numbat, the young cling to the mother's underside, still firmly attached to the teat by their mouth, as the teat swells up in the embryo's mouth.
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Teat pipettes are used in science for transferring precise volumes of liquid. They are commonly used in chemistry and biology experiments where accurate measurements are important. Teat pipettes are particularly useful for delivering small volumes of solutions during experiments.
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When a hare is a baby it sucks it's mums teat, when it's older it chews with it's teeth
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They are easy to get rid of. Just about anything kills them but you have to teat the carpet and take special care to get the edges.
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The term "zit" may have come from the German word "Zitze" which means "teat, nipple".
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Yes. Farmers raising Yaks in Tibet depend upon Yak milk for a portion of their diet.
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Because people milk them. Same stimulation as if a calf was sucking the teat.
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CBT (Cognitive-behavioral therapy)
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Front Page with Allen Barton - 2009 Weaning NPR Taking Liberal Radio Off the Gov't Teat was released on:
USA: 19 March 2011
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